Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! April 21, 2023

Today marks the beginning of Mercury's retrograde phase, which will last until May 14th. Mercury will remain in Taurus throughout the entirety of its retrograde cycle.

Either we will have less patience for chitchat or we agree after long deliberations. With Mercury in Taurus, we might feel stuck in the past.  We make use of old or outdated ideas and recycle them in new ways.

It's a good time to reevaluate our plans and goals pertaining to finances, safety, and comfort. We'll discover some mistakes or oversights. During this cycle, our focus shifts more inward as we examine and reassess things.

Mercury retrograde can be a time of greater inner awareness. These times are favorable for meditating, journaling, reworking old plans, and reviewing work done in the past.

Even small disruptions in the mechanical aspects of communication and transportation can reconnect us with other, potentially more meaningful means of connection.

The Moon will spend the day in Taurus, aligning with Mercury and then Uranus. Even though we would rather unwind and take it easy today, we are more talkative and inquisitive than usual.

However, we must remain vigilant in case there are any issues with communication. It is best not to rely on others to understand what you are trying to say.




Aries 6

Aries, as the Moon spends the entire day in the sign behind yours, you tend to minimize your emotions, which allows you to better manage practical and rational tasks.

Appreciating the little things in life that help round out and improve your experience can be a good focus for today.

Because Mercury will be in retrograde from today until May 14, there may be a change in perspective or interest, and there may even be a bit of regret regarding those things said or started at this time and recently.

It may be necessary for you to review your financial situation. You may also be dealing with lost or misplaced assets.

During this time, it is important to stop and reevaluate how you spend your money and where your income comes from, but you should postpone any major decisions until later. Try to tackle long-standing issues from a new perspective.




Taurus 6

Taurus, since the Moon will be in your sign for the entire day, you will be more aware than usual of your emotional needs. Don't seek instant gratification.

You find that suppressed or buried feelings are now coming to the surface. Today marks the beginning of Mercury's retrograde journey through your sign, so it's a good time to do some reflecting.

Watch for overthinking, as this is a prevalent theme now. Even though a New Moon occurred not too long ago and the Sun is currently transiting through your sign, it is still best to avoid a completely new project.

Since Mercury will be in retrograde until May 14, there will be delays, confusion, and a lack of clear messages. This cycle is more personal for you, you should try to make sure that your communications are easy to understand.

Making decisions will turn more inward, and intuition will frequently take precedence over logical reasoning, which at times can be very advantageous. This is an excellent opportunity to reflect and reorganize.




Gemini 6

Gemini, the Moon will be transiting through your house of privacy until tomorrow morning, drawing your attention to what is going on behind the scenes, in the background, and with private matters.

This transit may prompt you to let the pressure go so that you can refuel, take some time off, and perhaps most importantly, discover who you are.

The day may be challenging for a number of reasons, the most significant of which are the potential for communication breakdowns and misunderstandings as well as difficulties with transportation.

Your ruling planet, Mercury, is going through its retrograde phase, and until May 14th, there will be confusion, delays, and a lack of clear messages for all signs.

Trusting your instincts will be more difficult for you. Making a choice when you have multiple options to choose from can be challenging.

Always be on the lookout for dishonesty and deception in others. If you are going to talk about your inner world, try to be as clear as possible, or use this time to reexamine the problems rather than talking about them too soon.




Cancer 6

Cancer, in the coming weeks, the focus will probably be more on your social life and your networking activities, with some need to soften things up, come back, and reevaluate things.

The energies of today draw your emotional attention to your affairs, and you may become aware of the need to interact with others, share, and connect with others.

Since Mercury is currently in the same area of your chart as the Sun, there is a tendency to give things more thought than they deserve today.

Mercury will be in retrograde until the 14th of May, so this is a good time to look to the past for answers, as well as to do some editing and tweaking.

During this cycle, you should place a strong emphasis on communicating with your friends, groups, and associates.

It's also a good time to start formulating plans for the future, but you should keep an eye out for any information gaps or hazy ideas.

During this cycle, you might get in touch with an old friend of yours. Newly planted seeds that have long-term goals need to be reviewed or revised right now.




Leo 6

Leo, Mercury will enter its retrograde phase today; therefore, it is best to maintain some degree of schedule flexibility because the transition may cause some confusion.

While this is a good time for refining long-term goals and career plans, there may be some confusion around business plans or communications while Mercury is retrograde in your tenth solar house until May 14.

It is a good time for review, but it is not the best time for clear answers. There will probably be information blockages. While you wait for the information you need, you can reconsider things, but make sure to wait before drawing conclusions.

When communicating with the general public, superiors, associates, friends, and colleagues, you should be very careful.

Instead of beginning completely new projects, it might be better to stick to the projects that are already planned out or are in the process of being carried out.

Consider now to be a powerful opportunity to look to the past for answers on how to better handle the responsibilities you are currently responsible for, as well as to modify your work and observe trends.




