22 Signs You Are Wired Differently from “Normal” People

Do you ever get the impression that you don't belong here on this planet? Have you ever found yourself wondering why other people don't experience the same sensations that you do in certain situations?

Have you become aware of any peculiar occurrences that are unique to you and that the majority of people do not appear to experience? This article may help you understand why things are the way they are.

In this blog post, we'll explore some of the ways that people who are wired differently tend to differ from those who are considered “normal.”



1. You have very strange sleep patterns

You have very strange sleep patterns

One of the most common signs that you are wired differently from normal people is that you have very strange sleep patterns. You may find yourself sleeping for long periods of time during the day and then being wide awake at night. Or, you may find that you need far less sleep than most people.

There are a number of possible explanations for this. It could be that your body is simply more efficient at resting and doesn't require as much sleep. Or, it could be that your body is trying to adjust to a different circadian rhythm.

Some people who are wired differently report feeling like they are “nocturnal” creatures, and prefer to work and be active at night.

Whatever the reason for your strange sleep patterns, it is important to listen to your body and get the rest that you need. If you find yourself struggling to sleep at night, there are a few things that you can try to help yourself relax and drift off:

  • Establish a regular bedtime routine and stick to it as much as possible. This means going to bed at the same time each night and waking up at the same time each morning, even on weekends.
  • Avoid using electronic devices (including phones, laptops, and TVs) in bed. The blue light emitted by these devices can disrupt your natural sleep cycle.
  • Create a calming environment in your bedroom by dimming the lights and adding some soothing scents (lavender is known to promote relaxation).
  • Practice some relaxation techniques before bed, such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation.



2. You are gifted with an extraordinary intuitive ability

You are gifted with an extraordinary intuitive ability

You have an innate ability to sense things that others cannot. You can often pick up on subtleties and undercurrents that others miss. This allows you to see the world in a different, more profound way. Your intuition is your guide, and it seldom steers you wrong.

Your intuition is so strong that it can even override your logical mind. You may find yourself acting on a hunch or Gut Feeling even when there is no rational explanation for it. But more often than not, your instincts turn out to be correct.

This heightened sense of awareness also gives you an edge when it comes to creativity and problem-solving. You are able to think outside the box and come up with original solutions that others would never even consider.



3. You have body markings that resemble star maps

You have body markings that resemble star maps

It's possible that you have marks on your body that look like constellations.

Some may resemble constellations that are well known to the majority of people, while others may have ones that are well known to no one else but YOU.



4. You have recollections of at least one of your previous lives

You have recollections of at least one of your previous lives

Do you ever have déjà vu experiences? Do you ever feel like you've been somewhere before, even though you know you haven't? If so, then you may be recollection memories of one of your previous lives.

There are many ways to access these memories, but the most common is through hypnosis or meditation. In a relaxed state, the conscious mind can become more open to receiving information from the subconscious mind, which is where our memories of past lives are stored.

Some people also report having spontaneous memories of past lives, often triggered by certain places, people, or objects. These memories can be very vivid and clear, or they can be more like vague impressions and feelings. Either way, they offer valuable insights into who we are and why we're here on Earth.

If you think you may have memories of a previous life, there are a few things you can do to explore them further. First, try keeping a dream journal. This will help you to remember any dreams that may contain clues about your past lives.

You can also look for signs and symbols in your everyday life that could be related to your previous incarnations. Finally, consider seeking out a regression therapist who can help guide you through the process of accessing and exploring your past life memories.



5. You appear to be, and possibly even feel, much younger than your actual age

You appear to be, and possibly even feel, much younger than your actual age

Your DNA is wired differently, and your body has a natural ability to fight off the effects of aging. The majority of people would have a difficult time estimating how old you actually are. Your eyes will still have a youthful appearance even if your genetic coding caused you to lose your hair.

There are a number of possible explanations for this phenomenon. One theory is that because you are not as invested in the material world as most people, your aging process is slowed down.

Another possibility is that you have simply not been exposed to the same level of stressors and toxins as other people, which can lead to premature aging.



6. Synchronicities happen on a daily basis

Synchronicities happen on a daily basis

Synchronicity can be something as simple as noticing the same sequence of numbers, such as 555, 1111, 333, etc., almost every day. We often find ourselves in the right place at the right time, or we meet people who end up playing significant roles in our lives.

Some people view these synchronistic events as coincidence, but, we know that there is no such thing as coincidence. These events are part of a larger plan that is unfolding in our lives.



