4 Ways to Embrace Your Feminine Energy & Connect with Your Inner Goddess

The world's foundation is feminine energy, which serves as the creative force that propels masculine energy into action and progress.

In order for the world to move forward, there must be a harmony between feminine energy and masculine energy.

Unfortunately, many women in today's society have lost touch with their natural feminine energy because they believe they live in a male-dominated world.

Actually, the truth is that if you believe that you live in a male-dominated world and that your only job is to raise children and cook in the kitchen so that your husband can advance his career, then you will probably live in that reality as well.

Every woman has a certain amount of feminine energy, but how that energy manifests itself in her life is entirely up to her.

There has never been a time in history when women have had more rights, opportunities, and choices to shape their own futures than right now.

They are able to have successful careers, follow their dreams, and run successful businesses, all while being wonderful wives and parents to their children. Every woman should know that feminine energy is a strength, not a weakness.

Feminine energy and the fact that men and women have different qualities are also less appreciated today because it does not favor the struggle for equality that many women are fighting.

But, alas, this fight for equality has unfortunately taken a wrong turn in a way that will prove to be fatal for feminine energy. Today it is almost a shame to be a housewife, to prioritize family and a husband.

It is no longer even considered a success to be a wife and mother, which devalues feminine energy and leaves a woman feeling empty from the inside.

As a consequence, women are subjected to pressure, most of which comes from other women and not from men, to have multiple jobs, to work until they drop out, and to sacrifice everything for their careers.

However, can we really say that this is what women need and want? Why should it be considered a failure on the part of a woman if she, for a period of time, raises her child, cooks for her husband, relaxes in hot baths, and has amazing sex?

All of this connects her to her divine feminine and heals her spiritually, and it is never shameful for a woman to be aware of her feminine energy.


What is Feminine Energy?

What is Feminine Energy?

A set of traits that are distinct from those typically associated with masculine energy is what we call feminine energy. Feminine energy is the energy of being, whereas masculine energy is the energy of action.

Masculine energy is purposeful and creates progress, while feminine energy helps us enjoy the moment and relax.

Since the modern woman is no longer in touch with her feminine energy (men too), they are stressed, overworked, and out of balance in life.

This is because the wonderful feminine energy is the one that creates life and art, as well as the love that nourishes us and helps us heal.

Therefore, when we detach ourselves from this energy, we make ourselves victims of modern survival and we lose a significant amount of emotional sense and a sense of what it is like to be alive.

Having a job that you enjoy is a wonderful thing; however, in order to have a life that is truly balanced, you also need to love yourself and love those around you.



Do Women have Masculine Energy too?

Women have more feminine energy than men do by nature, but they also have just enough masculine energy to balance it out.

When a woman is actively working toward achieving her goals, gaining new knowledge, and expanding her skills, she radiates masculine energy.

On the other hand, her feminine energy comes through when she dances, sings, loves, and just generally enjoys life and creating art.

Masculine energy is the energy that assists us in sustaining life, whereas feminine energy expresses the things that are worth living for.

It is also important to keep in mind that feminine and masculine energies do not necessarily express traditional gender roles.

Both feminine and masculine energies are distinct modes of existence, and both men and women are capable of embracing either or both of these energies and playing any role they see fit in their own lives.

Even though he has more masculine energy, a man can still be in a feminine stereotypical gender role.

On the other hand, a woman has more feminine energy, but in addition to this positive energy, she can also enjoy the benefits associated with a male gender role.

Above all else, feminine energy is associated with nurturing, despite the fact that many women are shamed for embracing it.

A woman can fully live out her feminine energy and her feminine gender role without hiding behind her degree, her resume, and her business, without proving herself to anyone.

Therefore, when a woman decides to be a homemaker and care for her children, she is making the decision to be authentic and work toward her goals, not out of a sense of obligation.



How Female Energy is Suppressed

How Female Energy is Suppressed

The shame that many modern women feel about their femininity leads them to suppress their natural energies.

They get caught up in many projects and jobs, and they are so focused on advancing their careers that they become insensitive to the things going on around them.

All of this is in order to achieve some kind of freedom as if it could slip out of their hands at any moment.

Therefore, a woman who fully embraces her feminine energy is happy just by focusing on being a mother, a wife, and being taken care of.

She does not see anything wrong with the fact that her man supports her financially and finds honor in providing for his family.

This is a woman who knows that success and graduation do not define who she is as a person and who takes pride in being a woman.

If she sincerely believes that becoming a mother is the most important thing in her life, then she may make that choice.

By doing this, she embraces her feminine energy, which is the power to nurture others and help them grow while simultaneously enjoying and exploring her own self by simply being who she chooses to be.

On the other hand, women who pursue careers and run businesses are so reliant on their masculine energy, they lose connection with their feminine energy.

They are so controlling and independent that they will tell a man that he's not necessary. Many people, sometimes unintentionally, start to view feminine energy as a sign of weakness and grossly underestimate a man's masculinity.

As a consequence, many women who are focused on their careers have a hard time finding romantic success, struggle with their identity as mothers, and struggle to find men who are capable of taking care of them.

Because they are unable to strike a balance between the demands of their professional lives and their feminine energy, they find themselves becoming overburdened by stress and work, and they often feel they always have something to prove to someone.

