What Your Time of Birth Reveals About You and Your Destiny

It is common knowledge at this point that the constellations and planetary positions on the day of our birth reveal a great deal about who we are as individuals.

However, not only do we learn a lot about ourselves and our destinies based on the date of our birth, but also the time of our birth.

Astrology assigns each person a zodiac sign based on the range of dates covering the time of their birth.

As a result of this, we each have a Sun sign, a Moon sign, and even a Venus sign that outlines our personality characteristics.

However, if we fail to consider the significance of the time of our birth, we will be missing a significant component of the puzzle.


What Your Time of Birth Says About You and Your Destiny

There is a strong correlation between the time of our birth and the characteristics of our nature, as well as our temperament.

Because it determines our ascendant as well as the placement and degree of the planets in the chart, the time of birth is also of great significance in astrology.

Your personality can be seen reflected in the ascendant of your horoscope. Our date of birth along with the time of our birth have traditionally been regarded as a powerful omen of a more auspicious or less auspicious destiny.

This is the basis upon which astrology is built. On the other hand, there are numerous types of astrology.

Although not all civilizations have the same equivalents, in some mysterious way they all seem to point in the same direction, to arrive at the same understanding of the truth, albeit by looking at it from a different perspective.



1. Rat Hour: 11 pm to 1 am

The term “rat hour” comes from the fact that rats are more active during this time of day. These creatures herald not only the end of the day but also the start of a fresh one.

People who were born at this hour have a strong work ethic and a strong sense of ambition. They plan things out and have a natural ability to carry them out, which is probably due to their charm.

They are always excited to try new things, make new friends, and learn about everything and everyone around them.

These people are very perceptive, and they can quickly understand things that the majority of people are unable to understand. They also seek out mobility and variety.



2. Ox hour: 1 am to 3 am

It is called the ox hour because it is during this time when the ox pushes the food that has been brought into the stomach back into its mouth in order to chew it again and make it digestible.

This is probably the time of night when there is the least amount of light. People born at this hour are as quiet and unassuming as the night itself.

As a result, they are endowed with the capacity to manifest through patience and other skills. They are dependable, despite their stubbornness.

You have an appreciation for the more refined aspects of life and lead a pampered life as a result. They are naturally talented and they are social butterflies.



3. Tiger Hour: 3 pm to 5 pm

It is known as tiger hour because that is the time of day when tigers awake to begin their hunt for food. You are not only destined to overcome obstacles in life but also to accomplish many great things.

However, as time passes, they may discover that others have a tendency to label them as selfish. This is probably because these individuals are overly attached to their achievements or because they are simply envious of them.

They enjoy being the focal point of attention, prefer to keep things as straightforward and truthful as possible, and perform exceptionally well in leadership roles.



4. Rabbit Hour: 5 pm to 7 pm

This time of day is referred to as “the rabbit hour” because that is when these cute creatures wake up and begin taking care of their nests.

You have such a profoundly sensitive side, and to tell you the truth, you are an empath by nature. In addition, they are born with the powers of fertility and manifestation, and they have a rich sensual side to their personalities.

They never make it easy to see their genuine selves. You have always been a born leader who is also driven by your ambition.

They are driven to set goals that are impossible to achieve by their constant need to outperform others and to be accepted.



5. Dragon Hour: 7 am to 9 am

There is a reason why this time of day is known as “dragon hour,” and that is because this is the time of day when dragons are most likely to come out of the east and sunlight reaches the Earth.

If this is the time that you were born, then you have been endowed with an unfathomable amount of power, even if you haven't been aware of this fact up until now.

You are as stubborn as the light and as impatient as the Sun, but you are also amazing and generous. You are essentially a profound thinker and a philosopher at heart.

You're definitely a people person, despite the fact that you'd rather not be the focus of everyone's attention.

You try to avoid confrontations and arguments as much as possible because you place a high value on maintaining your inner peace.



6. Snake Hour: 9 am to 11 am

Because this is the time of day when snakes emerge from their holes as the ground begins to warm up, this period of time is referred to as “snake hour.”

Those who are fortunate enough to be born at this very moment are endowed with the wisdom of the world. You are also very inquisitive and have the ability to draw in the energies and events that are happening around you.

You exude an air of charm and intelligence, which puts you in a position to accomplish what you set out to do.

People who were born between these hours tend to have upbeat and outgoing personalities. They are extremely sensitive, and because of this, they are sometimes their own harshest critic.

At the same time, they have the qualities of a natural leader, and people have a tendency to follow them out of instinct.



7. Horse Hour: 11 am to 1 pm

Because this is when the horses take a break to eat and relax, this period is referred to as “horse hour.”

If you were born at this time, then you have been bestowed with the ability to liberate yourself and others from the constraints of illusion.

People who were born between these hours have a persuasive nature, but they also have a lot of energy.

They serve as a source of motivation for others and are recognized as an important component of their work.

In general, they have a very clear idea of what it is they want out of life and are willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want out of it.

As a result of this, they make excellent teachers and are very skilled at imparting concepts and ideas to those around them.



8. Ram Hour: 1 pm to 3 pm

The name “ram hour” comes from the fact that this is the time of day when rams begin to awaken, become more active, and begin their search for food.

If you were born during the ram hour, you have a very creative nature and the ability to achieve your dreams through perseverance and inspirational ideas.

You are also blessed with the ability to surround yourself with people who are supportive of you and your endeavors. You are optimistic by nature.

When people first meet you, the first impression they get of you is that you are someone who is outgoing, friendly, and has a kind heart. You are someone who is able to appreciate the finer things in life.



9. Monkey Hour: 3 pm to 5 pm

The term “monkey hour” comes from the fact that this is the time of day when monkeys are the most “chatty”. Those who are born during these hours are granted the gift of an unpredictable future.

You not only have a fantastic sense of humor, but you are also an exceptionally bright person. Because they don't share their secrets with anyone else, they have a fascinating hidden side. They strongly believe in love as a concept.



10. Rooster hour: 5 pm to 7 pm

Rooster hour gets its name from the fact that it is around this time that roosters begin to call the end of their day and head back to their nests.

You are brave and loyal to everything and everyone you love if you were born at this hour. You have a wonderful sense of humor as well as a hidden side that has a passion for adventure.

You are capable of achieving your objectives and there is a part of you that yearns for excitement and a life of independence.

You have a high sensitivity to the sentiments and feelings of those around you. It is not surprising that people are drawn to you in a natural way.



11. Dog hour: 7 pm to 9 pm

It is called the dog hour because, at this time of day, the dogs are more cautious, as if they sense that there is something potentially harmful in the environment.

People who were born during this time period are fearful but they are also reliable. They take their responsibilities very seriously and are willing to assist virtually anyone who asks them for help.

They don't back down from a challenge when it's clear that something needs to be done. On the other hand, they could have a short fuse and a pessimistic outlook from time to time.

Even as a child, they exuded an air of dominance and self-confidence that was immediately recognizable. In spite of this, they are joyful and self-sufficient individuals.



12. Pig Hour: 9 pm to 11 pm

This time of day is referred to as “pig hour” because it is during this time that the pigs are at their most quiet.

If you were born during the pig hour, then you were blessed with the gifts of being sensual and smart. Pigs are exceptionally intelligent animals that have uncanny intellectual abilities.

You are also outgoing, and as a result, you have a lot of positive friends. On the other hand, you may have a propensity to dwell on the unfavorable aspects of situations on a regular basis and find it difficult to let go.

A quiet environment is very important for you to maintain mental balance. Because of your determination and commitment, nothing is out of reach for you.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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