Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! May 17, 2023

Today, the Last Quarter Moon occurs as the Moon in Capricorn forms a square with the Sun. Our sense of responsibility or the right path may conflict with our personal plans.

It is not recommended to start an important project in the week ahead, before a New Moon Solar Eclipse. Instead, it's time to tie up loose ends and iron out the details.

We have 2 options: either channel the crisis energy of the Quarter Moon into productivity or into stress.

The Moon in Capricorn is responsible, shrewd, and security-focused. It will remain in this sign until tonight and then enter Aquarius, stimulating our desire to connect with others and share.




Aries 6

Aries, today, strong feelings may be stirred up by friendships, relationships, and networking activities.

If you have been holding a grudge against someone or you feel someone is trying to control you, these issues may require action or reach a boiling point now.

When someone fears they can't match the intensity of the other person's feelings, they may pull away, so factor that into the equation if you're worried about how someone feels about you.

On the other hand, you are better able to understand things now, and you might come across a piece of the puzzle that has been missing in order to solve an emotional problem or dilemma.

You learn to better utilize your resources and you see the value in taking a more measured approach.

It is important to put your feelings aside in order to effectively tackle material tasks and to consider improvements to your business.




Taurus 6

Taurus, you have a keen sense of long-term strategies today, and you enjoy thinking of clever ways to achieve your creative vision.

However, frustrations with your progress or performance can intensify, and if you're falling behind on a project, you should try to set aside time to be alone or in an environment with few distractions.

Emotionally, you are experiencing deep feelings about your performance, ambitions, and goals; however, any discomfort you feel now serves as motivation for you to perform to the best of your ability.

Look for ways in which you can enhance your professional reputation. You can boost your confidence or sense of mission and purpose by focusing on stabilizing your social life.




Gemini 6

Gemini, the energies of today's transits favor approaching situations with maturity and a willingness to accept boundaries.

Putting in extra effort will pay off, but keeping a balanced and realistic perspective on other aspects of your life can also help you come out on top.

You'll be drawn to other people who inspire you to perform at your best. If you find that worrying about the future makes you frustrated, take active steps to get out of this state of mind.

If you want to give yourself an emotional boost right now, look for opportunities to get out and explore new topics.




Cancer 6

Cancer, you feel you can get somewhere with a project, a business goal, or a relationship.

You go the extra mile to investigate a question in greater depth or engage in some strategic thinking, especially as the day progresses.

Although taking this approach could be beneficial, it is important to avoid overanalyzing a situation to the point where you become anxious, worried, or obsessed about a problem.

Now is a good time to start something that will bring you pleasure, but there is a danger in pushing yourself too far because the Moon is in alignment with Pluto. Try to find creative ways to express your feelings.




Leo 6

Leo, you focus on putting things in order. But as the day goes on, you are tuned in to a partner, a special friend, or someone very close to you, and that you are more sensitive to them than usual.

You see things from someone else's perspective, which is enlightening and rewarding. However, the trick is to avoid overdoing it, as the tendency is to worry a little too much.

You might be able to find a happy medium through trial and error, but if the drama is making you feel worn out, it's probably best to take a break from it for a while.

If your current relationship or your status in a relationship has been frustrating, today's Moon-Pluto conjunction may make you feel dissatisfied.

However, you can turn it into a positive if you aim to make changes. If you feel frustrated by the imbalances in your relationships, you shouldn't put pressure on yourself to find a solution all at once; rather, focus on ways to improve things gradually.




Virgo 6

Virgo, you have a strong urge to enjoy yourself today, but as the day goes on, you are much more interested in working on your duties.

Transits create a real need to set things straight. Answers to the questions that you've been avoiding or haven't gotten around to answering are right in front of you now.

Even though it is a good time to be productive, there may be some pressure on you. This pressure may ultimately result in decreased productivity and increased stress levels.

Consider taking a step back when you find yourself preoccupied with a problem and unable to find a solution to it. Your feelings carry more power and energy than your thoughts.




Libra 6

Libra, you're more patient than usual to make efforts towards a long-term goal. You recognize and effectively manage your emotions.

You have a strong desire to express yourself, and you find yourself drawn more to emotionally taxing situations.

You're now more emotionally invested or sensitive to the state of your personal projects, hobbies, or relationships.

Despite the fact that you enjoy throwing yourself into your endeavors, make sure you don't go too far. You need to relax and do activities that don't put too much pressure on you.

If you want to have fun, you don't have to put all of your energy into what you're doing; instead, you should take some time to relax every once in a while.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, today, you are less concerned with immediate rewards and instant gratification and more interested in bigger goals that require time, energy, and strategy to achieve.

Later in the day, you are more likely to experience intense feelings and are also more in touch with your gut instincts regarding matters pertaining to your family and the home.

However, you also have a productive mindset, and you find it relatively easy to get rid of the things that make your life more difficult or prevent you from making progress.

If you have been dissatisfied in the past with your living conditions, those feelings may be intensified today; if this is the case, use this as motivation to make a change.

Find healthy outlets for your stress rather than building up more of it. Also, try to ease some of the pressure you're under and relax whenever you can or feel the need to.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, you start the day with a mission, and as the day progresses, your curiosity grows. You may feel frustrated or angry about something that seems to be beyond your control.

A Moon-Pluto alignment will cause you to worry that you won't be able to keep a situation under control, which can lead to micromanaging your communications and learning.

Be aware of this type of overcompensation and put a stop to it if you're feeling frustrated; it won't get you anywhere except for making you more stressed out.

Keep yourself busy, but avoid overworking yourself for the best results. You are in a good position to channel your energy into productive endeavors, change your routine, or get out and about in ways that recharge you emotionally.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, you're enthusiastic to get things done today but make sure you don't overextend yourself by taking on tasks that you simply cannot complete.

Your eagerness or ambition is valuable and can serve as a motivating force most of the time; however, you should avoid putting pressure on yourself to do everything in a short period of time.

When the Moon connects with Pluto in your house of resources, worries, conflicts, or problems involving personal possessions, money, or energy, as well as personal boundaries, could emerge.

Aim for the perspective you need if you become frustrated to an excessive or stressful degree. You are in an advantageous position to make plans for the future.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, even though you start the day with the intention of staying in the background, the Moon's transit through your sign reawakens your desire to connect with others and to be acknowledged.

You tend to do things with more sensitivity. The conjunction of the Moon and Pluto in your sign amplifies feelings of dissatisfaction with yourself, with your personal endeavors, and with your public image.

On the other hand, you could get lucky or find the motivation to work on your inner conflicts. Steer clear of negative thoughts that keep popping into your head, as they can be like a slow poison to your soul.

Focus on identifying and cultivating your long-term goals.




Pisces 6

Pisces, while you may enjoy connecting with others and exchanging ideas today, it may become necessary for you to remove yourself from environments that are excessively intense and noisy as the day progresses.

As the Moon moves into your house of privacy, you should put a greater emphasis on emotionally recharging your batteries

Try to process and digest recent events and feelings before making any changes or jumping to a conclusion. You should also try to resist the urge to “do it all” and take a break every once in a while; you deserve it.

Even so, if it's calming, it may be rewarding to embark on a project or immerse yourself in a pursuit you are passionate about


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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