Virgo 6

Virgo, Mercury will start its retrograde motion, which may cause you to experience some mental fogginess as well as some nervousness when thinking about your more long-term plans.

Even though you place a high priority on them, especially in the coming weeks, you should try to stop overthinking and give yourself permission to feel what you want to.

You need to be careful in both the way that you express yourself verbally and in writing. Since Mercury is about to change direction, it is important that you communicate clearly so that there are no misunderstandings.

Conversations that truly matter should be saved for times when people are less responsive and you are able to communicate more clearly.

There is currently a Mercury retrograde in your house of exploration and education, and it will continue until May 14. During this time, there will be information blockages, delays, or confusion surrounding legal or educational matters.

It is preferable to work on projects that are already in progress, modify those projects, or resume studies that have been put on hold. It is possible to take a moment to gather one's thoughts and determine what it is that they want and need during this time. Because Mercury is your ruling planet, your mind is frequently operating at a much faster rate than the rest of you, and it's time for the rest of you to catch up.

However, be careful when presenting ideas, composing letters and emails, and carrying out any other type of detail work.




Libra 6

Libra, the energies of the day encourage a coming together of the mental and emotional realms. As Mercury enters its retrograde phase, now is an excellent time to make research, improvements to plans, investigate relationships, determine what drives you, and engage in some self-reflection.

During this retrograde period, there will be some confusion regarding shared resources and financial commitments. In order to gain a better understanding of the present when it comes to personal and financial matters, you might find yourself frequently consulting the past.

Consider that information may be incomplete at this time and that it makes sense to focus on trust-building activities.

Also, be sure not to overlook important financial details, and it's better not to lend something to someone if you want it returned without hassle.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, Mercury will be in retrograde, and from now until May 14, some of the things you've started or communicated in the recent past will require some revisions.

In the coming weeks, you will most likely gain a new perspective on a relationship. It is not the right time to search for answers.

Delays in communications can make things more confusing, but they can also help you better understand our situation by bringing to light details that you had previously overlooked.

People from your past play a more important role in your life. Instead of focusing on the words used to express ideas at this moment, try to focus on the meaning behind the words.

Diplomacy is the way to go for now, and especially important with Mercury going retrograde.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, Mercury goes retrograde today, so it would be wise for you to pay extra attention to how you communicate, even though the New Moon that just passed may give you a boost of energy.

During this cycle, which will continue until May 14th, there will be some delays that need to be managed. Something from your subconscious is interfering with your thinking today; therefore, it would be wise to double-check your work.

In the coming weeks, you might run into some of the same issues at work, and some of the projects that you thought were finished might need some additional work.

Today, you need to watch what you say and what you sign very closely. However, after this has passed, there is good energy to work on refining and editing projects and reviewing work, routines, habits, and health issues.

Slow down and take care of the things that you have rushed through in the past.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, social pleasures are more attractive than material pursuits today. Since Mercury is in retrograde motion, you should be on the lookout for situations that involve excessively thoughtful, creative, and romantic considerations today.

Instead of following a script of what you think you should be doing, follow the desires of your heart. It is necessary for you to go back and start over in these areas, but the urgency is not as great as you might think it is.

Mercury will remain in retrograde until May 14, so now is the time to take things more slowly, assess the situation, and evaluate the plans that have been made.

Breakdowns in communication are possible at any time, but especially now. You may get the impression that the creative process is winding down, but in reality, it is more of a realignment process.

It is a good time to think about old ideas or projects that you haven't had the opportunity to pursue or finish in the past.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, Mercury will go retrograde motion from today, until May 14, and this cycle can help you see aspects of your life in a new light, particularly those aspects that are most important to you, such as your personal life, your family, and your home.

You may find yourself dwelling on mistakes from the past today, or you may have a nagging sense of guilt over a responsibility that you have avoided taking on.

Use the time you have now to reevaluate the situation rather than worry about it. You'll come across an error or an inconsistent point that needs to be addressed.

Sometimes communicating with family can be trickier than you'd like it to be, or there might be some level of chaos or mechanical issues in the home that need your attention.

Reworking and reorganizing existing processes can be especially fruitful during this phase of the cycle, although launching new initiatives may not be the best idea right now.




Pisces 6

Pisces, from today until the 14th of May, Mercury will be in retrograde motion in your house of communications.

During this cycle, there is the potential for delays, changes, or adjustments to occur in basic areas such as learning, transportation, and communications.

It is in your best interest to mark important appointments and errands on your calendar while maintaining a degree of flexibility.

It is possible that it will be necessary to discuss unresolved issues with siblings or neighbors; certain topics may require additional review and study.

As a result of participating in these activities, you might find that you are able to express yourself in new ways that would not have occurred to you otherwise.

Find out everything you can about the situation before you make any decisions. When Mercury is in retrograde, it is generally a good idea to revisit old or ongoing projects and make necessary adjustments.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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