This is What Your Birthday Rune Reveals About You

Runes have been a mystery ever since ancient times. Nobody has been able to definitively determine when they were made or what inspired them.

Some academics believe that their origin can be traced back to an attempt to imitate Italian writings, particularly Etruscan and Venetian.

Other authors claim that they are indigenous and are the surviving remnants of a very ancient sacred script that was Indo-European in origin.

In Norse mythology, Odin came across them during his quest to gain more wisdom by sacrificing himself.

A secret or a mystery is strongly associated with the word “rune.” It is believed that the word originates from the Indo-European root “ru,” which can be translated as “mysterious or secret thing.”

Each symbol that we refer to as a rune contains a wealth of unique information and interpretations; however, in order to gain access to this knowledge, one must first devote oneself to the careful study of runecraft in all of its aspects.

In order to paint a clear picture of this Old Norse script, which often appears in many mythical tales, one must also become familiar with the meaning of the runes.

Everyone has a one-of-a-kind birthday rune that can tell you a lot about them as a person. It is also said in Norse mythology that the Nornir direct the destiny of gods and humans, much in the same way that runes direct and reveal various characteristics about us.



Fehu (June 29 – July 14)

Fehu (June 29 – July 14)

Fehu is associated with wealth, abundance, success, and security as well as fertility. You are a kind and beautiful person on the inside as well as on the outside, and your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Additionally, you do not have an unhealthy preoccupation with acquiring material goods, and you are consistently there for the people you care about.

People have this strange tendency to confide in you all their deepest, darkest secrets and then seek your guidance on how to handle them.

You are an intelligent and experienced person, so this shouldn't come as any kind of a shock to you at all. You are someone who values honesty and dislikes it when things are kept secret.



Uruz (July 14 – July 29)

Uruz (July 14 – July 29)

Uruz is a symbol of power, bravery, unrestricted potential, and liberty. You are an ambitious person who is determined to achieve your goals and you crave excitement.

Your enthusiasm for life gives you a lot of energy, but it also makes you difficult to get along with and unbalanced.

You are not someone who can be counted on, and neither do you truly belong to anyone nor to a particular location.

You have a deep fascination with liberty, and you lead your life without adhering to any standards or boundaries.

There is no denying the fire that burns within you, but unfortunately, it can cause harm to those who are closest to you at times. You are not destined to be tamed.



Thurisaz (July 29 – August 13)

Thurisaz (July 29 – August 13)

Reaction, defense, conflict, and regeneration are all associated with Thurisaz. You have been bestowed with bravery and wisdom because yours is a rune of giants.

People like you are able to prevail even in the face of the most significant challenges. What's even more remarkable is that you emerge from these hardships an even more whole and beautiful person.

The more people who try to throw you off, the more skilled you become. Your whole life seems to be one painful experience after another, and things have never been simple for you.

However, all of your sufferings have shaped you into the great person you are.



Ansuz (August 13 – August 29)

Ansuz (August 13 – August 29)

Ansuz symbolizes conversation, understanding, and inspiration. You are a very wise and mature individual who takes responsibility seriously.

Learning new things is a way to expand your mind and consciousness. This hunger for information also makes you very interesting to others and a source of inspiration for them.

Not only do you have a beautiful grace, but also a rich inner life that so many people look up to and wish they could have. Everyone is curious about what you think, but you only ever share it with those you trust.

You truly believe that a life lived in private is a life well lived, and your actions demonstrate that.



Raidho (August 29 – September 13)

Raidho is associated with travel, rhythm, spontaneity, growth, and choices. It has never been easy for you to blend in with society because you have always been a peculiar and extraordinary individual.

You always seemed to be living in your own little dream world and you have so much potential. Only strangers, travelers, and artists can see the real you.

That is why you have this fantasy of going around the world in search of the location that is most suitable for you only to discover that the path you take was your home all along.



Kenaz (September 13 – September 28)

Kenaz (September 13 – September 28)

Kenaz is a symbol of insight, originality, inspiration, growth, and vitality. You didn't get where you are today without putting in a lot of effort.

It's safe to say that you understand everything, and people look up to you because of the depth of your expertise. Despite this, you have the tendency to be stingy and to view everything as a potential investment.

Because life is not a business, you need to stop considering everything you donate to be an investment in some way.

Everything you give, including your love, will have an effect on the life of another person. It marks a life forever, even if that person never told you so.



Gebo (September 28 – October 13)

Gebo (September 28 – October 13)

Gebo is a symbol of harmony, reciprocity, partnership, generosity, and interpersonal connections. You have a heart of kindness and are known for your generous spirit.

As an independent person, you don't easily trust other people, but when you do, you pour all of your love into that person.

Your close friends and partners think of you as the most important person in their lives and rely on you to keep them safe.

By your side, they find comfort and someone to count on for the rest of their lives. Your love is everlasting, and it helps others improve.

