Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! November 12, 2022

Today, Mercury forms a trine with Neptune and a parallel with Venus, signaling our openness to others and our desire to express our thoughts and feelings. The influence of these transits inspires us to be imaginative. We get along better with others and trust our instincts more.

Our words, thoughts, and ideas can be more imaginative, colorful, subtle, or creative because we can easily sense the thoughts and feelings of others. We feel as though we know and understand things without much instruction or explanation.

We are not direct or precise, but we know how to get around problems. Nowadays, photography, the arts, poetry, fiction, spirituality, advertising, and promotion are the most popular fields.

We look for familiar faces and places while the Moon is in the sign of Cancer for the day. Right now, warmth, comfort, and safety are the most appealing. We long for a more solid sense of community.



Aries 6

Aries, the energies of today are strong for sticking to routine tasks but also for letting your mind wander and daydream. Today is a good day to reflect on and make sense of recent events.

Your emotional well-being can be greatly improved by forgiving someone. You approach ideas and interactions differently today due to the Mercury-Neptune trine, perhaps with a little more empathy or imagination.

You think well, especially when it comes to issues from the past, close relationships, and your inner workings. It might be a period when you're engrossed in a mystery.




Taurus 6

Taurus, Mercury's transits today assist you in resolving interpersonal conflicts and gaining fresh insight. It's a good time to develop fresh perspectives on relationships, friendships, and long-term happiness goals.

For your thoughts, perceptions, and conversations, you might experience a lovely surge of compassion, intuition, and imagination. To let in all good things, be patient and kind right now!

Your mood can now be greatly improved by a new agreement or understanding, whether it be explicit or not, with a partner or friend. Conversations about past or present relationships and personal beliefs can be motivating and fulfilling.




Gemini 6

Gemini, cooperation and harmony are encouraged today, especially with those you work with. You are in a good position to express your intentions, and it doesn't just require words!

A Mercury-Neptune trine encourages imaginative, sympathetic, and gentle ways of viewing the world. This is known as “playing it cool” in business, but it can be the most fruitful strategy in many ways today.

You're actually better off letting the conversations naturally flow and paying close attention. These days, research, work, and health-related topics are especially favored because they can benefit from a little creativity.

Always take a step back from complex problems because doing so increases the likelihood that intuition will come to the fore. It may also be a day of pure reflection and even inspiration.

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Capricorn 6

Cancer, given Mercury's connection to Venus and Neptune, communications are particularly strong today. It is now a particularly inspired time to connect with others, post or share your work and ideas more casually, and express your thoughts, ideals, and aspirations.

Right now, your intuition can be very helpful because of your broad, sympathetic, and attractive vision. It can be a pleasant mental diversion when there is more sensitivity and a softer atmosphere that you like. Your romantic sensibilities are sharp, and you can now take pleasure in stimulating discussions or ideas.




Leo 6

Leo, a number of signs point to the need for more time today, with a special focus on rest, introspection, and imagination. Refueling activities are appealing and natural because the Moon spends the day in your house of privacy.

You need your space! Intimate relationships, family matters, financial matters, and investment decisions can all be greatly aided by intuition.

Today, Mercury forms harmonious connections with Venus and Neptune, making it beneficial to show compassion and understanding to those who are close to you.

It's a good time to find solutions, engage in conversation, and gain a better understanding of a family or work project. You might come up with creative answers.

Reduce your stress levels; today is a good day for letting things go. A mystery may pique your interest, or you may prefer entertainment that appeals to your emotions and imagination.




Virgo 6

Virgo, you are well-positioned to exude charm and a steady stream of energy. Your sign and the Moon are in harmony, and Mercury, your planetary ruler, has harmonious connections with Venus and Neptune.

People who are kind and helpful attract you. You have an easier time finding inspiration thanks to these transits. You also have a better sense of humor and imagination when you speak.

Letting go of stress and unpleasant feelings is normal, and agreements and negotiations are encouraged. Today, you're prepared to assist others, and you might particularly take pleasure in advising, instructing, or calming people with your words and potential solutions to issues.