Whether she is a mother of three or the CEO of an ambitious company, when a woman finally feels comfortable in her own skin and being, it is because she has reconnected with her natural feminine energy.



What are the Benefits of Embracing Feminine Energy?

Once a woman accepts her feminine energy, she will feel perfectly at ease in the role of nurturer and she will be irresistible to her partner. This is true even if she is very successful in business.

If she is a housewife, she will understand the importance of her feminine powers and steadily work towards her personal goals without stress.

However, if she is constantly growing in her career, she will know when to turn off her masculine energy and become more conscious of her womanhood.

It transforms her into a woman who is aware of her divine, loving, and creative feminine energy and who understands that she can have a family while also pursuing the things that are important to her.

This is also the case for a woman who is emotionally and spiritually fulfilled in being a mother, a wife, and an excellent nurturer.

However, just because a woman radiates a lot of feminine energy does not mean that she is weak or submissive in any way. Women with a lot of feminine energy are naturally attractive to good men.

The power to be warm, gentle, and kind, as well as the willingness to put others before you, are all aspects of feminine energy.

It is the ability to use feminine wisdom in the right way to balance life itself, and therefore it is important never to suppress this energy.

In conclusion, just like yin and yang, masculine energy and feminine energy are two separate forces that complete each other and are needed for everything to be in a state of balance.



Ways to Embrace Your Feminine Energy

Ways to Embrace Your Feminine Energy

The modern way of life has a greater impact than ever before on suppressing feminine energy. People, especially women, work all the time without the ability to just live and enjoy the moment.

You work towards something that doesn't appear to have an end goal or purpose beyond basic survival, and you don't reward yourself at any point along the way.

Women and men who do not allow this energy into their lives work hard to achieve profitable goals, but they do not love enough.

As a consequence, they believe that they are making the most of their lives, but in reality, they have a lot of regrets because they have been consumed by materialism and work without ever being completely free.

However, feminine energy is all-encompassing and fluctuating like the ocean.


1. Dance and wear loose clothes

1. Dance and wear loose clothes

When we wear skirts, underwear, or any other type of clothing that allows us to be free, we open ourselves up to the possibility of feeling feminine energy.

For this reason, turning up the music volume and dancing in a lingerie set or a skirt is a fantastic idea.

Admire your body and fully accept and love every inch of it while you enjoy the present moment. Acknowledge that this is your natural form, and embrace your feminine energy.

After all, feminine energy is always on the move and free.


2. Allow yourself to be emotional and vulnerable

2. Allow yourself to be emotional and vulnerable

Not only does feminine energy give us with the strength to triumph over adversity and endure suffering, but it also allows us to empathize with others and communicate our feelings.

Therefore, to connect with your feminine energy and fully embrace it, put on a sad or romantic movie and allow yourself to feel.

Consider all of the feelings that you suppressed by channeling your masculine energy in order to be functional at work and in life. Allow yourself to be human and feel and accept every bit of this pain.

The moment we become insensitive, we also lose our empathy, which transforms us into lifeless shells devoid of humanity.


3. Be creative and motivated

3. Be creative and motivated

A flow of creativity is also associated with feminine energy, and you do not need to be an experienced artist in order to feel this energy.

Create art, dance, or even just make beautiful things to express your inner goddess. The world would be devoid of beauty were it not for the feminine energy that gives life.

This energy is the one responsible for the creation of the songs that we sing, the poetry that we read, and the art that we admire.

According to a proverb that I try to live by, the world would be devoid of meaning without it:

“If you’re looking for hell, ask the artist where it is. If you don’t find the artist then you are already in hell.”


4. Make your partner feel needed and appreciate his masculine energy

4. Make your partner feel needed and appreciate his masculine energy

A woman does not have to put on an act of stupidity or weakness in order to make a man feel dominant and needed.

When a woman is fully in touch with her feminine energy, she allows a man to take the lead in their relationship, allowing her to simply kick back, relax, and enjoy being treated like a queen.

She does not criticize her partner, does not try to control him, and does not lead him to believe that he is not needed.

She does not ask him to be the provider, nor does she teach him how to take that role; rather, she allows him to take that role naturally.

Through her, his overtaxed and exhausted male energy is healed and refueled with her warmth and love.



Other Ways You can Connect with Your Feminine Energy

Other Ways You can Connect with Your Feminine Energy

1. Choose what it means to you to be female

2. Take responsibility for your actions, and choose what you want to accomplish

3. Allow yourself to relax and focus on taking care of your body

4. Make being creative a habit and surround yourself with beautiful things

5. Take pride in your appearance and dress in whatever way makes you happy

6. Don't repress your feelings and allow yourself to feel

7. Devote more of your time to interacting with children and animals

8. Take long walks and enjoy the fresh air

9. Get rid of negative people and do not go after those who spread hate

10. Give your partner the upper hand in the relationship

11. Give in to the urge to be spoiled and let others show their appreciation for you

12. If work becomes too much for you to handle, stop or ask for help

13. Enjoy love games and tender moments with your loved one

14. Make being happy your main focus

15. Appreciate yourself and remember that you are valuable and loved



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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