Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! October 29, 2022

This morning the Moon will be in the sign of Sagittarius for some time before entering delicate Capricorn. Mercury is quincunx to Jupiter today, and Venus is square to Neptune, making decisions difficult.

Just before leaving the sign of Libra, Mercury forms this aspect with Jupiter, increasing the likelihood that the choices made at this time will be illogical. We might overrate our potential, underrate the situation, or hesitate between potential alternatives.

We have one more reason to be cautious: Mars will go retrograde tomorrow. It is better to be patient. Later in the day, Mercury enters Scorpio, and from now until November 17 we will be looking for the truth in everything covert or hidden.

The time has come to probe, investigate, watch, and concentrate. We prefer having in-depth conversations over using superficial communication techniques.

Scorpio is particularly vivacious, insightful, and analytical. During this cycle, thinking is prone to being biased and possibly obsessive.



Aries 6

Aries, it's simple to live in your head today. Overthinking can make it difficult to make decisions, but asking a question and taking a step back may be preferable to acting quickly.

However, you can discover original ways to interact and form relationships with a few adjustments. Also today, Mercury enters the house of your solar chart that rules your private world, long-term plans, introspection, research, and attraction to the secret or taboo.

You become more adept at seeing past outward manifestations and into the true nature of a situation. You can be busy contemplating more profound issues or taking care of accounting issues up until November 17, when this cycle will end.

Here, Mercury also aids in bringing more objectivity to tangled, ingrained emotions and intricate circumstances. You could carry out insightful research or surveys.

Applying common sense to money matters at this time is a good idea. Self-discovery and in-depth, stimulating conversations with others are major themes.

During this cycle, you are more likely to observe than to participate, and your interest in everything that is complex, taboo, mysterious, and unresolved grows.




Taurus 6

Taurus, your thoughts stray easily, and you're not as patient with small details today. It's probably best to wait and see. As Mercury moves into your house of partnerships today, your ability to communicate will improve over the next few weeks.

Others seem to accelerate your thought process, and even if you only occasionally heed their suggestions, their criticism can be helpful to you. You are more likely to weigh the benefits and drawbacks and discuss.

Although this is a fantastic mental exercise, there will be many occasions during this cycle when you speak from the head rather than the heart, with unpredictable results.

Keep in mind effective communication techniques. It may be a good opportunity to spend more time getting to know significant others in your life.

During this Mercury transit, which will last until November 17th, you appear to have a greater need for intellectual stimulation with others. You'll naturally share your thoughts and decision-making processes with others on a regular basis.




Gemini 6

Gemini, today's Mercury aspect can make decisions a little challenging. In a professional or public setting, casual conversations may not flow well and cause misunderstandings. Mental energies may be scattered.

Mercury, your ruling planet, moves into your sixth solar house today as well. Your focus on daily activities, work, health, and self-care or self-improvement initiatives will grow as you advance.

You should now organize your work and workspace and look for information that will help you develop better habits, daily routines, and physical health.

You are in excellent shape to read, write, discuss your work and plans, and develop or brush up on the necessary skills until November 17. Do everything you can, but also make an effort to give small problems and details some thought.

You can benefit greatly right now by organizing your daily routines and changing your bad habits. Work or household duties may keep you busy or require more precise communication and attention to detail.

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Capricorn 6

Cancer, although the energies are not in your favor today for making wise, well-informed decisions, you are in good shape to generate ideas and put them to use.

Something or someone is making you reevaluate how you've been thinking about a certain topic. You might require some private time or solitude to think. Fortunately, you might feel a lot more assured once you do.

Today, Mercury begins its journey through your fifth solar house, where it will stay until November 17. Your desire to stand out and be taken seriously grows.

It is a powerful cycle for developing your creative intelligence and articulating your ideas in a more original and engaging manner. There might be more emphasis on hobbies, children, romance, and creative pursuits.

Having a focused conversation or learning on the spot can be very helpful. Your wit and intelligence draw people to you, or you connect with other particularly interesting people.

This cycle facilitates communication and centers the mind on enjoyment, fun, romance, entertainment, and creativity. You have a stronger propensity for verbal affection displays, games, and reflection on or analysis of your romantic relationships.




Leo 6

Leo, today can be a difficult or hasty decision-making day. Inaccurate information or overanalyzing can both mess with your head right now. Even though your ideas and plans are ambitious, it's best to maintain reasonable expectations.