You are better at expressing love, compassion, and understanding. Dealing with a partner or making money from a partnership can be significant subjects. You can now recognize the beauty in flaws.

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Libra 6

Libra, the energies are good for letting go of possessive feelings and your mood is one of generosity today. On a mental level, creative and imaginative impulses are strong, and you might find yourself conjuring up all kinds of fun or productive scenarios!

Pay attention to intuitions and concepts that appear to have no source. For the best results, try to stay away from tasks or activities that demand intense concentration or close attention to detail.

Allow yourself some downtime so you can think clearly. This day is great for having productive conversations and enjoying pleasant moments while reflecting. Additionally, you might learn something that helps your current financial situation.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, the spotlight is on artistic expression, and imaginative connections with others are favored. Positive conversations and fantasies or daydreams can enlighten your mind and present you with new opportunities.

The time has come to acknowledge and value your distinctive viewpoint. Your sage and perceptive personality draw people to you.

Due to the softer energies created by today's transits, you might find it uplifting to let go of your frustrations and concentrate instead on the things, people, and circumstances that motivate you.

Today, Mercury in your sign forms benevolent connections and you may learn information that will be extremely helpful to you. It's also a great time to learn about yourself and your goals, aspirations, and plans.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, you are able to make better decisions today because you are aware of new levels or dimensions of your needs. Mercury trine Neptune encourages you to take chances today, while Mercury and Venus in parallel encourage communication and collaboration.

You might want to discuss something, and if you concentrate on the big picture rather than the specifics, collaboration can be successful. You're looking for connections, ideas, and experiences that are a little unusual or exotic.

In particular with family, it is a good time to let go of the past. You have a more optimistic (or human) perspective on other people and find beauty in their frailty or flaws.

You could offer someone advice or simply listen to what they have to say, taking the time to understand what they mean. Fantasy, poetry, and music can all be enjoyable diversionary activities and effective means of self-expression.

You might be committed to fostering and upholding greater harmony and compassion in your household or family. You can find ways to unwind and sleep thanks to today's energies.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, for you to feel content and at ease, a friend or an activity may be crucial. A Mercury-Venus parallel fosters harmony and encourages better communication.

A lovely trine aspect between Mercury and Neptune that is occurring today also lightens your load and softens your mood. You communicate with more empathy and sensitivity, striking a balance between the rational and the irrational.

It makes sense to use this time to detox, confide in someone, and refocus. You may have a more accepting or understanding perspective on people, concepts, and issues.

Although there is a tendency to put off work or unpleasant tasks, today is a good day for coming up with original thoughts, dreams, and possibilities. Your communications have a sweetness to them that makes you love other people.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, you are generally competitively well-positioned right now and cooperation will yield the greatest benefits. You might gain access to important information or take advantage of a conversation that generates brilliant ideas.

If it helps you, it can be a good time to express your concern for others, as well as a great time to come up with some intriguing promotional or marketing ideas.

Your kindness or insight may determine your reputation or professional standing. Follow your intuition if you can when it comes to financial or business endeavors because you can now make some very original plans.

You interact with people more kindly or with greater consideration, and you effectively communicate your message. Your perspective can give a relationship new depth.

Additionally, today is a powerful day for developing sound intuitive knowledge of money and business. Your ability to perceive various levels, alternatives, variations, and possibilities in real-world scenarios increases, which can both broaden your perspective and cause you to deliberate more slowly.

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Pisces 6

Pisces, you have a direct line to your intuition thanks to today's Mercury connections, which can be extremely helpful. You can go a long way if you have the ability to comprehend and please others.

Your perspective is broad, and you have a magical way of getting along with people or promoting yourself or marketing. You are more clearly understood than usual and your conversations sparkle.

A partner can help you reach a successful compromise or resolution. While you may come to the realization that it's not quite time to move on, now is a powerful time to connect with others, share a vision, and come up with fresh ideas.

When the Moon is in your extroverted fifth solar house during the day, romance, entertainment, hobbies, and social activities become more significant in your life. Strong and enjoyable sensations are experienced.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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