Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! March 16, 2023

Yesterday, the Sun and Neptune aligned, and today, Mercury will meet up with Neptune. The Sun and Mercury are aligning tomorrow morning, and both planets will make an aspect with Mars.

Due to the intensity and complexity of this transit, we may experience restlessness. Whatever we say or write right now has an impact.

It is too easy for us to disagree with others. What we say and how we say it can cause controversy. In addition, it may be difficult to relax.

We feel an intense compulsion to do something, to act and make things happen but we might not be aware of how to channel this energy.

Reactions are more likely to be combative or competitive, and we may be less willing to negotiate or reach a compromise. A square between Venus and Pluto adds another layer of complication to the energies of the day.

Since Venus and Pluto are both in the last degree of their respective signs and are in a challenging aspect, there may be emotionally charged mistakes.

This transit can amplify or stimulate our insecurities, bringing to the surface any suspicions or jealousies we may have. We may fear a betrayal or be in the dark about a matter.

Arguments can spark very quickly and easily. Today, shortly after Venus and Pluto form a square, Venus moves into Taurus. Venus will be there until April 11. This planet is very successful when it's in this sign.

Venus in Taurus enhances and fortifies our judgment. In the coming weeks, our thirst for fun will be at an all-time high.



Aries 6

Aries, if you have buried anger or resentment, it is likely that it will surface today and tomorrow. Although these emotions can be confusing, you need to learn how to manage them and stop being controlled by them.

Complicated feelings can suddenly bubble to the surface, seemingly out of nowhere. When you feel as though you have finally grasped someone's meaning, you are suddenly confronted with evidence to the contrary.

Nevertheless, the best course of action is to keep an eye out for impatient actions and communications. You might say something you'll regret later or share an idea you'll want to take back later.

Additionally, the people around you might be more anxious and more likely to fixate on trivial matters than usual. If you find yourself in this dynamic, you might want to think about expressing yourself through channels that are both safe and productive.




Taurus 6

Taurus, it is probably best for you to avoid pushing something today that you can't change and to tame the urges to do too much or spend too much money.

Identify the underlying cause of the stress and tension, and make that your starting point. Wait until a better day to tackle big problems if you observe someone being unresponsive or defensive as this is a time when blockages are likely to be felt more strongly.

Today, you are more attuned to what is occurring in your immediate environment and what is being communicated, so it will be important to refrain from hastily drawing conclusions or speaking before giving something some thought.

You might experience a temporary lack of foresight or you will have disagreements with others regarding money, boundaries, or problems relating to respect and worth.




Gemini 6

Gemini, arguments are most likely to arise as a result of haste and impatience. Instant results will not appear, and even if they do, they will not be rewarding!

It's easy to give in to the urge to try to muddle through a problem or force a solution. There is a possibility that the energy of the day is excessive or difficult to direct.

If you are unable to locate a healthy outlet for your frustration, it may lead to aggravation, and impatience may cost you. It is much simpler to be a victim of a problem or to aggravate others.

It is not as simple as it may seem to ignore minor annoyances and the possibility of conflict. As you work toward achieving your objectives, you run the risk of inadvertently stepping on others' toes.

You're finding it difficult to balance all of your responsibilities and personal objectives because there's simply not enough time in the day.




Cancer 6

Cancer, the transits that are occurring today may cause you to feel a little unsettled mentally. Even if you have a large appetite for pleasure or for something that gives you instant gratification, the results will not satisfy you in the long run.

Now, disagreements have the potential to rapidly develop into full-blown arguments. The transits that are occurring today appear to excite and agitate us.

Even if the circumstances seem to force you to focus on your frustrations, you should make an effort to avoid letting complicated impulses and feelings control you and instead focus on a need for action instead.

It is best not to force things, even though you may feel rushed or under pressure to do so. When Mars is in your solar twelfth house, it stirs up what's buried, so pay attention to what comes to the surface.




Leo 6

Leo, there is a lot of turmoil in the atmosphere today, and it may impair our ability to listen. People seem to put up with each other's poor behavior and say all the wrong things.

The transits that take place today and tomorrow have a tendency to bring to light buried issues that have not been resolved. When it comes to your personal or romantic life, you might easily confuse drama with genuine concern or joy.

You have a strong desire for mental and emotional stimulation, but you aren't sure where to look for it. An underlying sense of competitiveness is to blame for disagreements with friends.

