Your Slavic Zodiac Sign And What it Reveals About You

Like other European mythologies, Slavic cosmology is very creative. It is thought that Rhoda, a primordial god who is present in all other beings, is where all the gods came from.

This can be verified by looking at the words and god names that have been used throughout history in Slavic languages like Croatian, Serbian, or Russian.

The most well-known Slavic deities were also personifications of the natural world that the ancient Slavs lived in.

For instance, Svarožića and Simargl stood in for the sun and fire. The underworld, cattle, and forest were all represented by the god Veles.

In addition to the ones mentioned above, Kostroma, Lada, Perun, Morana, and Jarilo were some of the most well-known gods in Slavic mythology.

It is impossible to avoid being enthralled by its rich past and the legends that surround it. A specific god is said to watch over us according to the ancient Slavs and their religious beliefs.

To find yours, keep reading to discover your unique relationship with your Slavic God.



Aries – Jarilo


Jarilo is the god of spring, new growth, and fertility in Slavic mythology. Although those born under this sign may appear to be straightforward, they actually have an uncontrollable temper.

In addition, they have great strength, enabling them to overcome any challenges in their path. They appear to never age, to love life, and to live it to the fullest.

They are also extremely disciplined, diligent, and have a positive outlook on life. Because of your ability to mobilize and lead large groups of people, you have the personality to be a successful political leader.

They have a big heart and uphold the values of kindness and honesty, but when they're angry they have the potential to be just as terrible as a storm.

Due to their excess sexual energy, which drives them into the arms of others, these people are also very passionate, easy to fall in love with, and romantic, but very erratic in their relationships.



Taurus – Maja


Maja is a goddess of nature who, like the sun and rain, gives birth. She is, however, also the goddess of love and procreation.

Therefore, those born under this sign value hedonism as well as purity and nature. Although they are modest and don't ask for much in life, they still want to find a relationship that will last forever.

Love is what she values most in life and what motivates her to improve every day. You have a lot of talent, especially in the legal, medical, and business fields.

But at the same time, they are also extremely sensitive to other people's suffering and are unable to calmly observe injustice without responding.

Their greatest strength is also their capacity for tolerance and patience, as well as their gift for mediating disputes and helping others. You enjoy living and working in a comfortable environment and are very adaptable.

But because they can be fearful when they consider the future, they are frequently cautious, suspicious, and occasionally even a little conservative and pessimistic.



Gemini – Kostroma


Kostroma and Kupalo, who were separated soon after birth and were strangers to one another, were identical twins.

They happened to run into each other when they were old enough to get married, but when it turned out they were siblings, they tragically passed away.

They were transformed into flowers by the gods out of sympathy. The ancient Slavs revered Kostroma at that time as the embodiment of spring and fertility.

Therefore, those born under this sign have a strong affinity for literature and are exceptionally gifted writers. They sense the energies of the universe and believe their inner feelings.

They are observant, pragmatic, and never shy away from the unknown; rather, they confront it in order to succeed. However, they are also very jovial, enjoy laughing, and are so likable that it is hard to forget them.

They are people who, in later life, are able to raise a sizable family and have a lot of friends.



Cancer – Rožanica


The wife of Roda, the supreme deity of agriculture, fertility, and light, was Rožanica, also known as “the life giver.” The two, according to the ancient Slavs, were the ones who gave life to everything on earth.

Because of this, those born under this sign tend to be reserved, quiet, and a little secretive. You have a remarkable sense of harmony and want to make everything around you simpler.

Additionally, they frequently become so engrossed in their work that they lose sight of everything else. They put in a lot of effort and work better on their own, away from the group.

They frequently prioritize the needs of others over their own. They also have a lot of passion but may be a little overconfident in their belief that love can conquer all challenges.



Leo – Simargl


Fire is associated with the god Simargl, and since fire was so significant to the ancient Slavs, they revered it and gave it divine qualities.

True warriors, with strong spirits and a desire to fight for justice, they work efficiently and intelligently and are able to successfully complete any task assigned to them.

He stands out from those who show emotion because of his ability and wisdom to get to the heart of the matter. They have a tendency to shirk responsibility and are skilled at psychologically manipulating others.

These people have a strong sense of tradition and reverence for their ancestors and frequently come from large families. When they fall in love, they do so wholeheartedly and jealously protect their families and homes.

When it comes to the well-being of the family, they can go too far and turn into tyrants.



Virgo – Mokoš


Mother nature and her fertility are embodied in Mokoš. She allegedly participated in the divine battles between Veles and Perun, according to myths.

Perun was her first husband, and she later took on the role of Veles' mistress for six months each year. She was revered as the guardian of all women, particularly pregnant ones.

Those born under this sign appreciate being in nature and see themselves as a part of the natural world. They enjoy the weather that others avoid, such as the rain, and they are adept at making the most of it.

They are also naturally composed and disciplined, as well as thorough and meticulous in their work. They are capable of great success in life, particularly in the field of engineering.

