This is Why Your Self-esteem is So Low Based on Your Zodiac Sign

When you take into account the vast number of factors that can influence our self-esteem, it should come as no surprise that maintaining a healthy level of confidence can challenging at times.

Consider looking at your relationships, your career, and your mental health if you think your self-esteem needs a boost. When you also look at your zodiac sign, there's a lot to consider when talking about self-esteem.

Looking at your zodiac sign is always an interesting way to get to know yourself a little better. It even has the potential to help you see yourself in a different light. There are positives and negatives associated with each zodiac sign.

You will be able to devise solutions to your challenges as you learn more about your sign.

You will, of course, want to strike a balance between this and other aspects of your life that may be holding you back, but you should also keep in mind that your zodiac sign classically has many traits that you won't necessarily identify with.

This information may help you find some boost for your self-esteem.




Aries 5

You always want to compare your self-esteem to that of others. For instance, when you post a nice picture of yourself to Instagram, you never feel like it's good enough because there's always someone else who's getting more likes on their posts.

Or when you finally achieve success in your professional life but convince yourself that you are still below average because someone else is making more money than you.

Your accomplishments should not depend on the accomplishments or failures of other people.




Taurus 5

You have a fear of change, even though it would make you feel significantly better. You are sick of looking at yourself in the mirror because you are bored with what you see there. You will need to make some changes.

Taurus enjoys a sense of safety and stability, and anything that disrupts this can lead to serious insecurity and anxiety.

For instance, when their relationship fails, it can have a negative impact on their sense of self-esteem and cause all kinds of stress.




Gemini 5

You have difficulty taking responsibility for the decisions that you make in life. Since you are always questioning your path, you are not able to fully immerse yourself in the experiences that life has to offer.

You are not able to commit all of your time and energy to making the most of your life's journey. You have no way of escaping the bottomless pit of mediocrity that you have dug for yourself because you can't seem to stop questioning the validity of your actions.




Cancer 5

Your happiness and self-esteem are entirely dependent on your idea of relationships. You believe that you must be a terrible person simply due to the fact that you're currently having an argument with your partner or because you're single.

You must realize that your value as a person is not necessarily related to the nature of your relationships.

You absolutely need to have the ability to build a life for yourself outside of the relationship you are in. You should evaluate yourself based on who you are rather than your company.




Leo 5

You place far too much importance on material possessions. You want to see big numbers on your paychecks, drive a luxurious car, and live in a large house.

However, it will be challenging to accomplish that at such a young age. You are putting an unnecessary amount of stress on yourself.

Put an end to your excessive obsession with material things. It is not the kind of car your drive or the size of your house that determines your self-esteem.




Virgo 5

You're a too-thoughtful madman. Since you always try to be rational in your behavior, you never end up doing anything out of love or enthusiasm.

You make things out to be worse than they really are because of your far-reaching mind, and that can dramatically worsen your self-esteem.




Libra 5

Simply put, the past should be left in the past. Put an end to worrying about past problems that are long gone.

Give up the things that have no place in your life anymore and move on. Keep an optimistic mindset and live in the here and now.

If you continue to let the problems of the past weigh on your self-esteem, finding happiness in life will be very difficult.




Scorpio 5

You surround yourself with people who are toxic. Since they don't treat you with the respect that you deserve, your self-esteem becomes low.

You are being led to believe that you are not as amazing as you truly are, which is a lie. You have an unhealthy perception of who you are.

You will notice a significant improvement in your self-esteem if you make the effort to separate yourself from your friends who want to bring others down.




Sagittarius 5

You have obsessive-compulsive disorder. When you like someone, you tend to become self-centered. You have the impression that satisfying that one person is essential to your life personality, and you will not tolerate any form of failure.

You evaluate who you are based on how that other person looks at you, and your sense of self-esteem is entirely dependent on their opinion and perception.

Stop seeking validation from that person and start living your life according to your own standards.




Capricorn 5

Adult life has not been very kind to you. You were never unsuccessful when you were younger; rather, you always managed to achieve your goals.

You have always been regarded as being among the best and most intelligent of your peers. However, at some point along the way, everyone started catching up to you.

You are not the exceptional child that you used to be, and there is no reason for you to be so hard on yourself about this.




Aquarius 5

You love being dramatic. When you make a fool of yourself in front of others by accident, you think it's the end of the world.

You act as if you're never recovering from that. However, you can't allow yourself to hate yourself over tiny mistakes. You need to have love for yourself regardless of your shortcomings.




Pisces 5

You have the misconception that having a big social circle is directly proportional to a person's level of popularity.

You believe that perhaps you are not a very likable individual due to the fact that you do not have a big number of friends.

You must come to terms with the fact that as you get older, the golden rule of friendship is to prioritize quality over quantity.


This is Why Your Self-esteem is So Low Based on Your Zodiac Sign Pin



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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