Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! November 7, 2022

The Moon leaves Aries and enters Taurus, and our desire for more security drives us. This morning, Mercury square Jupiter follows Venus square Saturn, and as a result, we risk swinging from being overly pessimistic to overly upbeat.

We should be on the lookout for exaggerated things or communications because we have a tendency to make issues bigger than they need to be.

Venus and Mars are in a creative aspect, which is great for seeing things and using them to improve creativity and expression. The Taurus Moon is calm, but tomorrow a Lunar Eclipse will take place in this sign, and today's emotions are running high.



Aries 6

Aries, we have a tendency to exaggerate what is communicated or even what is not said, probably to your detriment. But with this trend under control and motivation surging, today is a good day for honing concepts.

You have a more expansive but also more logical way of thinking. Mercury and the Sun are in harmony with Saturn in your eighth solar house, giving you pause to consider altering your perspective in order to more successfully pursue your needs and wants.

Financial decisions may need to be made, and it would be wise to weigh the pros and cons because commitments made now can have significant and long-lasting effects.

Finding ways to lower your expenses is a good way to improve your financial situation right now. A return to reality or the need to be serious is felt.




Taurus 6

Taurus, although you might feel unsure of yourself in the morning, as the day goes on, serious relationship-related thoughts may come to the forefront.

Alternatively, discussions with a significant other may have serious or pragmatic undertones. Today's decisions are frequently long-term ones.

As the day goes on or a project requiring joint decision-making comes into play, practical concerns in a relationship become more important. While making plans for safety, it can be a time to honor or maintain traditions from the past.

It's time to be realistic about your associations today. However, a Lunar Eclipse will take place in your sign tomorrow, and you may be feeling more intense emotions than usual.




Gemini 6

Gemini, early in the day, there is a propensity to do more of something than is necessary. But as the morning's somewhat erratic energy fades and is replaced by a steady, pragmatic theme, it's back to business.

You are more aware of your responsibilities or are reminded of them by others. By knowing where you are and where everything else in your life is, you can face reality in a way that makes you feel stronger.

Realizing and embracing the truth brings freedom! The job itself or coworkers may be a little more demanding. People now perceive you as more knowledgeable or competent.

Keep in mind that a lunar eclipse will take place tomorrow morning, and despite today's practical overtones, emotions are building up.

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Capricorn 6

Cancer, today, especially after disappointment or hazy thoughts, facing reality can seem great. However, early today, someone might be causing problems or overdoing it results in errors or frustration.

Even though it's best to be skeptical of everything you hear this morning, you might gain insight and knowledge from some mental twists. As the day goes on, romantic relationships may be surrounded by serious or even heavy energy.

You might think about how to make better use of your free time, monetize or structure a hobby, or get rid of things that get in the way of you getting the most out of your free time. You could put a lot of effort into your everyday tasks today.



Leo 6

Leo, exaggerating something is too easy today morning. The day is ideal for making small or subtle progress that ultimately works in your favor, despite the fact that people or information can be inconvenient.

In reality, the day looks to be quite favorable for delving deeply into family and family-related issues or for finding solutions to real-world issues in your life.

Your obligations, particularly your domestic and personal obligations, are now more apparent to you. Building should be the main priority today while keeping in mind your long-term objectives and top priorities.

However, the Lunar Eclipse tomorrow may indicate today's building up of emotions. Epiphanies frequently have to do with your job or your responsibilities during this time.




Virgo 6

Virgo, the Moon enters your sign early in the day and emotional energy is more outgoing. This transit frees you from the burden of details and stimulates larger ideas and thoughts.

The Sun and Mercury, which are parallel to Saturn, aid in bringing you back to the present. In fact, you start to yearn for more predictability, organization, and structure.

Fortunately, you are well-equipped to put your ideas into action, create workable plans, and communicate with those who can provide you with wise counsel, practical information, and pointers.

It's a good day for focus and concentration, but you probably shouldn't engage in casual conversation or other social activities because you have more important things on your mind.

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Libra 6

Libra, while the energies of the morning are somewhat gloomy, the rest of the day is better. You're taking your financial situation a little more seriously these days, and you could use a particularly realistic outlook right now.

You feel more mentally prepared to make changes if you recently overspent or lived beyond your means. But as the day goes on, feelings intensify because tomorrow's lunar eclipse is going to occur.

Especially in regard to money, relationships, and power dynamics, now is a good time for realizations and epiphanies.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, although you may feel a little disorganized or unclear at first, you gain more clarity as the day goes on. You are concerned about your obligations today.

A stronger character and a sense of control may result from the need to be realistic and possibly face reality. The motivation to discipline yourself to take care of your priorities may come from some self-evaluation.

Avoid being too harsh on yourself, though. Although others might not be rushing to assist you right now, this reality may prompt you to rely on your inner strength and serve as a reminder that you are capable of being independent if required.

This feeling is satisfying. However, you will be reminded of your attachment to others (or someone) by tomorrow's lunar eclipse, and revelations are about to occur.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, life is a little more private and introspective for you right now, and today you might give serious thought to the past or reassess recent events.

There is a tendency to keep things to yourself, but others may notice that you have a bit of a heavy aura today as you consider more serious matters. There might be a strong desire to sort things out, put things to rest, or find a delicate solution.

The best time to strategize and concentrate on sound concepts and plans is today. However, as the day goes on, we get closer to a lunar eclipse, which heightens the feelings. The time is now for you to connect with your emotions.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, early in the day, your personal life may appeal to you or you may feel disorganized internally, which limits your ability to feel fully effective.

However, the day looks to be productive for in-depth reflection. You may think carefully about a friendship or group affiliation and assess it practically.

Alternatively, you might realize the reality of the path you are on and realize that your plans need to be adjusted. It is possible for obligations to others to become apparent.

Today, however, the Moon moves into your house of joy, so it's important that you pay attention to activities that will refresh your mind. This area of your chart will see a lunar eclipse tomorrow, and feelings are very intense right now.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, there may be a call to duty as obligations become more apparent today. You want more discipline, realism, and organization. Issues with your job, career, or reputation may come up, and you may discover flaws.

You might, however, be in the mood to mind your own business. The knowledge that you have may make you feel in control. It can be crucial to establish long-term plans and goals with someone or to value their perspective.

Conversations frequently get very deep. With the Moon moving through your house of home and family, encouraging a naturally more solitary mood, some introspection can be beneficial.

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Pisces 6

Pisces, despite the possibility of some ambiguity this morning, the day appears to be quickly becoming more clear. Realities will force you to adjust your thinking and plans, which may be exactly what you need right now.

You have the virtues of patience and pragmatism on your side. Life is asking you to deal with some crucial details right now, and you are prepared to do so, whereas your thinking has recently been very expansive and broad.

However, today's Moon transit aids in maintaining your equilibrium. You might feel pressure to express your thoughts. Tomorrow's lunar eclipse will have a significant emotional impact on you. Now is the time to achieve great things and have strong emotional connections.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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