7. You go in and out of worlds

You go in and out of worlds

You may get the impression that the world you see around you is not the real world at all times.

There are times when you feel as though you're living in two different worlds. In one world, everything is normal and mundane. But in the other world, things are much more exciting and interesting.

For example, you may see a UFO one day and then have a dream about meeting aliens the next night. Or you may have a vision of something that's going to happen in the future. You're able to tap into other dimensions and realities that most people are not aware of.

Some people may think you're crazy or imagine things, but you know what you've experienced is real. It's just that most people aren't open to the idea that there's more to this world than meets the eye.

They haven't experienced what you have, so they can't understand it. But that doesn't make your experiences any less real. Just because someone else doesn't believe in something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.



8. You have a “connection” to extraterrestrial beings and UFOs

You have a connection to extraterrestrial beings and UFOs

There are a number of reasons why you may feel that you have a connection to extraterrestrial beings or UFOs. Perhaps you have seen a UFO with your own eyes, or you have had an unexplained encounter with an entity that you can't quite explain.

Maybe you just get the sense that there is more going on than meets the eye and that there are forces at work beyond our understanding.

You may be more attuned to energies and frequencies outside of the visible spectrum, or you may simply possess a higher level of awareness than most people.



9. You are able to quickly and easily acquire knowledge in subjects related to the esoteric, metaphysical, and spiritual realms

You are able to quickly and easily acquire knowledge in subjects related to the esoteric, metaphysical, and spiritual realms

You have no trouble assimilating information that is spiritual, esoteric, or metaphysical, and you find yourself wishing that this is the kind of knowledge that we were taught in school rather than societal propaganda.



10. You have the ability to see things that others do not

You have the ability to see things that others do not

This is likely due to your heightened intuition and awareness. You are able to pick up on subtleties that most people miss, and this allows you to see things that others cannot.

For example, you may be able to see a person's aura, or you may be able to see energy fields around objects. This ability can be both a blessing and a curse, as it can sometimes be overwhelming to take in all of the information that you are perceiving.

However, it is also a powerful tool that can help you navigate the world in a very unique way.



11. You have contact with your spirit guides, guardian angels, etc…

You have contact with your spirit guides, guardian angels, etc…

There are a number of ways that you can have contact with your spirit guides, guardian angels, and other higher beings. Some people claim to see them in their dreams or during meditation, while others say that they communicate with them telepathically.

If you feel like you are being guided by a higher power, it is likely that you are. These beings are here to help us navigate our lives and reach our highest potential.



12. You have an innate capacity for healing

You have an innate capacity for healing

There is a good chance that in a previous incarnation, you were a healer and that these abilities are a holdover from that (or those) previous lives.



13. You suffer from a variety of food allergies and intolerances

You suffer from a variety of food allergies and intolerances

Your physical makeup has a hard time adjusting to the conditions of Earth. You have never had to deal with food allergies or intolerances where you come from, but when you see other people who don't have these issues, it makes you wonder why you're different from other people.

You have a different neurological makeup, and this explains why.



14. You are becoming aware of skills that were previously unknown to you

You are becoming aware of skills that were previously unknown to you

The deeper you delve into your spiritual progression, the more new abilities you uncover that you've had your whole life but are only now beginning to master. This is an exciting part of the journey.

As you begin to awaken to your true nature and purpose, you may also become aware of skills and talents that were previously unknown to you. These skills may be related to your previous lives or experiences in other dimensions, or they may be completely new.

Either way, they can help you to fulfill your mission in this lifetime and contribute to the positive evolution of humanity.

Some examples of skills that people have reported after awakening include:

  • Ability to speak fluently in multiple languages (even those that were never learned in this lifetime).
  • Ability to read a person's energy field and know their thoughts/feelings.
  • Empathic abilities such as being able to feel the emotions of others as if they were your own.
  • Healing abilities such as being able to channel energy for physical, emotional, or mental healing.
  • Psychic abilities such as precognition (knowing future events before they happen), clairvoyance (seeing information beyond the normal senses), or mediumship (communicating with deceased loved ones).
  • Manifestation abilities such as being able to manifest desired circumstances or objects using the power of thought alone.

If you find yourself possessing any of these skills or talents, use them wisely and for the highest good, and know that you are playing an important role in humanity's evolution.



15. You are able to see orbs physically

You are able to see orbs physically

Orbs are physical manifestations of energy that can not normally be seen by the naked eye.