Nevertheless, it is important for you to love and care for yourself too.



Wunjo (October 13 – October 28)

Wunjo (October 13 – October 28)

Wunjo stands for joy, contentment, harmony, prosperity, reward, and accomplishment. Those who have the rune Wunjo as their birthday rune are blessed with an extraordinary amount of good fortune.

They always manage to triumph over challenges and difficulties in some way or another. At other times, it appears almost as if they have more success than people who try much harder than they do.

The simple fact that they are naturally happy elevates them above other people, and they also have good karma. They are blessed because they never actually engage in negative behaviors such as criticizing others, lying, or gossiping.

These individuals are surrounded by divine protection, which they have fully earned.



Hagalaz (October 28 – November 13)

Hagalaz (October 28 – November 13)

Hagalaz symbolizes wilderness, wrath, and challenges. You have a wonderful attitude and a kind and generous nature.

People admire and respect you a great deal due to your honesty and sincerity. You are devoted to your family and often place the needs of others above your own.

Your caring and considerate demeanor, in particular toward your partner, will make him or her feel pampered.

You choose to surround yourself with positive things, and you find happiness in the simple pleasures that life has to offer.

The only thing you need to watch out for is other people taking advantage of you; you can't assume everyone has your best interests in mind.



Nauthiz (November 13 – November 28)

Nauthiz (November 13 – November 28)

Nauthiz represents confinement, struggle, determination, tenacity, and confidence in oneself. You were born with a tremendous amount of potential.

Although life was never simple for you, you were able to prevail despite its challenges. You never doubted your ability to triumph, not even in the most trying of circumstances.

You were by yourself when you fought for the things you wanted and demanded that you get them. Despite this, you were emotionally deprived of much attention and affection.

You've never really had time for love, but starting now, you should make the effort.



Isa (November 28 – December 13)

Isa (November 28 – December 13)

Isa is a symbol of openness to new experiences and introspection. You were born not only very beautiful but also with a great deal of humanity.

You live a life of simplicity and carry the weight of all your blessings with grace. You have a deep love for your children and other relatives, and your partner as well.

You try to avoid drawing attention to yourself in public, but it's impossible to avoid it. You're just like a snowflake who thinks no one will notice you in a mighty blizzard.

Each and every snowflake that originates from the heavens is one of a kind.



Jera (December 13 – December 28)

Jera (December 13 – December 28)

Jera is a symbol of accomplishment, transformation, harvest, and rewards. You have a lot of drive and are intent on making positive changes in your life.

You never give up hope that things will get better. Everything works out perfectly for you, and anyone who causes you harm will be severely punished by karma in the future.

You succeed in reaping the rewards of your labor and developing into the best version of yourself. You keep coming up with new ideas for how to advance and progress.

This is how you work your whole life and develop things further.



Eihwaz (December 28 – January 13)

Eihwaz (December 28 – January 13)

Eihwaz symbolizes equilibrium, enlightenment, and death. You are very proud of yourself and have a powerful intuitive sense.

You are not only a man of integrity but also of impeccable manners. You don't lie and you never let others disrespect you.

Because of your stability, you are unable to compromise your values, and as a result, you are a very responsible person.

However, there are times when this strictness comes at a cost, and you find yourself having the impression that you have never truly experienced life.

Take a break from it and do something light-hearted, it will make you feel alive.



Perthro (January 13 – January 28)

Perthro (January 13 – January 28)

Perthro is associated with fate, chance, determination, and mysteries. Having Perthro as your birthday rune is like rolling the dice.

Your future is heavily influenced by seemingly insignificant choices you make, and the older you get, the less you understand about the world.

You have no idea whether the things you are doing are good or bad, and you have no spiritual guidance.

Even if everything is going well in your life, you should still make an effort to develop your spirituality because not having any direction will put you in a disadvantage.

It is never too late to find your spirituality, so don't let yourself get disoriented.



Algiz (January 28 – February 13)

Algiz (January 28 – February 13)

Algiz is a symbol of instinct, protection, and defense. You are an optimistic person who has a lot of admirable traits.

You are not jealous because you love your friends and never criticize anyone else. Everyone in your circle of friends thinks highly of you and finds that being in your company brings a smile to their face.

Despite this, you are a very impulsive person who often makes purchases or takes actions without giving them much thought.

Because of this, you may find yourself working multiple jobs at once or purchasing items that you don't really need. Consider your options carefully before making any significant life choices.



Sowilo (February 13 – February 27)

Sowilo (February 13 – February 27)

Health, honor, winning, and wholeness are things that Sowilo represents. You radiate an incredible amount of positivity in addition to your endless supply of energy.

Everyone in the room can sense it, and they also benefit from it. People think you have the most interesting and entertaining stories, and they enjoy spending time in your company.

