What People Think You Are Vs. Who You Really Are According To Your Zodiac Sign

As the famous saying goes, do not judge a book by its cover. There isn't always a correlation between how someone appears on the outside and who they are on the inside.

You've probably heard that you shouldn't judge a book based on its front cover alone. At first glance, it's impossible to tell exactly who someone is based on how they look or how they dress.

It is understandable that you would only find someone sexually attractive or be compatible with them if you found them physically attractive, but there is almost always more to a person than meets the eye.

It's true that some people express themselves better through the clothes they wear, but that doesn't mean that it sheds light on every aspect of their character.

You can't really know if someone is a person you should never date, or if two people will be the next ultimate power couple when it comes to how they do or style their hair.

A guy in a suit who's walking home from work with a briefcase may actually be on his way to the rehearsal for his rock band. The girl who always wears pink glitter with her nails that always look amazing may be a skateboarder.

You have to peel back the layers of people's personalities in order to get to the core of who they are. The same is true for how you feel and how you present yourself to others.

We have complete control over how we choose to present ourselves to the world.




Aries 4

Professionals who radiate professionalism and composure, Aries are able to keep a level head under pressure. He doesn't give off the impression that he's very emotional.

He gives off chill vibes. On the inside, he isn't quite as relaxed. He is competitive and is a leader as well. When challenged, his carefree demeanor transforms into a raging fire, and he will let nothing stop him from taking charge.

Despite the fact that he seems unthreatening on the surface, Aries is not someone you should mess with.




Taurus 4

Taureans make excellent romantic partners. On the surface, it may appear that she has everything that could possibly be desired. Both the things she owns and the way she presents herself always must be first class.

She doesn't want to give the impression that she is sloppy or lazy in any way, which is why she might look a little bit edgy on the outside to some, but very presentable to others.

On the inside, down-to-earth and not at all stuck-up. Taurus does not consider herself to be in any way superior to others.




Gemini 4

Geminis are known for their expressiveness. Because he is the kind of person who takes risks right away, he has a personality and appearance that is very vibrant.

People have the impression that he is a free spirit who is constrained by neither anything nor anyone. She will wear clothes that are potentially unsafe and may not fit properly in the eyes of others, but for her, these are the only clothes that satisfy his needs.

He will never hold back what's on his mind. However, he hides the fact that he is an anxious and sensitive person deep down inside. He may still have a wild side, but on the inside, he is a much more tamed man.




Cancer 4

Cancer is a compassionate and sensitive individual. She puts other people's needs before her own and goes out of her way to let those she cares about know that she loves them and how much she cares about them.

She prefers to give gifts than to receive them, and as a result, many people think of her as the “teddy bear” type. She is softly spoken and stays in the background, so she never causes too much of a stir.

She will wear clothes that are simple but chic at the same time. But she's got a side that is tough as nails, and it's one that's a lot more aggressive than it seems.

She is completely selfless and won't go anywhere, it's just not in her core personality.




Leo 4

Leos are loud and proud. He will be the first person to step up to a challenge and give the impression that he does not hesitate.

Your thoughts are always taken into consideration, and the way you present yourself always makes a statement. He enjoys being bold in his appearance.

You may not realize it, but he is much more intuitive and creative than you give him credit for on the surface. He possesses a skill that most people are probably not aware of.

He has a softer side to his creativity that he just doesn't show on the outside, and it can be seen in things like cooking, knitting, art, and other things.




Virgo 4

Virgos are known for their diligence and being composed. She is always on the move and seems to have many things on her plate.

She always makes sure that her hair and clothes are in order. If she finds out there is something incorrect with her appearance, she will correct it as soon as possible.

She always appears to be working on something new and has plenty of energy to keep going. On the other hand, contrary to what one might expect, inside she's not so strict.

She is actually a party animal that just needs the right moment to come out. Once that side of her comes out, there is no stopping her; she will be the one dancing on the table, buying rounds of shots, and encouraging everyone to party all night long.




Libra 4

Libra is an entertainer. He will be the one who seizes the moment and enjoys life to the fullest. He is always happy and outwardly enthusiastic.

His style never changes; it consists of bright colors. He loves having fun. On the inside, he's a great deal more sensitive. He is emotional, but he doesn't show it or let it get in the way of fun.

His sensitivity is obvious, but beneath the surface, she is more in tune with other people and more perceptive of their feelings than initially meets the eye.




Scorpio 4

On the surface, Scorpios come across as ferocious and passionate. Her outer being is intense, and she consistently demonstrates a hunger for life and everything that it has to offer.

She also gives off that impression through her style; she isn't afraid to take risks when it comes to what she wears, and she seems to enjoy life even when things get a little stressful.

She is a leader and a motivator for all those around her. Despite this, she seems calm and collected on the inside.

The intensity with which she presents herself to the outside world wears her out, and on the inside, she wishes she could just relax.

She doesn't want to deal with the world or the problems that it presents; she just wants to sit in the background.




Sagittarius 4

Sagittarius is a free-spirited and optimistic sign. He doesn't let anyone stop him from pursuing his goals because he doesn't want anyone stifling his creativity.

He wanders from place to place and is known for being a free spirit who follows the beat of his own drum. He gets his style ideas from traveling to different parts of the world.

On the inside, he's much more rigid than what people would see on the outside. Deep down he needs structure and balance to function.

Before he can even consider letting go and having some fun, he has to make sure that everything is in order. He is very good at keeping that a secret.




Capricorn 4

Capricorns are responsible and mature. When someone is self-motivated and always on top of their game, it can be intimidating to those around them.

She makes it very clear to everyone that she follows a very regimented lifestyle by the way she always presents herself.

Her appearances are never too flashy because she would much rather wear simple clothes and focus on her natural beauty than anything else.

She has a high moral standard and is consistent in doing what is right. She may not appear to be funny on the surface, but she actually has a good sense of humor.

There is not a single person in the room who does not lose their composure whenever she lets loose and reveals her comedic side.




Aquarius 4

Aquarius possesses a very high intelligence. He finds it most enjoyable to talk about advanced subjects, even though most of the topics he discusses are conversation starters.

He is the first person to list facts and always has the most up-to-date information on any given subject. He is the one who does the research prior to going on vacation.

He is the one who does the research on the history, the best sites, the founders, the politics, and everything else that is associated with the location that they are going to visit.

His outward appearance is just as stylish, and he adores wearing fine clothing. On the other hand, he is a lot more compassionate than people give him credit for being on the inside.

Even though he does not intend to do so, he gives the impression that he is on a higher level than everyone else.

He is extremely generous and caring, and he will make an effort to help anyone and everyone and volunteer wherever he is needed; however, he just doesn't always show it openly.




Pisces 4

Pisces try to hide their beauty. She possesses both creativity and expressiveness. She loves the arts and anything that makes her use her imagination.

When it comes to dealing with others, she is unquestionably a compassionate and perceptive individual. She dresses in such an original way and seems to approach life with a laid-back attitude.

On the other hand, she is interesting to talk to and is a little more structured than people get to see. When she has a passion that surrounds her and goes within, she is so persistent in working on it.

People have the impression that she is carefree, but she is actually quite focused and motivated.


What People Think You Are Vs. Who You Really Are According To Your Zodiac Sign Pin



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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