They typically appear as spheres of light that float or hover in the air. Some people believe that orbs are the souls of deceased loved ones or other spiritual beings.



16. You have adverse reactions to Big Pharma

You have adverse reactions to Big Pharma

As someone who is wired differently, you may find that you have adverse reactions to Big Pharma. This could be due to the fact that your body is not used to synthetic chemicals and drugs.

As a result, you may find that you are sensitive to certain medications or that they do not work as well for you as they do for others. You may also find that natural remedies work better for you than traditional medication.



17. You feel that Earth is not your home

You feel that Earth is not your home

You may feel like you don't quite fit in on Earth. You may have a strong sense that you are from somewhere else, or that you have lived on other planets or in other dimensions.

You may find it difficult to relate to people and things here on Earth, and you may often feel like you are just going through the motions without really understanding why. In short, you may feel like Earth is not your home.

There are a number of reasons why this could be. It could be because you are an old soul who has incarnated many times before, and so you don't really identify with this planet or this reality.

It could also be because you have a higher vibrational frequency than most people, and so you find it difficult to connect with the lower vibrations here on Earth. Whatever the reason, if you feel like Earth is not your home, know that there are others out there who feel the same way.



18. You feel somewhat awkward speaking

You feel somewhat awkward speaking

When you try to communicate with others, you may feel like you're not being understood. You might have trouble finding the right words, or you may speak too quickly or slowly.

You may also find yourself stumbling over your words or saying things that don't make sense. This can be frustrating, especially if you're trying to explain something important.

It seems that telepathy is the standard mode of communication where you come from. It almost feels like a chore to even make an attempt to talk.

If you're struggling to communicate effectively, there are a few things you can do to help yourself. First, try to find a quiet place where you feel comfortable talking. If possible, find someone who is patient and understanding, and take your time explaining things.

If you're having trouble finding the right words, try writing down what you want to say beforehand. And finally, remember that everyone communicates differently, so don't be hard on yourself if it takes a little practice to find your voice.



19. You’re a rebel and/or non-conformist

You’re a rebel andor non-conformist

As a highly sensitive person, you are wired differently than the majority of people on the planet. This can often manifest as a rebellious streak or a strong desire for non-conformity. You may find yourself feeling out of step with the mainstream world and its values.

There are many reasons for this. For one, highly sensitive people are often more in touch with their true selves than others. They know what they believe in and are unwilling to compromise their values for the sake of fitting in.

Additionally, HSPs are often more attuned to the injustices in the world and feel a need to stand up against them.

Of course, not all rebels and non-conformists are highly sensitive people – but if you find yourself constantly questioning societal norms and authority figures, it could be a sign that you're wired differently.



20. You receive messages and/or downloads from Creator/Source

You receive messages andor downloads from CreatorSource

You tend to be more open-minded and receptive to new ideas and information. One of the ways that this manifests is in your ability to receive messages and downloads from Creator/Source.

For some people, this is a conscious process where they are actively seeking out guidance and direction. For others, it happens spontaneously and they may not even be aware that it's happening.

But either way, it's clear that they are attuned to a higher frequency and are able to receive information that most people are not.

These messages often contain guidance on what we need to do in our lives, insights into our current situation, or warnings about future events. They can be helpful and comforting, or challenging and difficult to hear.

But either way, they offer a unique perspective that can help us navigate our lives in a more conscious and effective way.



21. You’re clumsy

You’re clumsy

You may not be accustomed to this flesh-earth suit that we call the physical body due to the fact that you are multidimensional beings.

It carries a considerable amount of mass, which can at times make it difficult to maneuver.



22. The element of time seems awkward

The element of time seems awkward

For those of us who are wired differently, the element of time can seem quite awkward. We may find ourselves losing track of time, or feeling like time is moving too fast or too slow.

We may also have difficulty understanding concepts like past, present, and future. To us, it may feel like all moments are happening simultaneously.

This can be confusing and frustrating for both ourselves and others. Many people try to force us into a linear way of thinking, but it doesn't come naturally to us. It's important to remember that there is no “right” way to experience time – we each experience it in our own unique way.




Differently wired people are often misunderstood and judged by others. If you relate to any of the signs mentioned in this blog post, know that you are not alone.

You are special and unique, and there is a reason for your wired difference. Embrace it and let it empower you to create the life you desire.


22 Signs You Are Wired Differently from “Normal” People Pin


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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