Who You Should And Shouldn’t Date Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Dates are a whole different thing these days. Gentlemen are almost extinct. It seems that almost everyone is only focusing on themselves, their achievements, and their progress.

In today's world, true love isn't sought after. It's more likely that we'll have one-night stands. Tinder makes our choice easy, right?

However, they still exist. Those among us who are romantic idealists. Those people who crave true feelings and who value a stable romantic relationship more than the hype of the world.

Every individual and every zodiac sign has its own unique characteristics. The universe will tell us today about the perfect date and what could completely ruin it.

Read on to find out who is your perfect crush and who you should rather stay away from.




Aries 5

Your life is constantly moving. You are the type of person who always has a goal in mind and is clear about the direction in which you wish to proceed.

You would probably go crazy if you were forced to just sit around all day and do nothing. You have a strong drive to achieve your goals and don't tolerate uninteresting people.

Your date ought to be able to keep up with the fast-paced lifestyle. In order for you to look up to them, he should not be a couch potato but rather someone who has goals and aspirations for his life.




Taurus 5

As a Taurus, you approach dating in a manner that is diametrically opposed to Aries. You and your significant other enjoy nothing more than getting cozy, binge-watching shows on Netflix, and eating popcorn.

Your spirit yearns for warm evenings spent cuddled up at home. Your date ought to be an easygoing who makes you feel comfortable.

You couldn't use an adventurer at all, he would only stress you out!




Gemini 5

If you show up for a date and the guy is sitting there all tensed up wearing a tie and suit trousers and can hardly get a word out, then run away as fast as you can.

You should be able to steal horses with your date. Anything else will make you bored, you should avoid because it's not for you.




Cancer 5

Your ideal first date with someone should involve sharing personal stories. You are the kind of person who is willing to share their feelings with others, and it is important that your partner is willing to do the same.

This will allow the two of you to have meaningful conversations and become more familiar with one another.

For this reason, you probably aren't interested in dating a man who is closed and uptight. Find someone with a deep soul who has a lot to share with you.




Leo 5

Your charisma is electric, and it makes people want to be around you. For this reason, you need a date who is willing to go with the flow and go wherever you want to go.

When you do things and have adventures together, life is much more fun. However, your partner should not be someone who criticizes your self-centeredness, because that is simply part of you.




Virgo 5

You have the makings of a successful person because you are ambitious. You were born with a competitive drive in your veins.

Your ideal date should be someone who encourages you and looks out for you. He should admire you for your hard work, not badmouth it.




Libra 5

You know your values, and for you, justice is the most important. The most important thing in your life is that you trust the people around you and they trust you.

You make a cozy home for yourself and the people you love. Anyone who wants to get in there should be just as reliable and have a big heart.




Scorpio 5

Someone who never speaks their mind and often makes statements along the lines of “I don't care, you decide” is not a good fit for you at all.

Those born under Scorpio have a strong will and always know where they are going. You need a confident counterpart, not a gray mouse.

To be next to you and make you happy, they need to have something to offer!




Sagittarius 5

You value liberty and self-determination. That doesn't mean you have to stay single if you want to find happiness in life.

However, the person who is right for you should not be someone who follows you around all the time and asks where you are going again.

You need a companion who is in charge of their own life in the same way that you are.




Capricorn 5

For you, trust is the foundation for any relationship. You can always be counted on and your friends know that you would never suddenly act disloyal.

Your ideal companion should have the same qualities that you do, namely reliability and a firm stand for what they believe. Only if you are on the same wave, your connection has a chance.




Aquarius 5

Since you are not like the majority of other people, it is difficult to see through you. Your date ought to understand this, and that should make him even hotter to really get to know you.

You can be a tough nut to crack, but he should view this as a challenge because you're so valuable. Someone who doesn't understand this or who wants to change is not the one.




Pisces 5

You are the type of person who is easy to talk to. You're very interested in others. This makes you a nice person to talk to and you get to meet new people that way.

However, something deeper can only come about if your counterpart is also turned towards you and approaches you in the same open and appreciative way. Stay away from people who are overly confident in themselves.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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