Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! March 25, 2023

Today, Mars begins its transit through Cancer, where it will remain until May 20. Under this influence, we are more reserved and conservative, but we will fight for the things that are important to us.

What we do is determined by our current mood, even though we are more resilient and patient during this cycle.

During this time, not only are we highly intuitive, but we may also feel compelled to take decisive action in order to bring more tranquility, comfort, and safety into our lives.

Love and satisfaction are more important to us right now than having a lot of material things. We are focusing on achieving our personal and domestic goals.

The energies of the day are complicated by a Mars-Pluto quincunx, which can cause some nervousness and tension.

It can be challenging to control, process, integrate, or understand feelings of anger or competitiveness. This is especially true given that these emotions can be misdirected or left unresolved.

Venus and Neptune are in a semi-square aspect, which suggests that we tend to gloss over problems or see what we want to see.

Sometimes we may experience fleeting uncertainty regarding our abilities and worth, as well as our relationships, pleasure, or comfort level.



Aries 6

Aries, after spending a considerable amount of time in your house of communications, Mars is now moving into your fourth solar house. This can improve your mental state and your day-to-day activities.

You should focus more on taking care of domestic matters until May 20. At times, things can be chaotic or turbulent, but at other times it may be extremely productive!

Putting your energy into constructive channels, such as decorating and organizing your home, participating in activities with your family, or actively working on personal life problems are ways in which you can use this dynamic to your advantage.

Don't get too defensive, but try to spend more time focusing on making your home life better. A Mars-Pluto aspect might make things tense for you today.

Getting to the bottom of the issues will require some experimentation and exploration, but the results could be well worth it.




Taurus 6

Taurus, Mars begins its transit through your third solar house, and it will remain there until May 20. During this time, Mars will motivate you, energize you, and enliven your day-to-day activities, personal interests, conversations, and relationships.

In the coming weeks, you may find that you are happier if you continue to learn, make connections, and pursue your interests. Impatient actions or communications can be a problem.

Aside from that, it's a good time to get things done because you feel pleasantly engaged. New passions and making new connections can be very beneficial.

Today, a Mars-Pluto aspect may make it challenging for you to get in touch with what you truly desire, but this difficulty is only temporary.

During the day, worries regarding your responsibilities, performance, and possibly even your reputation may surface.




Gemini 6

Gemini, today, after a lengthy stay in your sign, Mars moves into your second solar house. Relaxing and letting go of some of your tension through this transit feels great.

Mars will continue to transit through this house of your chart until May 20, igniting a desire in you to make your life cozier, relaxing, and safe. However, in order to relax more, you might need to change things up a bit!

This Mars transit may encourage you to make more money or to find a solution to a problem involving finances or relationships.

You are incredibly resourceful at the moment, making the most of your resources, such as money, valuables, knowledge, and talents.

Today's Mars-Pluto aspect may cause you to feel resentful if you believe that other people are trying to impose their beliefs or way of life on you.

There may also be tensions regarding money, energy, and resources, as well as the question of where to put them to best serve you.




Cancer 6

Cancer, after spending a lot of time in your house of privacy, Mars finally begins its journey through your sign today.

This new transit, which will continue until May 20th, infuses a great deal of vitality and color into your personality as well as your everyday life. You won't lack opportunities to assert yourself and go after the things that you want.

Mars gives you vitality and drive to get things done. You need to be on the lookout for rash, impulsive, or impatient behavior.

You can also use this time to pursue your personal goals with complete dedication. It's a good time for positive and healthy self-focus as long as you can keep things under control.

Mars's aspect with Pluto may indicate an unexpected turn of events that calls for some kind of adjustment.




Leo 6

Leo, today marks the beginning of Mars' journey through your twelfth solar house, which indicates that you will need additional time for emotional and physical rejuvenation.

This transit will continue until the 20th of May, and it is important for taking action on issues that have been lingering for a long time.

You will need more rest than usual and additional time to make decisions over the next few weeks. This is a good time to clear up issues, but there will be other times in the future that are better for starting new projects.

As Mars forms a quincunx with Pluto today, there may be a minor obstacle that needs to be overcome. This could be in the form of a personal issue or a relationship challenge that seems a little heavier than usual.

When people don't behave in the way you expect them to, as is most likely the case at the moment, it can be very frustrating.




Virgo 6

Virgo, after spending a considerable amount of time in your house of career and reputation, Mars begins its journey through your eleventh solar house.

