Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! October 24, 2021

We experience the most emotional fulfillment when we feel our interactions and surroundings are harmoniously balanced. With the Moon in Libra all day, making one another happy is the current theme.

The Moon encourages us to seek out the opposing viewpoint. We adopt a fresh viewpoint and give our relationships the consideration they require.

Before a New Moon Solar Eclipse, the Moon is balsamic, suggesting that we should steer clear of new beginnings. Instead, now is a good time to consider how we can get better.



Aries 6

Aries, Saturn is now direct in your eleventh solar house, making you better equipped to handle your responsibilities. Even if it's not the most easiest option, it's a good idea to look for ways to simplify or reduce.

This day before a New Moon will help you get things done if you take care of unfinished business. This week's revelations will give you a better understanding of relationships, endeavors, long-term plans, aspirations, and goals.

When you are aware of what is possible and what is not, it is simpler to make better arrangements. In some areas of your life, you are able to put aside procrastination, and it feels good to do so. Even today, having a conversation with someone can provide assurance, security, or helpful guidance.




Taurus 6

Taurus, with Saturn now direct in your tenth solar house, you feel more capable of taking charge and taking more responsibility at work. You are now moving forward if a career or life path seemed blocked to you in recent months.

Issues with reputation and career are about to gain traction, albeit slowly and steadily. Your goals or plans for your business, career, or life path are made clearer by this influence.

Today, the day before a New Moon, look for chances to settle accounts or pay off debts. The time is now to think about getting rid of pointless attachments. This is not the ideal moment to begin something new.

There might be a reality check this week, but you'll also see what's actually achievable. Discussing your work plans, long-term objectives, surroundings, and health today is a good idea. You are seeking a more solid sense of control over key aspects of your life.




Gemini 6

Gemini, you might need to iron out the last details before you can proceed confidently. Avoid taking on duties that belong to others, or be careful not to rely too heavily on others when you would be better off handling things on your own.

Saturn has been moving backward since June, and it just went direct. This week as you move forward might necessitate paying close attention to rules and structure for sharing, learning, exploring, legal issues, or education.

Now is a good time to work on setting more reasonable goals. Don't let a little reality check get you down; reminders that you should pay attention to the realities of a situation may be prominent.

The more you progress, the more successful and focused your self-improvement efforts can be. You continue to discover fresh causes to be upbeat about your future as time goes on. You are less content to sit back and wait for things to happen and more eager to put in the necessary work to make things happen.

There may be clarity or confirmation of a problem today, or you may decide to organize the important aspects of your life. However, it is preferable to take your time on this day before a Solar Eclipse than to rush.

Recommended: Spiritual Meaning and Astrology of the Solar Eclipse October 25.




Capricorn 6

Cancer, the energies of today are helpful for figuring out whether you are holding on to anything that is no longer beneficial to you, especially an expectation or an attitude. The management of accounts may be the order of the day.

Saturn has been retrograding since June, and it just went direct. You can anticipate this influence having a positive impact on your intimate world this week.

You'll have a clearer idea of what you want in a relationship, or you'll see improvement in your tax, debt, or financial support situations. Finding ways to make your family life better can be a great use of your time today.

You could also improve your connection to your inner self and universe. Finding the information you require can be useful, as can having constructive conversations with or about loved ones.




Leo 6

Leo, today, problem-solving is preferable to making long-term agreements or new commitments. Tomorrow a New Moon eclipse will occur, so today is a better day to reflect before making decisions.

After being retrograde for more than four months, Saturn has just gone direct. You can better understand where you stand with others thanks to this change in course.

This week and beyond, having clarity about a relationship or your needs from others can empower you. The meaning, purpose, or direction of projects and people is strengthened when expectations are realistic. It might be a sense of obligation or having to face a reality that helps things make sense.

You might feel as though you are starting a new chapter in a relationship, despite the fact that a commitment or responsibility can weigh heavily on the air. You are more likely to set the record straight or provide/accept helpful advice today.




Virgo 6

Virgo, Saturn just finished its backward motion and is now going direct into your sixth solar house. You could start getting back on track by following a diet or exercise regimen, doing housework, or working on a project at work.

These initiatives may have frustratingly stalled over the previous few months (Saturn has been retrograding since June). You're more likely to adopt a more straightforward approach to accepting and managing your responsibilities after some sort of reality check.

The upcoming weeks may be especially fruitful for planning and developing oneself. To get back on track, more structure is beneficial, and it might be necessary to scale back on some activities.

