Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! August 23, 2023

The Sun enters Virgo and will remain there until the 22nd of September. During this time, we are focused on the pieces of the puzzle of our lives, the details that require our consideration.

It's a good time to tackle the practical aspects of our lives and deal with unfinished business, to free up energy and avoid unnecessary stress resulting from the accumulation of unfinished tasks.

This cycle encourages organization, thorough work, and the improvement of professional relationships and communications.

Mercury in Virgo is going retrograde today. Communication can be tricky, and it can be difficult to focus on concrete, objective facts.

Mercury will remain retrograde in Virgo until September 15th. During this period, we are encouraged to turn inward, to re-examine and re-evaluate different aspects of our lives.

Mercury retrograde heightens our inner awareness and promotes meditating, journaling, reviewing old plans, and reassessing past work.

Minor disruptions in communications can serve as a catalyst for us to explore more meaningful ways of communicating.

The most delicate moments are the transition periods, i.e. near the beginning and end of the retrograde (today and September 15).

After that, our bodies will gradually adjust to the change in energy. When Mercury is retrograde, it brings us back to the past, where we may discover new or previously unknown information. These cycles teach us to let go and think in moderation.

Since Mercury is retrograde in Virgo, we may look back on previous choices and ideas and see them in a new light. Previous projects could be re-examined and refined.

With the current changes, it's advisable to observe carefully rather than make critical decisions.




Aries 6

Aries, today, the Sun is highlighting your routines as it enters your house of work and health. Mercury goes retrograde in this same area, which indicates that there is a need for readjustment, observation, and slowing down.

This retrograde phase will last until September 15th, and it can affect the way you think and prompt you to reevaluate the decisions you've made recently.

In the weeks ahead, you might run into familiar issues at work, with your health, or with house chores. You may also find that projects you thought you'd completed need to be reworked, or that you have to wait for information.

Today, pay close attention to the agreements you sign and the words you use. Once this delicate period is over, you'll benefit from favorable energy to refine and revise your projects.

You may have to slow down. Luckily, this retrograde cycle has a knack for drawing your attention to details that you had previously neglected.

The improvements you make during this period of reassessment may prove particularly beneficial in the future.




Taurus 6

Taurus, the Sun moves into your house of pleasure, which indicates that in the coming month, social pleasures will gain traction, surpassing more pragmatic activities.

Mercury retrograding through the same house today highlights the necessity of being careful in creative and romantic matters, as well as avoiding excessive overanalysis.

You may need to re-evaluate and adjust certain situations, but this doesn't require immediate urgency, contrary to what you might think.

As Mercury's retrograde period continues until September 15, you are encouraged to take some time to pause, think, and revise any ongoing projects.

During this period, there will be disruptions in communication; therefore, it is recommended to check and review the details carefully, especially today and tomorrow.

While the creative process may seem to pause, it's actually a beneficial realignment. You will be challenged to think in new ways and find new ways to express yourself.

This period may also require you to reflect on past events, such as the reappearance of people from your past or the impact that they had on your mindset and feelings.




Gemini 6

Gemini, Mercury goes retrograde today, which coincides with the Sun's entry into your fourth solar house. The coming weeks will focus on your personal sphere, your inner world, and domestic activities.

Even though there can be mechanical issues or delays, you should take advantage of this time because it gives you the chance to look at your life from a completely different angle, especially with regard to your feelings, your family, and other personal and domestic concerns.

This is an excellent opportunity to reflect on recent events and consider potential responses related to home or personal issues. Reconsider your options.

Dealing with problem areas can bring significant improvements to your life, even if it may mean a slight temporary setback.

If you feel that the time is not yet right for new endeavors, prioritizing house reorganization and changes can be fruitful.  Today, reflection is more important than taking action.

Make it your priority to reinforce your feelings of support and security, both internally and externally.




Cancer 6

Cancer, Mercury goes retrograde cycle in your house of communication, a cycle that will last until September 15th. During this time, you might experience setbacks with regard to learning, traveling, and basic exchanges.

Revision and correction can be essential during this cycle. When scheduling important appointments and errands, be flexible and pay close attention to detail. You may also find yourself revisiting unresolved issues with siblings or neighbors.

There are some topics that might need additional analysis and revisions, and there might be some technical issues, which might force you to rethink how you connect with people.

These experiences may help you discover new ways of expressing yourself that you might not otherwise have considered.

Before embarking on any new endeavors, gather all of the necessary information. Use this opportunity to take a step back, reflect, and review your communication methods.




Leo 6

Leo, Mercury goes retrograde in your house of money and material possessions, a cycle that lasts until September 15th.

During this period, it may be necessary to re-evaluate your finances, budget, or possessions, and you may even have to deal with losses or misplaced items.

Your opinions or interests will change, and this could be accompanied by feelings of regret regarding recent decisions you've made.

Spend some time reflecting on the various ways you earn and spend money, but put off making any important decisions regarding these aspects of your life.

Some lucrative ideas or projects could also bide their time. Take the opportunity to tackle old problems from a new angle or perspective.

Today, don't be too casual in your communications and others time to understand what you are saying.




Virgo 6

Virgo, today marks the beginning of Mercury's retrograde cycle in your sign, which will continue until September 15.

The Sun will also be in your sign during this period. You find that as you rediscover aspects of your personality, you are also compelled to reflect on and learn from your past.

