Which Yoga Style Suits You Best Based On Zodiac Sign

We all know our zodiac sign and its personality traits. Not only do our signs have a significant impact on our ways of living and our love relationships, but they also shape our preferences and our strengths.

Did you know that astrology and yoga can be perfectly combined? Both are based on many years' worth of knowledge and experience, which contributes to well-being and relaxation.

Since it has so many positive effects on our physical and mental health, yoga's popularity is continually growing.

You can start to relax better, strengthen your back, and simply get in better shape by practicing yoga. Also, yoga as physical exercise improves our mobility and ability to focus.

Today there are many different yoga styles and positions that we can try out. Finding a yoga style that complements our personality and is comfortable can take some time.

That's what today's article will explore. It will help you choose the right yoga style, depending on your zodiac sign:



Aries – Bikram Yoga

Aries - Bikram Yoga

This yoga style is widely regarded as one of the most effective out there. The one and only drawback is that not everybody can pull off poses.

Someone born under Aries is likely to be interested in anything that not only presents a challenge but also has a high level of energy. They have a fierce will to win and a remarkable mood.

High room temperatures, typically around 40 degrees, are required for the practice of Bikram Yoga. It consists of 24 asanas and two breathing exercises and has many health benefits.

Because of the high temperature and humidity in the room, toxins are able to be released much more easily. Additionally, as the intensity of each movement increases, muscles are stretched and strengthened.

This yoga style helps you become more flexible while simultaneously increasing your strength. It is better able to focus, approach his plans and intentions with greater focus, and put those plans and intentions into action.



Taurus – Hatha Yoga

Taurus - Hatha Yoga

Taureans are well aware of the importance of striking a balance between their bodies and their minds. Practicing yoga helps them better channel their creativity.

Sometimes he can do it while meditating, while engaging in a variety of sports, or while trying new yoga styles.

As a result, the best yoga type for  Taurus is Hatha yoga, which is one of the most common types of yoga practiced all over the world. There are many factors at play here, all of which are perfectly in line with Taurus' traits.

Hatha yoga involves slow and powerful postures and ends with breathing exercises and meditation. People who practice Hatha yoga, for instance, develop a stronger connection between their bodies and their minds, which makes them more followed.

Taurus, an earth sign, is known for its consistency, but it can sometimes be overly focused on details that may not even be important.

They love anything that can be experienced through the five senses. Hatha yoga would help a Taurus to disconnect and make him more patient in his daily life.



Gemini – Kundalini Yoga

Gemini - Kundalini Yoga

Geminis have excellent communication skills and a strong desire to discuss their thoughts and feelings with those around them.

They know how simple it is to engage in conversation with others quickly and effortlessly, and they seem they can hold a conversation with anyone.

When it comes to connecting with themselves, however, they need to put in a little bit more effort than usual.

Geminis who practice Kundalini yoga are better able to investigate and understand the mysterious duality that exists within their own being.

It is a dynamic form of yoga that combines chanting, breathing exercises, and asanas all at the same time. The goal of this style of yoga is to release blockages and allow energies to flow freely.

Since these exercises consist of regular breathing exercises as well as meditation, they also awaken spiritual energy.



Cancer – Yin Yoga

Cancer - Yin Yoga

People born under Cancer have strong feelings and are sensitive to their surroundings. They are very emotional.

They love the idea of letting their guard down and committing to another person, particularly when it comes to romantic relationships.

They have a healthy appetite for risk, but at other times they may pull away from other people or distance themselves from the community.

Cancers can benefit tremendously from practicing Yin Yoga. This method places an emphasis on slow, deep breathing and an overall sense of calm.

The exercises focus on stretches that can assist Cancer in releasing their fears and emotions, and they contain both yin and yang, which represent the calm and active parts.

It is a slow process, where the poses are introduced very slowly and held a little longer than other types of yoga, up to 10 minutes.

Yin Yoga is distinguished by its use of passive stretching exercises, with the goal being to let oneself fall into the asanas and achieve a state of complete relaxation.



Leo – Power Yoga

Leo - Power Yoga

Leos are known for their strength and energy. They take great pride in demonstrating not only their abilities but also their strengths.

Since it is more of a style that is based on a combination of fitness and a workout, this yoga style is recognized as being one of the more tiring types.

The asanas are practiced dynamically and executed very powerfully. As the name suggests, this type of yoga is strenuous and sweaty.

Thanks to the challenging sequences, the muscles are trained and strengthened. This style of yoga helps you find your inner center while also reawakening your life energy.