Today, having a sensible approach may be the best course of action. News can help you make plans to improve your life or can clarify a situation that was previously unclear.

You are prepared to fight for something that will benefit you in the long run. Tomorrow a New Moon Eclipse will occur, which could lead you down a new path or make today a better day for contemplation or problem-solving.

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Libra 6

Libra, given that Saturn just finished its retrograde motion, the week has a slightly somber tone for you. In the end, this change of course clarifies your thoughts, emotions, relationships, plans, and businesses.

Now, it comes more naturally to see what is actually feasible. As this is a good time to deal with details, don't be surprised if you have strong instincts to concentrate on specific objectives and projects.

You may be motivated to change your way of life or to recommit to a task or a relationship in the coming weeks. Instead of harboring feelings of hopelessness, it might be preferable to focus on the advantages of facing reality.

It would be wise to organize your thoughts today. It can be very beneficial to verbalize plans, even if it's just a list for your eyes only.

You might discover that if you see an idea laid out in front of you, you can evaluate it more accurately. Tomorrow there will be a New Moon Eclipse, so it is preferable to think, reflect, and process rather than to start over.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, Saturn has just moved into your fourth solar house and is now direct. Family life is gradually getting better, but you're also trying to make things happen. Relationships with family may get stronger, and home improvement projects may resume or accelerate.

You'll be able to identify what needs to change in your personal life, at home, or indoors more easily. It will get things done, even if there are obligations or realities to face right now or this week.

As you attempt to organize and secure your personal space and inner world, try to take things slowly and enjoy the process. Today's emphasis might be on examining a previous or unfinished topic.

Remember that tomorrow there is a New Moon Eclipse in your sign, so it would be wiser to settle differences, resolve conflicts, or process and digest today rather than begin something new. Try to get rid of anything you don't need.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, Saturn is now direct in your house of communications, giving you a better opportunity to decide which of your interests, studies, and projects are truly worthwhile.

Even though it may be uncomfortable at first, facing reality will ultimately make you stronger. For the time being, duties and responsibilities might go up.

Since Saturn has been in retrograde since June, this week may serve as a potent reminder for you to organize your daily affairs or take care of them. You can gain a lot from having more structure in your interactions with others, studies, and communications.

Procrastination costs money, and you gain confidence as you complete your tasks and fulfill your obligations. On this day, however, before a New Moon Eclipse, it is best to unwind, think through, and finalize the arrangements.

You have powerful energy to let go of something from the past. A clearer vision and more forward motion can be achieved with an improved understanding of your thoughts.



Capricorn 6

Capricorn, the energies of today are appropriate for correcting past mistakes. You will be redirected by the New Moon Eclipse that will occur tomorrow, so it makes sense to unwind.

After retrograding since June, Saturn, your ruling planet, has recently gone direct. You are this week reminded of the value of simplicity by the Saturnian shift.

Although they require more structure and discipline, money matters get better over time. So that you can feel more secure and pay close attention to your material affairs, concentrate on enhancing your budget management, assessing business projects, and reducing excesses.

Saturn challenges you to manage your finances, possessions, resources, and talents responsibly and maturely. Despite being frequently delayed, the rewards can be substantial!




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, in the upcoming weeks, you can concentrate on organization, adhering to the rules, and paying attention to detail because Saturn is now direct in your sign.

Your comfort level with accepting responsibility and facing reality increases, which results in better decisions. You're gaining the self-assurance necessary to face reality, and you're in good enough shape to resume or begin particular health activities.

It's possible for obligations and issues to multiply in your head, but this is a positive development. You might feel the need to complete tasks today that will help you move forward and end delays.

It is best to unwind on the day before a New Moon Eclipse, but planning and reflection are also very appropriate. You might be able to see what has prevented you from achieving your goals more clearly.

Recommended: These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Have a Challenging New Moon Solar Eclipse on October 2022.



Pisces 6

Pisces, this week is a good time to figure out which attachments are holding you back from thriving. Tomorrow's New Moon Eclipse may inspire you to make a plan to finish up tasks so you can start over or to organize old projects that are holding you back.

Moreover, Saturn recently went direct after being in a retrograde motion since June. This change may bring a small dose of reality, but it also probably brings with it a sense of power and clarity.

This could be the time to confront past experiences that are coming to the fore as truths or realities. Remember that knowing where you are will enable you to make more effective plans.

You'll feel better about putting your unfavorable routines and attitudes aside in the upcoming weeks. Having mental calmness can be energizing.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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