If we aren't careful, these influences can bring out a part of us that is immature, and our restlessness or impatience can lead to mistakes or complications that aren't necessary.

However, if you channel it effectively, you can bring about significant change.




Virgo 6

Virgo, tensions are rising today, and it's best to find ways to channel excess energy into productive activities. Direct communications are generally desirable; however, they present a trend that can cause us to fall behind.

If other people are being aggressive, you might have to establish some boundaries for yourself. When there are too many options available right now, having more options can actually make it more difficult to choose one.

You might be contributing to the problem by making things more difficult for yourself by striving for perfection rather than simply taking pleasure in what is currently in front of you.

You will need more time to develop an action plan, and despite the fact that you probably need to be careful about your ambitions and your enterprising or competitive side, you should be competitive.

Today is not the day to be hasty, and you may find that you need to exercise extra caution in your relationships, particularly with people in positions of authority, co-workers, and partners, as aggressive behavior may become an issue.




Libra 6

Libra, the energies of the day are not good for getting things done. Outside and the inside you can present challenges, but regardless of where they originate, the journey may be difficult.

At this moment, being hasty will only result in problems. There is a potential for quite a bit of chaos, in particular regarding the completion of work or the organization of the details.

The tension stems from problems at work as well as the less significant but more vexing difficulties with your daily affairs. Your ability to focus may decrease, which may be an indication that you need a new challenge or new source of motivation.

If you have a disagreement with someone over an opinion, be on the lookout for displays of ego on both sides, and try to remain moderate if you want the best results.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, restless and temperamental energy is possible with today's transits. If you feel the need to be challenged but are unable to satisfy that need, you might find yourself challenging other people or behaving in an inappropriate manner.

The people around you are lively, and the potential for ego clashes is high. Today it would be best to refrain from making hasty statements.

Tense situations can be very stimulating; however, if impatience is displayed rather than assertiveness, this can lead to unnecessary stress.

You might want to avoid putting too much of your effort into chasing sudden desires because doing so can be counterproductive and leave you feeling unsatisfied in the long run.

You might find that a part of you is drawn in or attracts a little drama, but if you can help it, try not to pinpoint what it is that is throwing off your equilibrium.

Keep in mind that getting involved in a drama will not result in happiness, and be wary of making rash financial decisions, taking unnecessary risks, and acting too quickly when entering or exiting a situation.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, the events of the day may cause you to experience inner turmoil, and this may be the cause of any sudden cravings or desires you've had.

You might feel torn between going it alone and getting feedback or having my company. Today, people have a tendency to be more competitive than in the past, which can be tedious.

Disagreements might arise, but there's also a chance that we'll find a solution. If something seems to be heading in the wrong direction, as it most likely will be today, you might want to try a different approach.

Take your time coming to a decision, and don't be in a rush to get an answer to anything. However, careful investigation can be fruitful because the ideas that emerge from your conversations and thoughts can be significant in their own right.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, since you have a tendency to speak before you think today, it is probably in your best interest to avoid being insistent.

See if the feeling goes away on its own before you give voice to your unfulfilled desires, especially if they come on all of a sudden.

Even though your attention is being pulled in many different directions today, practicing genuine listening can help keep you centered despite the fact that you may find it a little too easy to become distracted.

When things move at a slow pace, it's easy to become frustrated and impatient. If you are unable to progress, you might experience feelings of frustration.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, if you find that you have an intense craving for something today or tomorrow, it might be best to wait until the craving has passed before giving in to it.

Since the energies are unstable at the moment, it is best to pay attention to the turmoil that is occurring within but to refrain from acting on it for the time being.

Take into consideration the possibility that people will be more tense, insensitive, and impatient if they have nothing productive to do in these challenging situations.

Watch out for disagreements in which people's inflated egos take control, and think twice before diving into something that has a low chance of succeeding.




Pisces 6

Pisces, impatience may prove to be your greatest source of trouble. If you don't have a plan, you run the risk of finding yourself in a situation where you're passionate about something but powerless to do much about it.

If you find yourself in the middle of a dispute, you should ask yourself if it's worth it right now because it's likely to be a situation in which neither of you can come out on top.

Be careful not to make an excessive number of errors as a result of your agitated feelings in order to avoid needless conflicts with others.

It is important to keep in mind that what you say today and tomorrow will have a greater impact than usual, but if you tend to speak too quickly when expressing yourself, this can lead to misunderstandings.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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