What Kind of Friend are You According to Your Zodiac Sign

Our closest friends are also the family we've chosen. In the end, having your closest friends by your side makes good times seem to go better and the tougher times easier to handle.

They are there to celebrate not only your greatest but also your smallest victories. They are there when everything around them seems to be falling apart, and they are there when almost nothing makes any sense anymore.

What if we told you that your zodiac sign can actually give you a little taste of what kind of friend you are, would you believe us?




Aries 1

Aries are famous for their unflinching honesty. If you want a reality check, Aries is your most reliable ally.

He will tell you if you have lipstick on your teeth, if the outfit you chose is inappropriate, and even if your breath smells bad.

This zodiac sign does not engage in deceitful or malicious behavior and instead is exactly as it appears to be.




Taurus 1

At first glance, Taurus might appear to be a stubborn sign. Once you've adjusted to living with his unpredictable nature, you'll find unwavering loyalty that is exceedingly rare to come across in the modern world.

You can have peace of mind knowing that no matter where life takes you, determined Taurus will always have your back.




Gemini 1

Gemini is known for having a “double personality”. Because these people seem to know almost everything there is to know about others, spending time with Gemini friends is never boring.

Therefore, whether it's the most recent office rumor or just some entertaining anecdotes from their own lives, Geminis are excellent storytellers in any situation!

Simply by being in your life, they will give it an increased sense of spontaneity and adventure.




Cancer 1

Cancer is one of the zodiac signs that is known to be the most loyal and protective. A Cancer friend is someone you can count on for the rest of your life.

Because of their caring and friendly demeanor, Cancer is known as the “mother friend” of the group.

Not only are these zodiac signs capable of providing sound advice, but also, as a result of their caring nature, they never fail to make their companions feel loved and cared for.

They are always there to lend a sympathetic ear to their friends who are going through a tough time.




Leo 1

Generous and thoughtful Leo is without a doubt the most generous friend you could ever hope to find, and he is also the one who gets the party rolling.

You can always count on Leo to be there for you when you need him, and thanks to his unrivaled social skills, he will also make sure that you are invited to the most exciting parties in town.

Because Leos are naturally born leaders, you can always count on your Leo best friend to be the one to lift everyone's spirits and take the initiative in any given situation thanks to their laid-back approach to life.




Virgo 1

Virgo is the “I want to take care of you” friend of the group. You can always count on helpful Virgo to make your life easier simply by being there.

A Virgo best friend is all you need, whether you want help with your class presentation,  tying up a job interview, shopping for the ideal gift for your significant other, or even pouring your heart out.

Even if it's 2 in the morning, people born under this zodiac sign will never fail to lend a helping hand.




Libra 1

Easygoing Libra is one of the friendliest people you will ever meet, and it is this quality that makes them such incredible friends.

She keeps track of the smallest things you need and will often provide them for you even if you don't bring them up. They will give you their undivided support and will watch out for your well-being at all times.

They will go to great lengths to avoid contentious interactions with their friends because they abhor arguments and lengthy discourse.




Scorpio is devoted to their friends and family. You can have complete confidence that this zodiac sign will keep all of your most intimate information to itself and that it will never be revealed to the general public.

If you have Scorpio friends, you can rest assured that they will regard you as a member of their own family and will always look out for your best interests.




Sagittarius 1

Your Sagittarius friend will always be there to reassure you that everything in life will eventually get better, and he or she will be there to provide you with that much-needed dose of positivity even when things appear to be the darkest.

They take immense pleasure in spending time with the people they care about the most and have a one-of-a-kind sense of humor that can almost always brighten even the darkest of days.

Your Sagittarius friend will encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone and will show you how to view life with an optimistic outlook.




Capricorn 1

Capricorns want their friends to do well in life. They are extremely goal-oriented and have a strong will, so they will make sure that the people they care about are also following their dreams.

Regardless of how perplexed or lost you may feel, you can depend on a Capricorn to patiently accompany you and steer you in the right direction.

With his friendly and considerate demeanor, he can also make you feel like you're right at home.




An Aquarius is a very intuitive zodiac sign, and because of this, they are one of the few people who will encourage you to try new things and break out of your routine.

You can rely on him to inject some excitement and newness into your life because he has such a revolutionary spirit.




Pisces almost always have the best advice to offer, even when it appears that all possibilities have been exhausted. They will never fail to feel sorry for you and will always pay attention to what you have to say.

Because they care so much about you and want to make sure you feel loved, your Pisces friends won't ever judge you.


What Kind of Friend are You According to Your Zodiac Sign Pin


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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