However, there are many opportunities right now, and that is undoubtedly encouraging. Additionally today, Mercury begins a transit through your fourth solar house that will last until November 17.

It is important to pay attention to the heightened domestic activity or the priceless lessons your loved ones have taught you during this transit. With your closest friends and family, you can express yourself more fully.

Personal issues start to come up in thoughts and conversations. During this cycle, you also have a tendency to recall events more frequently.




Virgo 6

Virgo, you might have to deal with confusion, indecision, or frustrations in communication today. The Moon has now entered your house of joy, so you should be able to enjoy your day despite the odd miscommunication. Investigate your need to create and share right now.

Today, Mercury enters your house of communications, where it will stay until November 17. It is a good, natural, and enjoyable position for communication that encourages activity and engagement.

Your interest in other people is strong.  This is a good time to work carefully, communicate easily and amicably, and come up with new ideas or pursue new interests.

Issues with speaking, writing, and learning are all prevalent during this cycle. Collecting and sharing information will be a lot of fun.

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Libra 6

Libra, today, Mercury exits your sign and moves into your second solar house, where it will remain until November 17. You'll be thinking more practically about your business in the upcoming time.

This is a great time to think about streamlining your financial management and business operations. You can approach spending, saving, and earning money with greater objectivity.

Mercury has been helpful during its recent transit through your sign, but there may have also been times when it knocked you off balance. Your patience has improved, and you are now prepared to construct and grow.

There could be some uncertainty or schedule, health, or work-related concerns today. When you are called to a task, promises made are unlikely to be simple or worthwhile to fulfill.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, the Moon enters your third solar house, encouraging an exploratory, active, and analytical outlook on the day. You focus more on contacts and personal interests.

In fact, Mercury enters your sign today, piquing your interest even more. Up until November 17, when Mercury will leave its sign, you're likely to be busier and yearn for more variety and movement in your life.

Your words have more of an impact than usual, and you are more receptive to new concepts and interests. Additionally, you make decisions more quickly and spontaneously now, which is especially pleasing after a time of frequent indecision.

Watch out for talking too soon, making commitments that won't hold up in the future, and making promises today.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, the Moon is moving into your second solar house, encouraging you to continue with routine activities. This phase of the lunar month is ideal for introspection and settling in.

Today, Mercury moves into your house of privacy, where the Sun and Venus are transiting, emphasizing the value of your privacy. You are more likely to reflect on and evaluate your recent past more frequently during this Mercury transit, which will last until November 17.

Additionally, where you are in your personal journey and the emotions you hold inside can be very prominent in your thoughts. You are more sensitive and open to being hurt, and you take in more than usual.

You might find that people aren't listening to you as much as they usually do if you're less inclined to talk. Watch out for poor decisions made today as a result of incomplete information.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, the Moon is moving from your house of privacy into your sign, and strong emotions are surfacing. The emphasis on oneself and one's emotional needs is encouraged by this transit.

Today there is a strong desire for a new beginning. Additionally today, Mercury begins a transit through your social sector that will last until November 17.

You are in a good position to network and form relationships in the coming weeks because Venus and the Sun have already arrived. This cycle promotes more laid-back interactions with coworkers, friends, and networks.

Additionally, now is a good time to think creatively and entrepreneurially. You give careful consideration to your desires, goals, and aspirations for happiness while also becoming more and more interested in what other people are doing, saying, and thinking.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, you are more drawn to covert or understated activities today and tomorrow as the Moon enters your house of privacy today. Y

Your goals and obligations are on your mind as Mercury moves to the most visible area of your solar chart today, where it will transit until November 17.

Your suggestions or counseling may be more in demand in the upcoming weeks. You will move through this cycle with the aid of your intelligence and skill.

Alternately, you gather important data that will enable you to accomplish your objectives and advance your professional and business endeavors.

However, today's transits could make you mentally sluggish or forgetful of specifics. Take your time coming to judgments.

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Pisces 6

Pisces, although today is not the best day to make decisions as you may be undecided on a number of issues, the Moon's passage through your social sector will help you to approach things with more lightness.

Mercury starts its journey through your ninth solar house today, which will heighten your curiosity until November 17. It's a good cycle for communication, but it prioritizes motivation and personal interests over attention to detail.

You are especially perceptive and intuitive, and you are always looking for the meaning behind what you learn. In the coming weeks, you will increase your knowledge and interests.

It's a great cycle for maintaining optimism, especially when trying to make sense of your life and the world around you.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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