Zodiac Lies Decoded: The Way Each Sign Bends The Truth

There is no such thing as a perfect person, we can all agree that everyone has their own shortcomings.

Although some of us have excellent poker faces, such as Gemini who is naturally a storyteller, or Aries who is straightforward and prefers to be that way, it is in all of our best interests to come to terms with our shortcomings.

Every zodiac sign has its own particular way of deceiving others. Read on to find out if your suspicions about a loved one's infidelity are correct. How each zodiac sign lies:




Aries 4

A typical Aries is not prone to lying very often. It takes up too much of their time, and the reaction they get when they answer questions truthfully creates far too much drama for them to stir up.

However, if you call them out on a lie, don't be afraid, their defensive bark is worse than their bite.




Taurus 4

Taurus focuses on quality and appreciates the finer things in life, which means they have a strong drive to succeed financially.

It seems that this is typically where they struggle. If they say they don't have any cash on them or that they are broke, don't believe it.




Gemini 4

Geminis are natural-born storytellers, which makes them excellent liars.You won't care if the stories they tell you are based on fact or fiction because they are so chatty and likable that you will enjoy listening to them.

This is one of the biggest liars in the zodiac.




Cancer 4

Cancers are the protectors of the zodiac. When they lie to you, they will gently stroke your hair while assuring you that everything will be alright and that you have nothing to worry about.

If you are still worried, then trust your intuition and prepare yourself for an unpleasant truth.




Leo 4

Leos are well known for being good at this, primarily due to the fact that they see lying as a form of entertainment.




Virgo 4

Virgo is another sign that hates lying unless the truth interferes with the successful completion of an assigned task.

In this scenario, they will realize that lying is less harmful than telling the truth.




Libra 4

Libras are called “Smiling Scorpions”. They were given this nickname because of the smooth way they lie to you without you ever realizing it.

Relationships, though, will be their favorite topic to twist.




Scorpio 4

It is not worth your time to fact-check their stories. They will expect it and cover their tracks.

It's common knowledge that Scorpios have seductive personalities. Their favorite topics include sex.




Sagittarius 4

Sagittarius has a reputation for being completely honest. However, if they lie, they will not play around. Sagittarius is also a master of excess.

So if they lie, it will be a huge lie, with much less of the 85% truth that most lies contain.




Capricorn 4

When a Capricorn lies, it bothers them very much. Dishonesty is something they hate, mainly due to the fact that it throws them off course and wastes time, and his sign likes to take care of things quickly and efficiently.

If they seem innocent, cross your arms and stare at them. They will quickly buckle.




Aquarius 4

Aquarians are geniuses. They came to this planet with the ability to see into the future. As a consequence, their stories will be just as inventive, and their techniques will be impeccable.




Pisces 4

These sensitive signs will almost never lie to you unless they are trying to hide something from you “for your own good.”

However, because they are experts at evading reality, you will never be able to see through them.

And even if you do, you'll probably choose to ignore the facts just to protect your feelings.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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