During this period, there may be delays in communication and some of your personal projects may seem to stagnate or even regress.

Keep in mind that despite appearing to be negative, this regression may actually be beneficial because it presents an opportunity for reassessment.

You may see some great ideas and promising beginnings in the weeks to come. You are in an excellent position to reorganize your thoughts and think things through.

By looking at the world through different prisms, interesting new ideas and perspectives can emerge.

Although you may sometimes have verbal awkwardnesses, you also actively work to clarify your thoughts and give sufficient space to your reflections.




Libra 6

Libra, with the Moon spending most of the day in the sign before yours, you are able to put your feelings to the side and focus on the tasks at hand.

Enjoy the simple things that enrich your life and make it better. However, the energies of the day can be somewhat challenging, primarily because there is a chance that there will be difficulties in communication, misunderstandings, or disruptions in movement.

Mercury goes retrograde, and this cycle will continue until September 15th. During this time, you may face delays in receiving essential information, which may make decision-making more difficult.

Don't say something that you might come to regret in the future or share information that you would rather keep secret.

The inner and outer signs may be difficult to interpret until you recognize that your perspective has changed significantly.

During this period, make sure you're clear in your communications about your inner thoughts, or take the opportunity to re-evaluate issues before sharing them with others.

This cycle is conducive to reviewing and refining work in progress, keeping a journal, and reflecting on the past.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, today Mercury goes retrograde in your social sector, which coincides with the Sun in this same house of your chart.

Mercury will retrograde until the 15th of September, and some of your recent plans, projects, or choices could be subject to delays.

Managing friendships may present some challenges at the moment. It's possible that acquaintances from the past will resurface, or that you'll consider reconnecting with old friends.

Beware of misinformation and unreliable advice. Unclear thinking and misunderstandings could be common today and tomorrow.

Situations where wires get crossed and unexpected detours may arise, causing you to avoid making major decisions or changes.

Nonetheless, the following weeks may highlight overlooked details, presenting an opportunity to reassess your decisions and make changes and meaningful improvements accordingly.

Try to keep the mood light and focus on having fun, rather than on the little annoyances that may arise.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, the Moon will remain in your house of privacy until tomorrow, highlighting the things behind the scenes and other private matters.

It is a good time to relax, take a break, refresh, think about your life, and perhaps most importantly, rejuvenate.

Mercury goes retrograde so it's important that you remain flexible, as confusion is likely. While this is a good time to fine-tune your long-term goals and professional projects, expect some confusion surrounding business plans and communications over the next few weeks.

Since Mercury will remain retrograde until September 15, this is an excellent time to study, but it is unlikely that you will receive definitive answers.

There will be roadblocks in obtaining information. While you're waiting for the necessary information, it can be beneficial to reconsider things.

If possible, wait before drawing any final conclusions. Maintain projects already underway or on the table, rather than embarking on new endevaors.

Keep in mind that this is a great opportunity to find answers about how to manage your current responsibilities, as well as to make adjustments to your work by observing past trends.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, the Sun will enter your house of mind today, which will encourage you to have a more optimistic outlook on the future.

However, Mercury is also retrograde in this same house, which may lead to a tendency to mental over-analysis and nervousness as you think about your long-term plans.

Even though these plans are important, you should try to not overthink and allow yourself to feel your desires. It is advisable to be cautious in your written and verbal communications at this time.

Communicate your thoughts in a clear and concise way, as there could be misunderstood because of Mercury retrograde. Leave important conversations for later when your emotions are more under control and your thinking is more clear.

You are in an excellent position to work on ongoing projects, rework those projects, or resume pending studies while Mercury is in retrograde, which lasts until September 15.

If your mind has been working faster than the rest of you lately, this is an opportunity for realignment. You may only see part of the picture, but it can give you a useful new perspective.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, the Sun moves into your eighth solar house, and for the next few weeks, your focus will be on doing research, refining plans, exploring relationships, learning about your motivations, and introspecting.

At the same time, Mercury will go retrograde in this same house. Although there may be some slowdowns as a result of this, the next three weeks will be an excellent time to review and revise certain matters.

It's a good idea to watch your spending and avoid excessive loans or borrowing until September 15. While you may find it difficult to follow instructions or grasp important details today, over time you'll learn to work with this energy to your advantage.

Confusing information might actually offer you an opportunity to rethink things. You often have the ability to learn from the past to better understand the present.

Your finances, especially shared finances, loans, and alimony, deserve special attention. Although delays or uncertainties may arise in these areas, you have the opportunity to solve long-standing problems or discover neglected resources.




Pisces 6

Pisces, the Sun moves into your opposite sign today. As a result, the next few weeks will highlight the importance of harmony in your social life as well as in your relationships.

However, Mercury goes retrograde in the same house, and this will continue until the 15th of September. During this period, you may experience a few slowdowns, perhaps linked to a significant person in your life.

It is strongly advised that you do not rush things, even though your plans and goals for your relationship are very important. Over the next three weeks, there could be some confusion when it comes to partnerships, whether personal or professional, or both.

It would be unwise to seek definitive answers or clear commitments during this period. People from your past and problems you've already encountered may reappear.

However, these delays may ultimately help you to better understand your situation. Although you may feel stuck at times, the reflection you engage in now will benefit you in the long run.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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