The world and society's hierarchies are also understood by these people, and they respect their superiors. They are also good communicators with their friends and family, but they can be reserved around strangers.

You tend to value every moment of life rather than wasting it. They keep their professional and personal lives apart: work is work, and family is family.

Family is very important to them, but because they tend to be a little grumpy, they can be a little harsh with the people they live with.



Libra – Lada


Lada is the goddess of spring, love, and beauty in Slavic mythology. Lada is said to be a goddess of comfort who bestows warmth and comfort upon others. She is also said to protect women, marriage, children, harvest, and fertility.

Therefore, those born under this sign need not worry about feeling lonely because, like the goddess Lada, they create a cozy, enjoyable environment around them.

However, they can also be a little agitated, obstinate, occasionally haughty, and overconfident. But underneath all of this showmanship, there is a kind, vulnerable, and compassionate person.

These are the kind of individuals who value aesthetics highly because they are highly intuitive and imaginative. They prefer to live in harmony with nature because they really enjoy being surrounded by nature.

Due to their attention to detail, they are practical and excellent with their hands. They are also family-oriented, and if they fall in love, they will stay that way for the rest of their lives.



Scorpio – Perun


The supreme god Svarog, who controls thunder and lightning, had an eldest son named Perun. Once upon a time, people used to think that Perun's violently riding across the sky in a carriage after flying out of his fortresses was the cause of thunder.

When it appears in the spring, according to ancient Slavs, it will bring rain and thus make the earth fertile. Therefore, those born under this sign are adept at attracting attention and earning respect.

They have excellent qualifications for careers in politics or the military because they think quickly and act without hesitation.

They are also tenacious and won't give up until they accomplish the desired result, and they constantly strive to be capable of doing the job.

Because they are kind and willing to offer assistance in trying circumstances, they feel compelled to defend the just and protect the weak.

They also have a tendency to forgive and understand others. They place a high value on raising children and make every effort to give them a cozy and secure home.



Sagittarius – Morana


The goddess of winter and death, Morana, is mentioned in a number of traditions. She was once the lovely child of Perun, who later changed her into the hideous old witch Baba Yaga.

The ancient Slavs thought that the winter, cold, snow, ice, and death were all punishments from Morana. As a result, those born under this sign possess quiet strength, self-control, and persistence, as well as good health into old age.

They have a tendency to analyze life, seek out its hidden resources, identify their personal strengths and abilities, and make effective use of them.

They have no qualms about engaging in combat and have no tendency to flee. If they decide to accomplish something, they are also not afraid of dying.

They can be kind, good-natured, discreet, a little dreamy, elegant, and subtly erotic, but they can also be aggressive, moody, short-tempered, stubborn, jealous, and vindictive, and they often try to keep their emotions hidden.

However, you also have a tendency for controlling other people's emotions and are an expert seducer. Women born under the sign of Moran in particular are frequently referred to as femme fatales.



Capricorn – Dažbog


Dažbog is the god of rain, battle, and mines. He serves as both the underworld's gatekeeper and the lord of the earth.

It is not surprising that those born under this sign are frequently the center of attention because they can shine in all their glory and do not go unnoticed.

They demand it and adore respect and recognition. They are individuals who can be a part of the powerful in all spheres of life. They simply must be in charge; it runs in their veins.

Additionally, they frequently have high status in society and are very professional, hardworking, and persistent. They occasionally have irrational goals that can make them bullies.

Other than that, they are trustworthy individuals who are kind, honest, and willing to look out for others. They enjoy pursuing justice, and genuine friends must have their complete trust.



Aquarius – Veles


The primary foe of Perun is Veles, the god of the earth, water, and subsoil. One of the most significant stories in Slavic mythology is about the conflict between the two.

Vales is linked to magic and governs the afterlife, but he was also revered as a god of cattle, a protector of farmers and ranchers, a teacher of the law, and a guide for everyday problems.

Like Veles himself, those born under this sign are the most enigmatic, with a tendency for occult science and the natural world.

They are excellent psychologists, making it challenging to keep the real truth from them. If they have a goal, they will stop at nothing to accomplish it.

They frequently excel as politicians, generals, and military leaders but also as alcoholics. They are incredibly passionate, loving, and polite people whose allure is hard to resist.

In addition, they are prone to daydreaming, extremely romantic, devoted to their homes and families, and unconcerned with material wealth.



Pisces – Kupalo


Kupalo is the god of summertime blossoms, fruits, bounty, and joy. They also saw this sign as a representation of spiritual and moral purity and connected it to the celebration of the summer solstice on the nights of June 21–22.

It was common practice to purify oneself by jumping through a fire that was thought to fend off demons and forest spirits. These people enjoy following the rules and respect natural and universal laws.

The most significant aspect of their lives is their family. Although they are extremely kind, courteous, sensitive, and loving, they can occasionally be depressed.

Additionally, they value nature and dislike anything artificial. However, this apparent simplicity belies a person with a rich inner life, profound understanding of the meaning of life, and a fascination with mysticism.


Your Slavic Zodiac Sign And What it Reveals About You Pin



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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