The pressure to perform is relieved as a result of this change, and it is satisfying. During this new cycle, which will continue until May 20th, your social life will pick up where it left off or you will make significant progress toward achieving your happiness goals.

Even though disagreements or problems with friends or acquaintances may surface, it's likely that they're the result of lingering problems that call for your attention.

You experience an increase in energy when you are more confident in your ability to make things happen. Today's challenging Mars-Pluto aspect may cause confusion regarding your desires and make it challenging to decompress.

You may feel temporarily overwhelmed by the pressure to get things done.




Libra 6

Libra, today, Mars will move into your house of career and reputation, where it will remain until May 20. This is without a doubt one of the most amibtius transits.

You want things to work out your way. This Mars transit can bless your professional life with new energy and motivation, but it can also exacerbate tensions with coworkers and superiors.

If you want to avoid this, you need to avoid getting into arguments and avoid becoming overly defensive. You want to be acknowledged for your achievements and you pursue your goals more directly.

Since you are more likely to cut corners during this transit, there will be mistakes to deal with; however, if you have patience, it can be a good time to really get things moving forward.

It may be difficult for you to pinpoint exactly what you want today because your needs and desires may be complicated because there are so many distractions and changes.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, after spending a considerable amount of time in your eighth solar house, Mars is now moving into your house of spirit and adventure.

You feel energized and confident with today's energy boost. Up until the 20th of May, you'll be more enthusiastic and bolder.

As you search for additional life experiences or exciting, non-routine activities, you might experience feelings of restlessness.

Today, staying at home and spending time with family can be challenging because of the Mars and Pluto aspect; however, if doing so will prevent you from progressing and thriving, then consider dividing your time.

Get away from the places where you feel excessive stress or attachment.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, today marks the beginning of Mars' journey through your eighth solar house. During this time, Mars will bring energy and vitality to this house until May 20.

This transit brings energy, desire, and greater motivation for matters pertaining to your intimate life. It may present an opportunity to invest more time and effort into a project that you are passionate about or an exciting personal endeavor.

During this cycle, issues concerning shared resources and money, as well as boundaries and power dynamics, are brought to the forefront.

In the coming weeks, discussions regarding these questions will be heated and lively. Disagreements with a partner regarding finances or other sensitive topics will arise; however, these conflicts may present an opportunity to really work things out.

In the coming weeks, you might decide to focus more of your energy on gaining a better understanding of yourself, conducting research or investigations, or working on improving yourself.

Conflict can point you in the direction of making some personal changes, which you are currently interested in doing.

Mars and Pluto are in a challenging aspect today, and as a result, you might feel momentarily uncertain or uneasy.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, Mars will be visiting your house of partnerships until May 20th. This transit draws your attention to any issues that have been lingering, hidden, or just below the surface!

You need to pay attention to relationship problems. This can be an important and rewarding time to bring new energy into a relationship, provided that both parties are honest and make the effort.

Mars has had an unusual experience in your house of work and health; moving it out of this area of your chart can bring more joy into your day-to-day life.

On the other hand, a Mars-Pluto aspect occurring today suggests that there is a propensity to fixate on problems, and concerns regarding control or power may surface in relationships.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, Mars begins its transit through your sixth solar house today, bringing you more vitality, dynamism, and motivation in your efforts to improve your health or your professional situation.

In the coming weeks, you will have a hard time tolerating inactivity or wasted time in your daily routines, habits, self-care routines, or work.

There is a potential for friction between you and your coworkers regarding issues of autonomy and speed. On the other hand, that might be exactly what you need in order to fix things, and problem-solving can be productive.

This transit will continue until May 20, and if you have been interested in establishing better routines and programs for both your health and your work, now is the time when you are ready to take action.

It may not be the best cycle for naturally and confidently expressing your desires, but it is a good time to find the motivation to work hard on projects that have been put on the back burner.

The most important thing for you to do is to learn how to manage your stress by figuring out what contributes to your negative mood and taking steps to improve the situation.




Pisces 6

Pisces, Mars will remain in your house of games, entertainment, romance, and creativity until May 20.

This cycle occurs after Mars has spent a lot of time in a challenging aspect for your sign, and it can feel good to finally move on. Your creative endeavors, relationships, and hobbies will all be blessed with a competitive spirit thanks to Mars.

You're more excited and confident about your goals. You are willing to take risks in your social life, but you can be impatient with other people who do not move at the same pace as you do.

Watch out for irritability today, especially if things don't go exactly as planned.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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