13 Ways You Can Protect Yourself From Negative Energy

At some point in our lives, each of us has experienced negative energies. This energy can either follow us around wherever we go or we can feel it only in a certain space.

This energy has a big impact on us, and we must find a way to protect ourselves from this harmful energy. For this reason, today I'll also go over 13 ways to deal with negative energy.

This is something that everyone should do, regardless of whether or not they feel negative energy, because it acts as a form of protection against it.



1. Make friends with positive and happy people

1. Make friends with positive and happy people

Who doesn't enjoy being around someone who's always positive and happy? Being around this person is beneficial because they don't convey unhappy and negative feelings.

People who are always pessimistic about life should be avoided at all costs, and we ought to maximize the amount of time we spend with those who bring us joy.



2. Relieve your stress

2. Relieve your stress

Just ask yourself this one question: What do you get out of being stressed? The answer is nothing but negative energy and feelings. For this reason, we shouldn't let stress have any influence over our lives.

Simply de-stressing in whatever way is most effective for us is the best thing to do. If something bothers us, we must make the necessary changes to overcome it.



3. Set your limits

3. Set your limits

Many of us strive to be kind and helpful to others, but it's important to be able to know when to say yes and when to say no.

Do only those things that you want to do and that you are able to do, and not necessarily what others want. Spend more time reflecting on who you are and less time worrying about what other people think of you.



4. Think less about your problems and other people's problems

4. Think less about your problems and other people's problems

Thinking about problems will not help anyone/ Either we should take action or forget about it. When we allow ourselves to become more obsessed, we give in to negativity more.

Although it can be quite challenging to do, this is something that we absolutely have to work on improving.



5. Don't try to improve everything or everyone

5. Don't try to improve everything or everyone

We won't be able to solve every single problem that we have. Sometimes we just have to give up on things altogether because they aren't even our problems to begin with.

We must know our limits. Since time moves so quickly, all of us ought to try to relax and have more fun in life.



6. Practice the so-called white light meditation

6. Practice the so-called white light meditation

When we first wake up in the morning, this type of meditation should be the first thing that we do so that we don't bring negative energies to our home.

White light meditation only takes a few minutes of our time, but it will be very helpful in protecting us.



7. Purify your aura

7. Purify your aura

Our aura can be purified in any way that we see fit. Taking a salt bath and meditating in a quiet place are some things that you could do to purify it.

We need to make sure that our goals are achieved.



8. Light sage

This is without a doubt one of the most beneficial things on this list. To do this, all that is needed are some sage sticks.

Burn the sticks while walking through your house with one intention in mind: to remove negative energies. That will breathe some new life into your living environment.



9. Open your windows and doors

9. Open your windows and doors

We should open all of the doors and windows in our home every once in a while. This will make it easier for the negative energies that have been accumulating in our house to leave.

If we do this on a regular basis, we will find energies become less of a burden.



10. Cut out negative individuals from our lives

10. Cut out negative individuals from our lives

Simply put, we need to stop letting negative people into our lives. If someone is trying to bring us down, we need to cut all ties with them.

We don't have to welcome people that we don't want into our lives.



11. Focus more on self-sufficiency than on anything else

11. Focus more on self-sufficiency than on anything else

When we straighten up, we won't be as susceptible to the influence of negative energies. We need to shift our focus toward self-sufficiency and make sure that our energies are actually constructive.



12. Bring crystals into your home or just wear them

12. Bring crystals into your home or just wear them

Crystals come in a wide variety of forms, and each form has its own unique set of positive properties. The most effective crystals for dispelling these kinds of energies are black tourmaline, hematite, and onyx.



13. Learn how to release other energies before you get home

13. Learn how to release other energies before you get home

Stop holding other people's energies. When dealing with someone who is going through something difficult, we need to be able to distinguish between our own problems and the difficulties that they are facing.

This will, without a doubt, take some time, but as we continue to work on it, it will definitely become much easier.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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