Your Unluckiest Day in 2023, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Astrology has the ability to steer us through even the most challenging of times. It can tell you when the best time to act is, as well as when you should pause and think about what you've done.

A heads-up is always appreciated, and it doesn't matter what's going on in the cosmos in the year 2023, whether there will be an eclipse or a retrograde, for example.

You will have a much easier time navigating the waters if you are aware of the day of the year 2023 which is considered to be the unluckiest for your zodiac sign.

According to astrology, different planets exude a variety of energies, and some of these energies are friendlier than others. For example, Saturn is a malevolent planet that is hellbent on teaching us all of the difficult lessons that life has to offer.

The period of time between June 17 and November 4, 2023, during which the planet will be in retrograde motion, is expected to be challenging for us because of the planet's reputation for causing stress and enforcing discipline.

It will bring to the surface the lessons that we have learned and tell us what it is that we need to hear, even if this requires a substantial amount of tough love to be delivered.

Transits involving Pluto and Uranus, the planets that represent the shadow side of life and unexpected jolts of energy, respectively, may indicate that significant life changes are on the horizon and can bring our deepest fears to the surface.

However, the situation is not entirely hopeless. For instance, on May 16, Jupiter will move into Taurus, where it will remain direct until 2024.

When it comes to enjoying one's material comforts and making financial gains, that day is traditionally considered to be a lucky one for the group as a whole. It might be a good time to make an investment or turn a hobby into a profitable business.

This year has a lot to offer, despite the fact that there have been some challenging cosmic transits. Keep reading to learn which day of 2023 will be the unluckiest for your zodiac sign, so that you can be better prepared for the drama.




Aries 5

Your Unluckiest Day of 2023: November 3

As Venus, the planet of love goes head-to-head with Neptune, we can expect to see some relationship karma played out today.

Saturn's retrograde motion adds fuel to the fire of any conflicts or confusion that may arise during this time. In the end, you will be challenged to recognize how living in denial can stunt your own personal development.

You may feel like retreating in a major way. It may be difficult to find a way to bring balance to this oppressive energy.




Taurus 5

Your Unluckiest Day of 2023: May 5

Because of the powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that is occurring in your sister sign, Scorpio, difficult truths that are associated with your relationships may become visible

You will have an easier time recognizing negative patterns and routines, which will prompt you and your partner to make significant decisions together.

This event is about letting go of the past and forgiving yourself as well as others. This eclipse may finally put an end to something that has been needing to come to a conclusion for a long time. Endings bring new beginnings.




Gemini 5

Your Unluckiest Day of 2023: May 16

Even though Jupiter's presence brings good fortune, the planet of plenty is currently moving through your twelfth house, which may cause you to withdraw from others and highlight some less desirable characteristics.

It is a good time for reflection, but you should be prepared to confront things that you may have been avoiding facing in the past. Go forward with compassion and a self-care routine that you can count on.

There will be some healing to do. Talking it out will provide you with the necessary support you need. Talk to those you care about or see a therapist about it.




Cancer 5

Your Unluckiest Day of 2023: July 17

As the South Node shines a light on your personal life, you may find that fate deals you a difficult hand. Your attention should be directed toward getting rid of anything that is bringing you down.

You should feel free to be sentimental, but you shouldn't let your emotional attachments prevent you from moving forward. This could bring about some unanticipated responsibilities in that life area.

Define your limits, and do not budge from them. Lean on the support of your family.




Leo 5

Your Unluckiest Day of 2023: September 29

The Full Moon in Aries may make you feel as though you have come full circle, as things that you had previously rejected come back into your life.

Pay attention to patterns that need to be broken in the ways that you date and the relationships that you have in order for you to be in complete alignment with your highest self.

The planet of love, Venus, is currently in square Uranus, which leaves ample room for significant shocks for which you may not be prepared.

With the planet of love backtracking in your sign, your love life will get a good glance. If you aren't in a relationship, you should be honest with yourself; if you are, you should have a difficult conversation.




Virgo 5

Your Unluckiest Day of 2023: October 5

Your twelfth house of release and the subconscious is being influenced by Venus retrograde, which may cause you to become preoccupied with your own thoughts.

Since Mercury is emphasizing monetary concerns at the moment, you might find yourself wondering what it is that you truly value.

You should avoid isolating yourself, but it might be a good idea to think about what you have to let go of in order to move forward and concentrate on that.

You should also be careful about where your money goes. During this time, you might get the urge to detox and let go of some pent-up emotions.

A bad habit that you have been trying to kick will come back.




Libra 5

Your Unluckiest Day of 2023: July 17

When you try to reconcile who you are right now with who you want to be in the future, you will face karmic challenges. Self-reflection is essential, and keeping a journal can assist you in understanding how your shadow self has developed over the course of your life.

However, you should make an effort not to take things personally because what comes to light won't necessarily be about you. A self-healing journey will begin that will allow you to push past blockages that have been needing to be broken for years.

ThisSeeking the assistance of other people can be of tremendous benefit.




Scorpio 5

Your Unluckiest Day of 2023: March 23

Your elusive home planet will make its way through your personal life, causing friction in domestic matters such as your home and where you came from.

It's possible that you'll get into an argument with a family member or find that your boundaries are violated. Spending time by yourself can help alleviate uncomfortable feelings.

The most important lessons to learn today are about letting go and breaking cycles. A significant shift may be on the horizon for those in your inner circle. You'll have to part ways with someone who no longer has your back..




Sagittarius 5

Your Unluckiest Day of 2023: October 2

Venus in retrograde will push you to mature and come to terms with the limitations you've self-imposed on yourself. Mercury will make a stressful opposition to Neptune, which will amplify your deepest fears regarding how you are seen by the general public.

Alternatively, you might be confused about your career path or have the impression that you have reached a point where you cannot advance.

Contemplate your progression as a professional and conduct an investigation into the needs you must meet in order to experience a sense of liberation and contentment.

While Venus in Leo reverses through your ninth house of freedom, it will not have you down for anything that feels restrictive. Restrain yourself from making any rash choices while this transit is in effect.




Capricorn 5

Your Unluckiest Day of 2023: March 27

As the Moon moves into the overly optimistic sign of Pisces, your naturally practical mindset will be put to the test. You run the risk of becoming ensnared in delusions that you have created for yourself, so pay close attention to the world around you.

It's not always accurate to base facts on feelings. This transit focuses attention on inconsistencies that exist within your friendships. Some of the people in your inner circle are no longer a good fit for you.

This is going to be difficult, but a new group will present itself that will be more in line with where you are in life.





Aquarius 5

Your Unluckiest Day of 2023: October 28

Your conventions will be put to the test by the powerful lunar eclipse in Aries. Be mindful of your temper, because the way you behave right now could have repercussions for how others perceive you in the future.

This lunation is going to be about letting go. It will compel you to confront the issue that you have been avoiding and finally let go of it once and for all.

This powerful eclipse will open your eyes to things you never noticed about some of your friends that you do not like. You may find that some of these things bother you more than you would have thought.

It will be necessary to establish new boundaries and get rid of people in your life who are excessively reliant on you.




Pisces 5

Your Unluckiest Day of 2023: March 27

As the ruling planet of self-discipline and harsh love moves through your house of self, you can expect to confront your shadow self.

This transit will bring you back to reality, forcing you to let go of toxic positivity and delusions that have clouded your judgment.

Try to be kind and patient with yourself. Maintain a strong stance when it comes to your sense of self-confidence.

You are about to receive a crash course in establishing boundaries, as Saturn is moving through the sign of your zodiac. Over the course of the next three years, there will be many lessons on people-pleasing, codependency, and learning how to say no.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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