These 5 Plants Bring Bad Luck: Do Not Keep Them at Home!

Nothing like a beautifully decorated balcony, adorned with lush plants. And what could be more refreshing and soothing than a little greenery sprinkled here and there inside the home?

Certainly, it is strongly recommended to be surrounded by some depolluting plants to purify the air, but also to allow you to reconnect with nature. Be careful, however, because not all plants are necessarily benevolent. According to the principles of Feng Shui, certain plants should not take up residence in your home.

Especially those that bring bad luck, attract bad luck, and lead to relationship conflicts. One of them would even carry a lot of negative energy, which should absolutely be banned from your living room according to Feng Shui. Quickly find out what plant it is!

Some ancient beliefs and urban legends still hold so much impact in people's minds. In particular the most superstitious who redouble their efforts to remove the slightest negative wave from their environment.

Well, if you believe that there are beneficial indoor plants that attract good energies and bring good luck to their hosts, the philosophy of Feng Shui indicates that you must, at the same time, move away from all “unlucky” plants.

As a reminder, this thousand-year-old Chinese discipline aims to optimize the good energies in homes. It is involved in various fields, including interior design and decoration. Regarding plants, the choice of species and location is fundamental.


Which Plant Brings Bad Luck Inside Your House?

Which Plant Brings Bad Luck Inside Your House

It may look adorable and atypical, although not harmless because of its thorns, but you have to beware of the cactus. According to furnishing experts, this prickly plant is not the most suitable for attracting luck and abundance. Quite the contrary.

According to the practice of Feng Shui, its thorns store bad energy: anger, stress, and anxiety. If the plant is installed in the living room, it can easily stir up trouble in the house, and create tension and discord between household members.

According to some beliefs, the cactus is also an ominous plant bringing bad luck and poverty. Should you banish it from your environment? Not completely. In fact, it's all about location.

For the cactus, in this case, if you install it on the terrace or in the garden, it would have beneficial powers: it can, in fact, protect your home from evil forces and negative energies.



Other Plants that Attract Negative Vibes: To Be Absolutely Avoided!

Other Plants that Attract Negative Vibes To Be Absolutely Avoided!




A tropical Asian plant, also known as the “Flower of Solitude” or “Devil's Ivy,” Scindapsus is an unassuming, easy-care evergreen vine. This vine, highly prized by flower growers, is known as Epipremnum.

It brings freshness and brightness to the room. However, according to certain beliefs, it would not be tender with the male sex that it would tend to keep away.

The men end up leaving the house, leaving the women to their solitude. If you want to preserve marital peace or if you are looking for love, it is better to keep this plant away from your home.


Lawsonia inermis

Lawsonia inermis

This plant is known for its special dye which allows temporary henna tattooing. Some people believe that it attracts evil spirits, in the same vein as the “Tamarind” plant.

It would therefore not be a good idea to integrate it into your interior. In general, it is often advisable to avoid thorny shrubs that retain negative vibes in their thorns. If you don't want to attract bad luck and negative thoughts, it's better not to let them into your home and keep them outside instead.


Cyperus – Umbrella Grass

Cyperus - Umbrella Grass

The so-called “Vampire Flower” is a powerful plant whose energy can affect every member of the household. Thus, opinions differ: some believe that this medicinal plant is benevolent and that it is full of positive energy, while others have an opposite point of view.

According to superstitions associated with vampirism, the flower of Cyperus neutralizes all forms of vitality: it is believed that it absorbs much more energy during the night.

Accordingly, it is not recommended to put these flowers in the bedroom, otherwise in the morning the owners will not wake up on the right foot and may be tired all day.




Although it is a noble and beautiful plant, its presence inside the house as in the garden can bring bad luck to the inhabitants. In other words, its attractive appearance is deceptive.

The philodendron grows particularly well in open spaces and large rooms, which gives it a certain charisma. But you have to be wary of it, because apparently, it attracts more misunderstandings and conflicts than happiness and serenity.

If this plant hangs around for a long time, it can even destroy family relationships and lead to divorce. No, it is not welcome in your home!


These 5 Plants Bring Bad Luck Do Not Keep Them at Home Pin


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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