Winter Solstice 2022 Brings Booming Success for These 4 Zodiac Signs

This is the time of year to shake things up. Winter is just around the corner; as the temperatures continue to fall and Christmas Day draws closer, we feel it more and more.

Even though saying goodbye to Autumn until next year is a little bittersweet, the upcoming Winter Solstice is a reminder that time doesn't stand still, which is encouraging given that 2023 is quickly approaching.

On the 21st and 22nd of December, when the Sun will be preparing to transit through Capricorn, many people will be thinking about their future plans and endeavors. 4 zodiac signs, however, will be particularly affected by this cosmic shift.


When is the Winter solstice 2022?

On December 21, the official beginning of the Winter Solstice will take place in the northern hemisphere. On this day, the Sun will enter Capricorn, which is a cardinal earth sign.

As a result, everyone will be faced with the challenge of working towards long-term goals as well as looking to new structures and disciplines that lead to success.

The Capricorn season will be all about actively seeking to refine your intentions and developing a plan that invites you to effectively begin a process of gradual achievement.

Because Capricorn is found in the fundamental parts of cardinal signs' natal charts, they will be the ones who are most adversely affected by this. Here's what they can expect this Winter Solstice:




Aries 2

The Sun will transit through your tenth house of career and public image on December 21st and 22nd, putting an emphasis on your desire to achieve success in your chosen professional field.

Because the Winter Solstice is the ideal time to roll up your sleeves and get to work, Aries, you should make the most of the increased sense of motivation and productivity.

As an ambitious fire sign, you're always looking for your next endeavor, and as a new cardinal season arrives, you'll feel equipped with all the tools you need to pursue your big work goals before the start of 2023, and to start the new year in the best possible way.




Cancer 2

On December 21, the day of the Winter Solstice, you will feel an increased desire to make a strategy for your romantic relationships and partnerships.

Because you are a sister sign of Capricorn, you have a tendency to follow your feelings rather than the evidence, but this time of year will challenge you to take a more realistic view of the connections you have with other people.

This time of year is going to prove to be incredibly fruitful for you if you are to either participate in more social activities or have significant conversations with your partner about the plans you have for your future together.

It's admirable that you follow your instincts, but this time of year will open your eyes to possibilities for a more secure future that you might not have been able to see before.




Libra 2

The Sun will transit through your fourth house of home and family on December 21 and 22, ushering in the official beginning of Winter Solstice and outlining your duties and responsibilities within your private world.

Because you are a zodiac sign that values connections, you have a tendency to place a high priority on bringing people together, but as Winter draws closer, you will shift that focus a lot to the dynamics within your family.

It doesn't matter if you're preparing to celebrate Christmas at your home this year, looking for a new job, or helping a friend; this time of year is sure to be productive for you.




Capricorn 2

Capricorn, this is going to be your season, and that means you can expect to feel more pressure. The Winter Solstice, which occurs on December 21 and 22, will bring the Sun into your first house of self.

This season will encourage you to evaluate and improve some of your personal goals before the new year, so do not be reluctant to do as much as you possibly can to make progress on your personal projects during this holiday season.

Since you are the type of person who puts achievement first, by the end of the year you will be eager to get a head start on projects that require a great deal of self-control and concentration.

A little bit of stress brings out the best in you, and the upcoming Winter Solstice will have you turning stones into diamonds.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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