These 5 Zodiac Signs Will See Their Lives Radically Change By The End Of 2022

The next few months will be quite hectic for some signs of the zodiac. Uranus, the planet of change, retrograde in the sign of Taurus until early next year, signifies profound transformations and a strong desire to move forward.

Jupiter, retrograde in Pisces until November, will help accomplish pending projects. Added to this is the solar eclipse towards the end of the month in Scorpio, a sign of transcendence and deep transformation.

Following these astral events, some zodiac signs will see their lives take a new turn before the end of 2022. These five zodiac signs will be quite lucky during these last months of the year, while the others will have to wait for their turn.

In life, there is only one constant: change. For those of us who can't go a month without moving our bedroom furniture or dyeing our hair, following new trends: change is a way of life.

But what about those of us who cringe at the idea of replacing oatmeal with eggs for breakfast? Those of us who just want to go where we used to go every day? Indeed, just like in life, we also undergo changes, be they positive or negative.

Since each sign of the zodiac has particular characteristics that distinguish it from the others, it is therefore quite normal that some are affected by these changes while others are not.



Aries 1

Your efforts will fully bear fruit by the end of this year. A renewal of great importance is to be expected in different aspects of life, especially during the partial solar eclipse in Scorpio.

This may relate to moving to a new city or abroad to another country, a marriage, or even a promotion at work, etc. The important thing is that these changes will come suddenly. But, you have enough time to prepare for it.

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Cancer 1

In these remaining months of the year 2022, Cancers will be accompanied by luck in many ways. Uranus in retrograde in the sign of Taurus will bring you a change that will manifest itself, especially on the financial level.

The possibility of creating a successful business is not excluded. You will also have enough energy to grow on a personal level. This will also happen on the leisure side and all these new achievements will provoke envy and jealousy around you, so watch out.




Libra 1

Everything comes at the right time to those who know how to wait and it is the case for you, Libra, because big changes await you before the start of next year.

With Mercury having entered your sign since October 11, new creative ideas are popping up out of nowhere, leading you to create something unique and original.

A new romantic encounter could change the course of your life and since you are in the best company, it will go wonderfully. Good things may come later from this relationship.




Capricorn 1

Good news for you, Capricorn! Get ready to meet the love of your life. With a  favorable financial situation for the end of 2022, you might take the plunge and put a ring on her finger.

A move or the purchase of real estate cannot be ruled out. Take a deep breath and welcome these changes with open arms, Jupiter will be by your side and will make you meet the right people who will help you achieve your goals.

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The year 2022 is not over yet, and good for you, Pisces, because it holds positive news. With Jupiter in your sign until November, say goodbye to all the difficulties you've had since the start of the year.

You will meet new people and will quickly form deep bonds with them. You will become very good friends and you will benefit from their loyalty and trust, but above all from their support. When it comes to money, spend it wisely!


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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