Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! February 28, 2023

The Moon continues its transit through Gemini and we feel mentally stimulated, interested, and curious. The Cancer Moon tonight is sensitive and devoted to loved ones.

There are things that we can do to make life more convenient and safe for ourselves and our families. Now is a good time to tap into our fullest potential.

Today, Mercury forms a semi-square aspect with Jupiter, which influences our perceptions and decision-making as we attempt to make sense of the information we have and find meaning in it.

This aspect can have a positive or negative impact, depending on how you choose to interpret it. We have a tendency to exaggerate the positive aspects of a situation.

The amount of information available causes us to feel a little overwhelmed or we might miss some crucial details. There's also a tendency to exaggerate and dramatize.



Aries 6

Aries, your focus right now is on achieving your friendship, networking, and happiness goals; however, today may present some challenges.

You might find it hard to handle things on your own or to ask for help when you have a question.

You may not feel like pursuing or making new commitments for later, because energy and confidence tend to rise to very high levels and then fall.

As a result, it is best to limit the number of promises you make or completely avoid making them. We believe we can do more than we're capable of so we must remember our limits.

The Moon in your house of communications during the day gives you a busy schedule. However, sooner or later it will move into your house of home and family and then things will start to settle down and you will seek more peace and predictability.




Taurus 6

Taurus, today is a good day for you to participate in group activities and cooperate. On the other hand, you quickly become bored of anything that lacks magic.

Your professional obligations or responsibilities seem to be pressing and you'd rather go your own way. Temporarily focusing on priorities isn't so easy right now.

Instead of trying to push one area or the other forward, look for a balance between the two. Be aware that the things you hear can be exaggerated. You feel pretty optimistic now.




Gemini 6

Gemini, you might be expecting a little bit more from your romantic relationships than usual, and you might receive mixed signals or experience disappointment.

The key to successfully navigating the day is to be moderate and refrain from going to extremes. Keep in mind that the decisions you make today may have been influenced by wrong information or exaggerations.

Relax instead of placing too much importance on what you hear or see. You'll be in good hands with the Moon in your sign. Today is filled with good-natured energy that encourages sharing and cooperation.




Cancer 6

Cancer, since Mercury and Jupiter are forming a semi-square today, you may experience emotional turmoil. Thoughts and conversations may become dramatic or tense.

You should try not to spend too much time deciding the best path, as mentally circling the possibilities can be more distracting than usual.

Given the possibility that what you say or hear today is exaggerated, you should take it easy and avoid making any commitments.

If you want to avoid making a commitment that will cause you pain in the future, it's important to remember your boundaries.

Even though you will need to pay attention to the nitty-gritty details later on, you are free to have very ambitious goals and plans right now. Let your imagination run wild.




Leo 6

Leo, you might have a hard time balancing your need for independence with others. Even though you might not want to stir up old business, doing so can be liberating if you are willing to grow and learn from problems.

Even though today is a good day on many fronts, you may feel restless, which may increase your desire to indulge in excessive behavior. The tendency to overestimate the situation is something to keep an eye on right now.

All you're looking for is a life with greater meaning and a more profound connection to the world around you. Investigating the causes of dissatisfaction is recommended.

The things you say today don't reflect exactly what it is that you want and need.




Virgo 6

Virgo, work, health, and routines are important themes in your life; however, your relationship with any one of these aspects can become temporarily complicated.

There will be a change that disrupts your day. The good news is that the only thing that can save the day is a positive attitude and the determination not to let the insignificant things in life get you down.

Be wary, however, of the tendency to gloss over important details. In your relationships, you desire more conversation or “proof” that the other person cares about you.

You might believe that you are capable of taking on a lot, whether it be at work or in terms of the chores that need to be done around the house. However, you should keep in mind that your level of energy and time might not match your level of optimism today.




Libra 6

Libra, the energies of today may present some challenges in social situations or romantic encounters; however, once you get past these obstacles, the day may hold many opportunities for success.

It will be especially important to refrain from going too far, particularly in the things that you say. At the same time, you should make an effort not to believe in anything promised.

Communications are productive, but might also be excessive, which could lead to complications in the future. Try not to rely on plans that appear to be too idealistic or too good, but rather use your imagination and think of better ideas.

Moon moving to the top of your solar chart tonight will stimulate a desire for the days ahead to have more order and purpose in your life.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, due to a semi-square between Mercury and Jupiter today, you have a tendency to exaggerate the importance of a situation.

If you keep in mind that there is currently an emphasis on hyperbole and drama, you won't place as much importance on the things communicated and you'll be able to relax more.

Take your time when drawing conclusions, but don't be afraid to use your imagination if you want to get the most out of today.

Later on, the Moon will move into your spiritual sector, urging you to have faith in your ambitions and to keep your attention on the bigger picture.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, the Moon will remain in your house of partnerships throughout the day, focusing your attention on matters pertaining to your connections, negotiations, and connections.

Today, your responses to others are extremely generous. While this is wonderful on some levels, there is a tendency to overestimate or exaggerate.

You also run the risk of incorrectly estimating the amount of energy you have to see something through to completion because motivation levels can be very high but then drop off dramatically.

Having expectations that are more in line with reality, on the other hand, can help you take full advantage of the day.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, the time is right for you to engage in activities related to building and developing things. You're also experiencing some anxiety today, especially considering how much you like taking things at a more relaxed pace.

Your curiosity is at an all-time high right now! There is a risk of talking too much or starting to talk too soon.

Before making any decisions, you should make sure that you know everything. However, despite the fact that quiet moments of reflection can be beneficial, if they are allowed to drag on for too long, they can become a form of procrastination.

You will benefit most from spending some time focusing on your material needs. The day has the potential to be filled with wonderful, positive moments if you are able to rein in the unproductive tendencies.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, you are prepared to take on challenges without putting too much thought into them today; however, keep in mind that a little caution and strategy can go a long way.

There won't be a solid plan to follow. Take care not to overreach, especially when it comes to making decisions and communicating with others.

With Mercury in your sign, you have a greater appreciation for the input you receive from other people, and as a result, you are more willing to give advice and talk about your own personal plans and objectives.

On the other hand, something may feel exaggerated or disproportionately emphasized in either a positive or negative direction. Take your time when coming to conclusions, especially when making promises.




Pisces 6

Pisces, since the Moon will be spending most of the day in your house of home and family, this is an excellent time to enjoy comfort, people, and familiar things.

It is a day to cultivate a sense of support and belonging for yourself and others. The semi-square between Mercury and Jupiter can result in the temptation to do more than you should,

It can also lead you to rely too much on something in order to achieve something or to make promises that may ultimately be difficult to keep.

You should not be afraid to dream, but when doing so, you shouldn't ignore the details. If you decide to give someone a hand today, be thoughtful about the actions you take.

You are misinterpreting people right now. Spend some time reflecting on who you are and how you feel, but put off making any important choices for the time being.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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