Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! July 18, 2023

Today, the Moon moves into Leo. This sign is known for being expressive and creative, but a minor square aspect between Mars and Chiron may momentarily nuance this mood.

Be careful as it's easy to get offended. Susceptibilities may arise and it may be more difficult to assert oneself with confidence and naturalness, leading to a few challenges and misunderstandings.

Nevertheless, these challenges also present opportunities for growth. Later today, the biquintile between Mars and Pluto indicates that we are ready to face challenges, as well as adopt plans and strategies to achieve our desires.

This points to the potential for bold action and profound transformation. Be open to new opportunities and channel your energies into pursuing your goals.



Aries 6

Aries, as the North Node of the Moon enters your sign, a new phase of self-discovery is about to begin. Over the next year and a half, you will experience both the joys and difficulties of your independence, personal bravery, and efficiency.

It will be a beautiful and challenging process where you overcome existing fears, whether by trusting your instincts or making autonomous decisions in different aspects of your life.

This period, which will last until January 2025, will encourage you to express yourself in new, exciting, and constructive ways. It is an exciting time when you can let your individuality flourish and you can do whatever you want.

It's interesting to note that this transit takes place not long after Jupiter has passed through your sign; this indicates that you'll continue to receive teachings on independence and self-reliance.

The Moon will travel through your house of creativity, focusing your attention on the importance of having fun and enjoying life.

It's an invitation to explore your creativity, embrace your playful side and allow yourself moments of fun. As you embark on this new path, get ready for a period of remarkable growth and assertiveness.




Taurus 6

Taurus, the North Node of the Moon has left your sign and is now moving through your house of privacy. This period will last for a total of eighteen months.

During this time, you will be guided to explore your inner world, which will bring both significant joys and challenges. You will have an interest in things like spirituality, moments of pause, rest, and rejuvenation.

Your path is to let go of unnecessary worries and guilt and develop a deeper trust in a larger plan. This process is stimulating and encourages you to pay close attention to your inner world and your mental health.

Jupiter is currently in your sign, encouraging you to come out of your comfort zone and flourish. The North Node in transit helps you complete your experiences by reminding you of the importance of cultivating inner confidence.

At the same time, the Moon is transiting through your house of home and family, which highlights how important it is for you to refocus and recharge your batteries.

Spend some time this week getting back in touch with your home, family, and roots. Give yourself moments of calm and reflection to nurture your emotional well-being.

Now is a great time to strengthen family ties and work toward creating a more harmonious environment.




Gemini 6

Gemini, the North Node of the Moon has recently moved into your social sector for eighteen months. During this period, you'll be led to explore your inner world, which will bring both significant joys and challenges.

This transit will focus on friendship, networks, partnerships, teams, and aspirations for happiness. During the next few months, you will have a lot of opportunities to strengthen existing relationships as well as develop new friendships.

You'll feel the need to share with others and be part of a group or community. The Moon today amplifies your desire to learn about new things and broaden your perspective

You're at your best when you have a little variety in your life. You're not attracted by a monotonous routine right now. Make the most of this energy by venturing into uncharted territory, doing new activities, and exposing yourself to new possibilities.

Don't be afraid to push yourself outside of your comfort zone and broaden your network. You may be pleasantly surprised by the inspiring encounters and opportunities for personal growth that come your way.




Cancer 6

Cancer, the North Node of the Moon has recently moved into your tenth solar house, where it will remain for the next eighteen months.

This period will give you greater confidence to put yourself forward and assume your responsibilities. Your work and public life are where the biggest challenges and joys will arise.

Now is the ideal time to dedicate yourself to your professional journey. Today, as the Moon moves into your second solar house, your emotions will stabilize.

You've been very focused on your personal experiences and specific goals, but now you feel the need to slow down and appreciate what you've already achieved.

Instead of always looking for something new and exciting, the focus should be on grounding and connecting with those around you.

You find yourself drawn to a more predictable and secure rhythm and are drawn to concrete, simple, and sensual activities and experiences.

Now is great for making long-term commitments to projects that will allow you to build a strong foundation for your future.

Enjoy life's simple pleasures and find comfort in the tangible aspects of your existence by making the most of these quiet moments to reconnect with your body and your environment.

You need to strike a healthy balance between your personal life and your professional ambitions. By finding a way to integrate these two spheres, you can create lasting harmony and well-being in your life.




Leo 6

Leo, this is a cosmic opportunity for you to align your beliefs with your true essence because the North Node of the Moon has moved into your house of spirituality for eighteen months.

You're also discovering the importance of self-expression through extraordinary study, effort, and experience. You are challenged to grow and step outside of your comfort zone.

It has never been a better time to expand your horizons, cultivate your faith and nourish your spirit. You are encouraged to explore different practices and activities that connect you with yourself and the world around you on a deeper level.

Today, with the Moon entering your sign, you'll feel more inclined to come out of your shell and show your true personality. You feel a need to connect with others on a deeper level and experience intense emotions.

Make the most of this opportunity to bring more color and passion into your life. Be open to new spiritual perspectives and experiences, as they can help you develop a deeper understanding of yourself and expand your worldview.




Virgo 6

Virgo, with the North Node of the Moon currently in your eighth solar house, where it will remain for the next year and a half, you're learning to cultivate a deeper connection with your inner world and feel the need for a more intimate connection with someone or some meaningful project.

This transit encourages you to focus on your financial situation and practical matters, but it also encourages you to meet your needs on a spiritual, sexual, and emotional level.

During this time, you focus on striking a good balance in your life between giving and receiving. You may have felt a strong temptation to rely solely on yourself, but now you realize the importance of cultivating authentic relationships and opening yourself up to emotional intimacy.

