Women Of These 4 Zodiac Signs Are More Likely To Be Single

There are several reasons why women choose to be single. Some of them remain single for a long time because they do not think they will find the one they feel deserves to share their life with.

Other women are complacent and rarely, if ever, give in to comments from family or friends According to astrologers, some zodiac women are more likely to prefer celibacy.

They clearly prefer solitude more than a life together.

Intimacy and love are no strangers to these zodiac women. But what differentiates them from other signs is that it is more difficult for these women to commit and do not seem to be naturally inclined to be in a relationship.





Few men resist the charm of Libras and for good reason, several people seem to orbit around them. At first glance, these women do not seem to be alone, and yet, as attractive as they are, they may tend to choose celibacy

This does not worry them in the least and they can easily live with it. However, they may not be able to bring themselves to establish or create an intimate relationship with a man.

In her eyes, candidates are very rare and even among this small selection, the Libra woman can choose to be alone because of her indecision.

She should in truth remember that among the men of today, the charming princes on their white horse can be counted on the fingertips and therefore are not able to meet the expectations of every dreamer on earth.

Thus, if Libra wishes to get rid of her loneliness, it would be good judgment for her not to let doubt take hold of her and dictate the events of her life.

Likewise, it is best not to demand too much of men who may potentially appeal to her. In recent years, standards have become incredibly high and at this rate, everyone will be single.





If women born under Sagittarius are likely to be single, it is because they particularly like their independence.

Although they can start a romantic relationship with a man, he is rarely the center of their attention; it is life as a whole that matters to them.

Apart from the fact that the partner will not be very pleased with such an attitude, Sagittarius women will also be inclined not to keep their romantic relationships for long.

While the majority of women covet marriage and the idea of ​​marriage, they do not imagine themselves surrendering to the routine of married life.

But these are women who are capable of raising a child on their own and being very good mothers.





Ambitious, Capricorn women are very focused on the realization of professional projects and their careers.

If they were to marry, it would be more for convenience rather than for the man who will share their life.

As they are autonomous in nature, they become more so with age. As a result, they are more demanding and sift through the men before choosing them.

They will also have the impression that a man will slow down their progress if they decide to establish themselves in married life.

Moreover, the more they become independent, the more their chances of sharing their happiness with a person are reduced.





Gemini women's celibacy is like a default choice because they are among the most dynamic signs. In addition, they fear commitments and even more life after marriage.

Like everyone else, they fall in love, make promises, but soon enough end up falling into an irretrievable weariness. Gradually, the desire to look elsewhere arises and they eventually slip away.

Also, married life would make them feel more alone than a celibate life which allows them to feel more free and independent.

Knowing that they are not “accountable” to anyone is something that reassures them. Solitude is vital to them because it allows them to recharge their batteries from within.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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