It could take a lifetime to tell all the things you've experienced and you love how diverse your life is. Do not look back with regret on the life you have lived because it is rich in memories.

You are able to find time for everything, whether it be something fun or something important.



Tiwaz (February 27 – March 14)

Tiwaz (February 27 – March 14)

Tiwaz is a symbol of masculinity, justice, struggle, and logic. You have a personality that is powerful and self-reliant.

Many people are frightened by your one-of-a-kind qualities and your eagerness to take risks, and they can't stand the fact that they can't hurt you.

Your independence is one of your greatest strengths because no one can truly direct or influence your behavior. Despite this, you have a tendency to have irrational outbursts of anger and to change your opinions frequently.

That being said, don't worry about it because you also possess the ability to evolve.



Berkana (March 14 – March 30)

Berkana (March 14 – March 30)

Berkana is a symbol of femininity, fertility, healing, regeneration, and birth. You are a kind and patient person.

You have an admiration for being surrounded by lovely things, and you carry yourself with grace. You have a strong passion for bettering and taking care of yourself.

You eliminate from your life as quickly as possible the people who irritate you and those who prevent your development. You also enjoy it very much when other people do nice things for you and pamper you.

When you feel neglected you lose interest quickly too, so why stay somewhere you can't grow?



Ehwaz (March 30 – April 14)

Ehwaz (March 30 – April 14)

Movement, advancement, trust, and transformation are what Ehwaz represents. Because you are trusted and good at keeping secrets, people open up to you about their problems.

You are one of those people who show respect to everyone, but you keep a small circle of friends and family very close to you. Immediately eliminate from your life any individuals who drain your vitality and strength.

Your own emotional and mental health are of far greater significance than the problems of other people. Because of this, you might have the reputation of being a poor friend, but on the plus side, you never need anyone's help.

You are, however, a good person in general; however, you should make an effort to be a little less self-centered.



Mannaz (April 14 – April 29)

Mannaz (April 14 - April 29)

Mannaz symbolizes individuality, friendship, company, cooperation, and assistance. You are an original and creative person who doesn't really care much about the opinions of other people.

You have never in your entire life asked a single person for advice on what to do, and you are the only one who is responsible for all of your decisions.

Your life is enriched by a large number of friends who are amazed by your uniqueness. They admire your bravery as well as your ability to be reasonable, and they applaud your ability to lead by example.

You are not someone who is easily swayed, and nobody would have the audacity to pick a fight with someone like you. You are respected, but you also treat others with the appropriate amount of respect.



Laguz (April 29 – May 14)

Laguz (April 29 – May 14)

Laguz represents intuition, feelings, flow, renewal, dreams, hopes, and fears. Since a young age, you have demonstrated responsibility and reliability.

Although it made you much more capable and helped you get to where you are today, it also had an emotional impact on you and affected the way you feel about yourself.

People have the impression that you are heartless and emotionless, and at times they even accuse you of being greedy. Your inability to give genuine love stems from the fact that you have never been on the receiving end of it in your life.

You may even find yourself wondering whether that can be changed and if you will be able to live differently. The reality is that you will prevail; all you need to do is accept the love that the right person wants to give you.



Inguz (May 14 – May 29)

Inguz (May 14 – May 29)

Inguz is a symbol of accomplishments, expansion, transformation, common sense, and the home. Because of your charm and friendly manner, people will admire you.

There are times when you want everything to be exactly how you want it, but the main reason for this is cause you strive for perfection in everything you do.

You don't trust many people and prefer to work in silence. You place your family as your top priority, and as a result, you do everything in your power to keep them safe.

Your heart has a soft spot for animals, and there are times when you'd rather be around them than other people. People respect you for your straightforwardness and hard work.



Othala (May 29 – June 14)

Othala (May 29 – June 14)

Othala represents lineage, possessions, history, heritage, and overall value. Those who were born with the rune Othala as their birthday rune are destined for greater things in life.

They bring about change in their environment and have an impact on the lives of many people. They bring the idea of a better world for everyone, one that is free of hatred and filled with love.

They typically have a strong passion for humanitarian work and a profound concern for those who are in need. They show everyone that they encounter respect, and they strive to be the best possible versions of themselves.

Helping others is a privilege for them, and for others having them as friends.



Dagaz (June 14 – June 29)

Dagaz (June 14 – June 29)

Awakening, certainty, enlightenment, completion, and hope are what Dagaz symbolizes. You are the kind of person who can prosper even in the worst possible environments.

You are a unique individual who possesses many gifts, and your talent helps you move from place to place. You have a lot of success, but in order to avoid feelings of isolation, you place an excessive amount of trust in other people.

It's also difficult for other people to understand you and your wonderful nature, but when they do and respect you, you treasure them.

Stay unmoved by the jealousy of other people, and surround yourself only with people who respect you for who you are.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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