Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! December 16, 2022

The Moon transits through the sign of Virgo, which will encourage our desire to assist others, sort, investigate, and organize. It is the last quarter Moon, and the Sun is currently in the sign of Sagittarius.

This morning, the Sun forms a square with the Moon, which is currently in the sign of Virgo. This indicates that now is the time to review and sort out rather than push something new.

It is best to work out the final details, take inventory, and let go of anything that isn't absolutely necessary until the New Moon the following week.

We might reflect on some recent events, what those events mean to us, and what the next step might be.

The Moon in Virgo stimulates our desire to improve our skills, perform exceptionally well at work, pay close attention to our health, and assist those around us.

When the Moon moves in Libra, we are more focused on finding ways to bring harmony and balance into our lives. This Moon transit will assist us in seeing a story or situation from a different perspective.



Aries 6

Aries, you have the ability to quickly take the initiative with regard to your ideas and plans. There is a possibility that there will be heated debates or periods of intense “reflection.”

You are capable of keeping your mind active, even if you are occasionally a little too excited! At the beginning of the day, although you are willing to put in the effort to achieve your goals, you have a bit of a lack of patience.

However, as the day goes on, you may find that you are content to concentrate your attention on something unique. Today is a great day to broaden your horizons and expose yourself to new experiences and insights, particularly in regard to the objectives you have for the longer term.

You are in an excellent position to work toward achieving your objectives and to appreciate or take pleasure in your plans and projects. It can be very satisfying to find a solution to a problem that has been giving you stress.




Taurus 6

Taurus, the mental energy is strong when the day begins, and you may feel compelled to follow through on an idea or seek further information. This could be a good time to look into something.

You could also benefit from receiving some exciting ideas for breaking away from your typical routine. Be wary of your tendency to react strongly to an opinion or belief by speaking before you've thought about what you want to say.

As the day goes on, things will become less difficult. You feel better about getting back on the right track and gain confidence in your ability to prioritize effectively.

It is a good time to show your loyalty through the actions that you take.




Gemini 6

Gemini, you have a mind that is even sharper than usual today, because you are able to see all of the facets that make up a situation.

You are in excellent shape to carry out activities such as research, investigations, and activities that require bravery or mental effort, despite the fact that you may feel somewhat restless or dissatisfied.

You are interested in an idea or subject, or you find that you enjoy thinking of things that are not typical today. It's possible that you need to find a solution to a problem that's been plaguing you for a long time or that's particularly difficult, or that you need to resolve.

You are committed, and you take pleasure in the work that you do. Plan-making, in general, is good now. As you experiment with various approaches to completing your typical tasks, you might find new resources and notice an increase in your energy levels.




Capricorn 6

Cancer, today may be a particularly fruitful or enjoyable day to engage in intellectual discourse with others. Your interactions are characterized by a more powerful acceptance and tolerance of others' differences.

Participating in activities or working with other people can help you think of innovative ideas or approaches to a problem. A one-on-one conversation can provide you with a more in-depth analysis.

It is possible to have debates, as well as a variety of ideas and beliefs, which should, ideally, be stimulating rather than frustrating. Maintaining focus can be challenging, but the good news is that it gets easier as the day goes on.

Having people who are supportive can help you become more confident in what you do.




Leo 6

Leo, today's conversations have the potential to be especially interesting, and gaining new knowledge may prove to be of the utmost importance.

You have the drive and the desire to complete something that is substantial and perhaps even ambitious. If you want to maintain a feeling of mastery over the situation, you should avoid taking on too much responsibility all at once.

Today is a great day for being resourceful and making the most of whatever circumstances you find yourself in. Despite this, it is easy to become preoccupied with petty concerns and minute details.

Your approaches to work and methods are particularly sound right now, and your common sense should be able to direct you to the appropriate information.




Virgo 6

Virgo, today is a day when it should be much simpler for you to find satisfying outlets for expressing yourself. You are more courageous with your feelings and relationships.

The levels of mental and emotional energy are both very high. Finding a solution to an issue or rising to a challenge can be very rewarding. Be on the lookout for the tendency to talk too intellectually about a topic that requires more sensitivity, or vice versa, to joke too quickly on a serious subject.

As today progresses, the Moon will enter your second solar house, prompting you to focus more on expanding your resources and increasing your level of comfort.

The energy of today is also favorable for coming to mutually agreeable arrangements. It will be rewarding for you to either get organized or take a method that is more focused on what you are doing.




Libra 6

Libra, there is potential for excitement in the conversations you have today. If you are able to work independently, you will be able to accomplish more.

In spite of this, encouraging a healthy sense of competition can be beneficial and motivational. There is a strong desire to put recent ideas for bettering yourself into action.

In particular, you have a lot of positive energy on your side for doing things with your family or working around the house. You have significantly more mental energy than usual.

It is possible for previously hidden issues or other tensions to become apparent, and while this can be frustrating, it can be beneficial to be aware of problems before they become more severe.

You're in a fortunate position to enjoy interactions throughout the day that are calm, grounded in reality, and completely focused on the task at hand. Right now you have no trouble concentrating on the activity at hand.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, today is a good day for your fierce individualism to shine through. You may want to work at your own pace during this time in order to avoid unnecessary obstacles or conflict.

This is a time when you will be learning new information or skills. You are inspired to work on a project or an idea and set it into motion – now is a good time to start something that is important to you.

While intentions are probably good, the chosen words may not be ideal for the situation today. Nevertheless, as the day goes on, you are able to present your ideas in a manner that is both more pertinent and enjoyable.

You might be able to strengthen a connection through satisfying communications. You are in a good position to produce something that will be beneficial or encouraging.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, the energies of today are favorable for attending to your business. You have the ability to motivate yourself to be in control of your tasks, your finances, and your purchases.

Your mental health is excellent, and you have a more developed than usual acumen for conducting business or serving in a leadership role. It's possible for you to feel a lot of excitement about making progress.

There might be an interesting conversation about a lucrative business opportunity.  Your life right now is being dominated by an idea of safety, despite the fact that you typically prefer to take things as they come.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, you have an abundance of mental energy and the guts to voice your thoughts and opinions today, which is a welcome change from the norm.

Your mood will improve if other people give you space to pursue your own interests today. You are very concerned about getting things done and finding the answers you need.

As the day goes on, it becomes increasingly clear that you are able to concentrate and apply yourself more fully to activities that you enjoy doing.

It's also possible that you'll find yourself assisting another person or reaching out to them with advice and information.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, although there is a propensity to jump to conclusions as a result of today's transits, your mind will be sharpened and your ability to make decisions will improve.

A significant personal achievement or powerful memories inspire and motivate you to continue. Your attention is drawn to activities that are calming, comforting, and natural and that help you let go, decompress, and cleanse.

Working out certain details, particularly the financial ones, can be appealing. It is possible to give someone a very clear indication of your dedication to them, or you may be able to see very clearly how someone else feels about you.




Pisces 6

Pisces, the planets in transit today have a significant impact on your ability to communicate and encourage you to let your emotions out. There is a good chance that you will be very busy and involved.

You want to learn, share, and then put what you've learned into practice. It's possible that you're overconfident, but if you can avoid getting overwhelmed with information, the ideas you have could be useful right now.

Take your time, but don't rush things if you want the best results. When it concerns your friendship or other people who are important to you, you may find that you are especially motivated to find a solution to a problem.

It would be a good idea to negotiate with someone or try to reach a consensus with them today. You might have an interest in delving deeper into a topic, and people will notice and appreciate the effort you put in.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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