It's time to explore your deepest needs and find a balance between your autonomy and your ability to connect with others in a meaningful way.

With the Moon passing through your chart, you're less preoccupied with the demands of daily life and more inclined to retreat to step back and process recent events.

You feel the need to take some time off for yourself, to reflect, and to emotionally recharge your batteries. Today and tomorrow, you should pay attention to your feelings and health.

Listen to your intuition and trust the subtle signs that guide you toward deeper solutions and answers.




Libra 6

Libra, the North Node of the Moon has just entered your opposite sign. This marks the start of an eighteen-month cycle that emphasizes your connections with others.

During this period, you commit to strengthening your identity and developing a sense of purpose through your connections and partnerships.

The challenges and rewards will come mainly from your ability to associate and cooperate with others. Until January 2025, this transit will highlight the importance of relationships and encourage you to work toward developing yourself.

Finding a happy medium between your desire for independence and your need for companionship can be difficult at times, but doing so can result in big benefits in the long run.

The Moon will move into your social sector today, emphasizing light, social experiences. Connecting with others, group activities, and enjoying the time spent together couldn't come at a better time.

Remember to listen to the needs and perspectives of others while expressing your own ideas and opinions. Be open to partnership and cooperation opportunities, as they can bring you significant benefits and achievements.

Remain attentive to the evolution of your relationships and adapt to the challenges and opportunities that arise.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, the North Node of the Moon is currently transiting through your house of work and health, this encourages you to pay greater attention to order, detail, and rules.

Over the course of eighteen months, you'll discover that discipline and mastery of your daily routines are essential aspects of your personal growth.

Even though there will be times when it is difficult, you will find that the effort you put in and the attention you pay to both your job and your health will be extremely rewarding.

From now until January 2025, this transit encourages you to put more of your love and energy into your work as well as your overall physical and mental health.

However, it's important to strike a balance between your need for autonomy and your commitment to others. This also applies to balancing work and rest, and to the importance of giving and receiving in your relationships.

Effectively managing your day-to-day affairs and your well-being is the key to feeling accomplished and fulfilled. You'll realize that people focus less on your personality and more on your accomplishments and the effort you've put in.

Keep focusing on the importance of order, discipline, and management of your work and your health.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, the North Node of the Moon is now traveling through your sign's house of joy and creativity for the next year and a half, you are ready to embrace your individuality and stand out from the crowd.

This transit highlights your ability to share your inner spark, ideas, and creativity with the world. It challenges you to build relationships based on genuine love and share your heart generously.

This time is very beneficial as it allows you to fully express yourself and feel fulfilled. The North Node will remain in your sector of joy until January 2025, completing your journey perfectly.

To get the most out of this time, you'll have to let go of some of the obligations you have to the outside world. This will allow you to focus your time and energy on developing your romantic relationships, taking time for yourself, and exploring your creative side.

Today, the Moon will be moving into your house of spirituality, encouraging you to step outside of your comfort zone and try out some new things.

Overall, this transit offers you a precious opportunity to connect with your most authentic essence, express your creativity, and find joy in your relationships and daily life.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, the North Node of the Moon has just moved into your house of home and family, where it will remain for the next eighteen months.

This transit highlights the importance of your personal life and family relationships. During this cycle, you'll find great rewards in turning inward and cultivating strong bonds with your loved ones.

Until January 2025, you'll probably devote more energy to your family life, seeking comfort, security, and peace of mind. This time of year may also prove to be advantageous for developing your home and family life.

Taking the time to strengthen these foundations will bring you great satisfaction and a sense of stability. During this phase, it is very important to connect with your feelings and take care of your emotional well-being.

Today, the Moon will be traveling through your eighth solar house, prompting you to look inward and focus on more specialized areas of your life.

Take this opportunity to explore your innermost motivations, desires, and aspirations. Don't forget to give balanced attention to your personal and professional life.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, the Moon's North Node has just started an eighteen-month transit in your house of communications, which places an emphasis on learning, communication, and connection.

During this time, you will have the chance to improve your communication skills and have meaningful conversations. You'll also be drawn to lighter personal interests and be able to connect more easily with others.

It's time to reach out and explore new forms of communication. You'll also develop a heightened sensitivity to the needs and communications of others, which will help you release tension and nervous pressure.

By opening yourself up to new perspectives and actively engaging in meaningful interactions, you'll find greater inner balance and happiness.

Today, the Moon will be moving through your seventh solar house, putting an emphasis on personal connections and relationships with others.

Be open to the opinions and needs of others, and look for ways to work together harmoniously. The key is to establish clear, honest communication, paying particular attention to active listening and mutual understanding.

Don't be afraid to express your ideas and listen carefully to others. This is how you build strong relationships.




Pisces 6

Pisces, the North Node of the Moon starts a new transit in your house of resources, where it will remain for the next year and a half.

This cycle offers chances for you to learn and grow. Over the coming months, you'll be led to develop greater financial independence and review your relationship with money, material goods, and possessions.

You'll learn to rely on yourself and value your own potential, which will boost your self-esteem.

Until January 2025, this transit will assist you in resolving any financial issues you may be experiencing, and it will also help you build a stronger foundation in terms of your material security.

With the Moon entering your house of work and health today, you feel motivated to be productive and move your projects forward.

Use this energy to your advantage by focusing on your professional responsibilities and goals, as well as your mental and physical health.

This transit is an invitation to cultivate greater self-confidence and develop better management of your material resources.

By taking charge of your financial situation and assessing your personal values, you can pave the way to greater stability and satisfaction in your daily life.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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