These 5 Zodiac Signs Are Likely To Experience A Complicated But Promising November 2022

Autumn is in full swing, and the cosmos will provide us with a stunning view of our lives. The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on November 8 marks the beginning of the month and will test our dreams and close personal ties.

We can make the decision to reassess our personal objectives and change the course of our lives. There will be two total Lunar Eclipse in 2022, the first of which will be on May 16.

On November 16, 17, and 22, Venus, Mercury, and the Sun will all move through Sagittarius, giving the stars a more upbeat and hopeful vibe. On November 23, when the new Sagittarius Moon rises, adventure will be in the air, encouraging us to take chances and live more passionately.

After spending nearly four months on edge, Jupiter, the ruling planet of Sagittarius, will go direct in the sign of Pisces on November 23. The days that follow will bring good fortune and more abundance.

Use the energies of November to your advantage by pursuing your ideal career, making financial improvements, and establishing clear boundaries with others. If you believe in your dreams, anything is possible.

On November 23, there will also be a New Moon in Sagittarius. It typically denotes a desire to start a quest or an adventure. I believe that this will draw attention to the Sagittarius house in your chart.

On November 23, Jupiter will go direct in Pisces, ending its transit. Jupiter is currently in Pisces for the final time in the next 12 years, so we should make the most of this energy. See what the stars have in store for you:



Aries 5

The Sun has been in your house of privacy since October 23, which forces you to feel good about your emotions even though you typically prefer to keep your business to yourself and move on.

The Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in your house of income on November 8 may make you wonder what you have been emphasizing and where you have been focusing your energy.

Perhaps you have unpacked deeply buried memories in therapy or learned how to best express your needs with your partner who has also been the focus of your concern.

It might be time to reevaluate your relationship with money, your financial objectives, and the value you place on others when using your skills. Being willing to change course during this month of November won't be a failure, and even though it will be challenging initially, it will ultimately be a strength.

But as we progress through the month, the planets start to move into your house of adventure, which is undoubtedly more comfortable territory for you. As a result, the rest of the month isn't nearly as intense.

Stepping outside of your comfort zone will help you connect with your loved ones more deeply during the period from November 17 to December 6, when Venus and Mercury will join forces.

The possibilities are limitless, whether you want to test your athletic prowess or pick up a new skill. In your house of higher education, the New Moon on November 23 might be a good time to consider setting an intention that feels doable. You'll be astounded by what you're capable of.

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Gemini 5

Scorpio season frequently motivates you to take action by attempting to maintain an ambitious schedule you've set for yourself and maintaining your wellness and health objectives.

However, because of several powerful Eclipses, one of which will be felt early in the month, this isn't just any Scorpio season for you.

Taking place in your house off spirituality, its impact might not be as strong as some other signs, but you might feel emotionally and physically exhausted, a little unsure of what to do, and exhausted emotionally.

There's really no need to move too quickly because Mars has been in retrograde motion in your sign since late October. However difficult things may be, the cosmos will also simply ask you to sit down, think, and see what the universe has in store for you.

Additionally, your ruler Mercury will be there from November 17 to December 6 before the Sun enters your house of partnerships on November 22, enhancing one-on-one communication.

This might be the ideal time to work together with a close friend, lover, or coworker and consider how to implement the brilliant business idea you've thought about.

You'll have the chance to rekindle a partnership around the New Moon on November 23rd. If you're single and looking for love, making an effort to have a clear idea of the type of partner you want could have fruitful results.

A sincere action, such as talking about what you really want to do, will pave the way for something magical if you're in a relationship.




Leo 5

Since October 23, the Sun, your ruling “planet”, has been transiting through your house of home, forcing you to take a closer look at yourself and devote more time to family matters.

Additionally, you will experience a crisis related to work-life balance around November 8, when the Lunar Eclipse and the Full Moon light up the house of your chart opposite it, your career and private life.

Given how closely the two are related, it's a warning sign that taking care of your emotional needs is a requirement if you want to advance professionally. Additionally, you might disagree with a leader or take on a leadership role yourself.

Fortunately, the month quickly takes a more romantic turn when several planets in your house of origin, starting with Venus on the 10th, Mercury on the 12th, and finally the Sun on the 14th, will form harmonious trines with Neptune in your house of intimacy.

With someone close to you, it may be simpler to express your deepest needs and emotions thanks to this wave of warm, magical energy.

Then, between November 17 and December 6, Venus and Mercury will both be in your house of self-expression and romance, igniting your desire to take a break from work, to live in the moment, and to put pleasure first.

Utilizing your most intense emotions for a project could also be especially rewarding right now. Likewise, around November 23, when the New Moon occurs in the same region, follow your intuition and choose where to focus your energy.




Virgo 5

You enjoy being active, Virgo, but the current season is a little different. Due to the Sun transiting your house of communications during the Scorpio season, you may find that your calendar fills up faster than at any other time of the year.

There are many plans you have with friends, colleagues, family, potential dates, etc.; you might be a little disorganized, but that's okay.

The Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon on November 8 will fall into your house of exploration and higher education, causing you to reflect on how you broaden your horizons.

Going beyond the ordinary will now be crucial for your mind, your soul, and your life experience because it's simple for you to get bogged down in all the daily details and your typical anxiety.

As a result of several planets, including Mercury, your ruling planet, in your house of communications, which will form harmonious trines with Neptune, partnerships will become extremely important for you until the middle of the month.

You might discover that using your imagination unrestrainedly with a workmate or another significant individual will result in an exciting idea that you can't wait to put into action together.

When Venus and then Mercury move into your house of origin on November 16 and 17, respectively, and the Sun follows suit on November 22, it can make you question yourself.

But this time of year was created for you in particular to have more opportunities to connect with your loved ones and to pay attention to your emotional state.

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Sagittarius 5

Since October 23, the Sun has been moving through your house of spirituality. This can be a time for you to rest, but it can also be a time to reflect, daydream, and sow the seeds for your own upcoming season.

Additionally, you'll be even more in tune with your intuition than usual around November 8, when the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon occur. Drawing on this awareness can give you a clearer understanding of how to succeed in the future.

On November 16, Venus, the first of the planets to enter your sign, will energize and enliven your relationships through December 7. On the 17th, Mercury will follow suit and remain there until December.

You'll likely feel more heard and understood than usual because not only will you feel more confident than usual to express your feelings in a more sincere and unrestricted manner, but also because more people will be able to understand you.

From November 23 to December 21, when the Sun will be in your sign, your passion projects will be energized and you may feel more confident. Keep in mind that until January 12, Mars is retrograde in your house of partnerships, which could slow down individual projects in particular.

However, on or around November 23, when the New Moon is in your sign, you have the chance to shoot for the stars. You'll be confident that you can carry out even the silliest of plans.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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