These Zodiac Signs Are Most Likely to Be Your Worst Enemies

In the same way that Batman has the Joker and Superman has Lex Luther, each zodiac sign has a zodiac rival. Who's your biggest enemy, according to astrology?

In spite of the fact that it would be wonderful if everyone could reach a consensus on everything, this simply isn't how things work in the real world.

People can regard one another with respect, love, liking, or hatred; some people even have “mortal enemies.”

Even though some of the emotions we have for one another are the result of actions or words, a person's personality also plays a very significant role in the development of these feelings.

Astrologers believe that the sign of the zodiac that we were born under has a significant impact on who we are as individuals. There are certain signs that are not compatible at all.

Scorpios are considered to be one of the signs with the most anger in astrology, and they often disagree with others, which makes them very unfriendly.

Aries are particularly dangerous when things aren't going the way they should. Find out below which zodiac sign is considered your “mortal enemy.”




Aries 2

Your worst enemy: Gemini

As a result of their independence and obstinacy, people born under this zodiac sign do not get along well with others who share the same level of vitality.

These types of people have a negative impact on them, as well as cause tension and stress. People born under Gemini most often have changeable nature and warm-cold relationships.

They often involve their partners into emotional merry-go-rounds from which Aries can only escape with great difficulty.




Taurus 2

Your worst enemy: Aries

There are situations in which two people with similar personalities can be attracted to one another, but there are also situations in which two people with similar personalities can repel one another, such is the relationship between Taurus and Aries.

Their stubbornness makes it impossible for them to have relationships that are harmonious, loving, and friendly with one another.

Aries will never admit that they were wrong, and Taurus will always remind him of his shortcomings or mistakes. These two characters are always guaranteed to have conflicts.

These disagreements, if left unresolved, eventually escalate into deadly hostilities that can harm both people.




Gemini 2

Your worst enemy: Cancer

Peoples born under this sign have strong personalities and are known for the rash choices they make. On the other hand, people whose birthdays fall under the Cancer sign are not only self-reliant but also prone to being overly emotional.

They often focus entirely on themselves. People born under Cancer are prone to argue with those born under Gemini because Geminis have a low tolerance for conflict.

Cancers, on the other hand, are easily hurt by the jokes that Geminis tell because they take themselves too seriously. It may sound unbelievable to develop deadly animosity over this, but it really is.




Cancer 2

Your worst enemy: Scorpio

The caring and compassionate nature of Cancers, along with their preference for leisure, optimism, and relaxation, are characteristics that contrast sharply with those of their adversaries, Scorpios.

They view them as being dark, manipulative, and even evil types, and as a result, they tend to avoid them. The best thing for these two characters to do is to steer clear of any kind of friendship or working relationship.




Leo 2

Your worst enemy: Pisces

Leo is characterized by a high level of pride and an incessant need for attention and affirmation from others. Pisces, on the other hand, are very gentle and avoid any kind of attention.

As a result, it is impossible for these two completely dissimilar personalities to have a healthy relationship, mainly due to the fact that Leo can very easily hurt a person born under Pisces.

In addition, Pisces' passivity and Leo's vivid imagination are two things that Leo cannot stand, which is one reason why the two signs can develop bitter animosity.




Virgo 2

Your worst enemy: Aquarius

People born under this zodiac sign have a rigid character and are convinced that their perspective on the rules of life and the moral values that guide it is the only valid one.

It is difficult for Virgos to align themselves with Aquarius because Aquarius only appears to take a more liberal stance, but in reality, they expect everyone else to live their lives in their manner.

Virgo and Aquarius are total opposites. Aquarius is the one who comes across as moody and has a rebellious approach to things, in contrast to Virgo, who will always scout the terrain first before doing anything else.

Due to the significant differences in their personalities, the horoscope predicts that they will make an unsuitable couple. In many instances, they end up being the worst of enemies.




Libra 2

Your worst enemy: Capricorn

The characteristics of a Libra and those born under the sign of Capricorn couldn't be more different from one another, despite the fact that they can form a loving and compatible couple.

In contrast to Capricorns, who find that spending time alone is one of the best ways to preserve their mental health, Libras enjoy the company of others and are dependent on the support of those around them.

Capricorn is always burdened with their own rules and expectations, which can lead to an adversarial relationship between them.



Scorpio 2

Your worst enemy: Sagittarius

People born under Scorpio and those born under Sagittarius are quite similar; however, their combination leads to distrust of Scorpio and thus to tension.

They are both obstinate and vindictive, and because of their ability to become enraged so rapidly, their disagreements with one another seem to go on indefinitely after the initial altercation.

Rarely do they let the past go and forgive themselves. Over time, this can lead to deadly hostilities.




Sagittarius 2

Your worst enemy: Scorpio

The only zodiac sign that Sagittarius considers to be an adversary is Scorpio. This is primarily due to the fact that Scorpios have a tendency to drag Sagittarius down.

They try to exert control over them, and often even attempt to manipulate them. Perhaps the biggest reason for their animosity is that they are really very similar.




Capricorn 2

Your worst enemy: Libra

People born under Capricorn look for their purpose in life in the work that they do, and their lives are constantly full of commitments and goals.

Libra's laid-back attitude and distracted perspective will irritate those born under this sign more than anyone else. When viewed through the lens of a Capricorn, a Libra is comparable to a child who is unsure of what they want or how to get there.

The indecision of Libra is the thing that irritates Capricorns the most. Capricorn would love to shake Libra and yell at it – finally wake up!




Aquarius 2

Your worst enemy: Capricorn

Capricorn is a formidable foe for Aquarius, who is known for their originality and creativity. The perspectives of these two utterly unique signs on the world are diametrically opposed to one another in virtually every respect.

Capricorns are frugal in finances, while Aquarius loves to spend money to maturity. Aquarius cannot understand the thought processes of Capricorn.

Since Capricorns and Aquarians are unable to form an emotional connection, this is why this air sign can show signs of jealousy and sometimes paranoia.




Pisces 2

Your worst enemy: Sagittarius

Pisces is the zodiac sign that irritates the most, and most of the time, this is Sagittarius. This is because Pisces is known for being sensitive, introspective, and creative.

The things that bother Pisces the most about themselves are their lack of tact and the excessive jokes they tell that hurt the feelings of those around them.

They see them as the biggest egoists and thus develop a kind of contempt for them.


These Zodiac Signs Are Most Likely to Be Your Worst Enemies Pin



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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