Virgo – Iyengar Yoga

Virgo - Iyengar Yoga

This earth sign enjoys keeping order and tranquility while allowing things to unfold as they are meant to. Since they are organized and strive for perfection, everything has to be in order at all times.

They place a high priority on both their physical well-being and the adoption of healthy lifestyle habits. Iyengar Yoga places a strong emphasis on precision and control.

The exercises focus on performing each asana accurately and with high focus and precision. Both your breathing and your posture should be consistent.



Libra – Vinyasa Yoga

Libra - Vinyasa Yoga

Libras have a great sense of humor and are able to maintain their optimism even when confronted with challenging circumstances.

They attach great importance to inner harmony and mental balance. It is common knowledge Libras are perpetually seeking the ideal balance and want to maintain that balance; for this reason, Vinyasa Yoga is ideal for them.

Vinyasa Yoga is a style of yoga that incorporates a variety of different yoga poses and is based on combining the movement of the body with breathing exercises.

This style helps them balance their movement and breathing, while calming and relaxing the body and mind. Every yoga class has a different set of poses, which makes sure that the practice is never boring and always engaging.

In addition, these yoga classes instill in people born under Libra a sense of complete and utter calm and serenity.



Scorpio – Acro Yoga

Scorpio - Acro Yoga

Scorpios have a deep need for human interaction, which makes them great at relationships. In addition to this, they have a lot of enthusiasm for the work that they do and a natural tendency to get better at everything.

You have a passion for self-improvement and revel in testing your physical and mental limits on a regular basis, all in the name of expanding your horizons intellectually and spiritually.

Acro yoga is a form of yoga that is guaranteed to be fun. It is generally practiced with one or even more partners, and it should first be performed by a yoga instructor who has a background in acrobatics that you can trust.

Since Acro yoga requires a great deal of balance, communication, and reliance on being held by your counterpart and vice versa, trust in your partner is the most important part.

This type of yoga is perfect for Scorpios because they enjoy having close physical contact with others and are always eager to try out and learn about new things. As a result, they will have a great time practicing this yoga style, which will bring them many positive benefits.



Sagittarius – Meditation

Sagittarius - Meditation

Sagittarians are honest, fiery, and extremely passionate about their work. This zodiac sign has a great deal of wisdom and is always looking for ways to understand things on a deeper level.

Therefore, meditation is best for them, because it helps to strengthen positive thinking and inner serenity.

When one meditates, they enter a natural state in which they are relieved of stress and filled with feelings of joy, love, and happiness.

In addition, meditation can be utilized for a variety of purposes, including to clear the mind or relieve stress. Meditation is seen by Sagittarians as a means of unwinding and achieving a higher state of consciousness.



Capricorn – Ashtanga Yoga

Capricorn - Ashtanga Yoga

Capricorns are known for their strong sense of responsibility and their ability to exercise excellent self-control. People born under this sign are known to be extremely resilient and to be able to withstand a lot of pain.

When they put their minds to something, there is no one who can stop them. For this reason, the most difficult style of yoga, Ashtanga, is a great fit for Capricorns because it is very dynamic and very demanding physically.

In order to participate in this style of yoga, one must attend the same postures over and over again in each class. Ashtanga yoga consists of six series that must be performed one after the other, always increasing the intensity.

This is the most suitable fashion for Capricorns because it provides a plan and structure, both of which provide the stability that Capricorns need so terribly.



Aquarius – Jivamukti Yoga

Aquarius - Jivamukti Yoga

If you've ever interacted with an Aquarius, you know how open and positive they can be, even though they are very sensitive to other people's emotions.

Aquarius is someone who wanders in the unconventional, has a keen sense of humor, and is an innovator at heart. Jivamukti yoga, which places an emphasis on spirituality and bhakti, is the best yoga style for Aquarius.

Mostly focused on mantra chanting, meditation, and pranayama (the regulation of the breath through certain techniques and exercises), this yoga combines sweaty and sweeping exercises.

Since Aquarius is an active sign that seeks out mental and physical challenges, this specific yoga style suits them well.



Pisces – Restorative Yoga

Pisces - Restorative Yoga

Pisces are artistic, intuitive, and wise. They have a level of empathy that is unparalleled by any other zodiac sign.

They make it a priority to find inner calm, and one of their favorite ways to do so is to spend time alone, which also allows them to feel more in tune with their energy.

You are one of those individuals who have a strong desire to achieve spiritual enlightenment through the process of self-discovery and exploration of the inner world.

This zodiac sign can pause and calm the physical, emotional, and mental tensions that build up in the body and mind.

Pisces are excellent candidates for this yoga style because it does not require a great deal of physical effort and is not particularly draining.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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