6 Signs You Have A Ghost At Home

A spirit is the soul of a deceased person that is believed to live in the invisible world or to appear in the physical world.

The idea that those who have passed away continue to stay with us in spirit is an old one that can be found in many stories, from the Bible to “Macbeth.” It even spawned a folklore genre: ghost stories.

Near-death experiences, the afterlife, and spiritual communication are all examples of related paranormal beliefs that are intertwined with the belief in ghosts.

A place that has had reports of ghost sightings is said to be haunted and believed to be inhabited by the spirits of people who have passed away who may have been former residents or familiar with the property.

There is a common belief that supernatural activity in houses is almost always connected to tragic or violent events that took place in the past, such as a homicide, an accidental death, or a suicide.

However, not every haunted place is a site of violent death or other violent phenomena. 

Many different religions and cultures hold the belief that one's “soul” continues to exist. Some religious views argue that the spirits of some deceased are not “passed over” and are trapped in the property where their memories and energy are strong.

Most of us live in houses that once belonged to someone. Perhaps, the original owner's soul wanders around looking for a way to transcend to heaven.

A soul that's been trapped on and bound to a property is still searching for answers or waiting to deliver a message. In these situations, we should perform a purification ritual to reclaim our home from the spirit.

This requires opening all of the doors in your home, including the drawers and closets, cleaning each room with burning sage, and lighting a candle in the center of your home.

If you feel an odd energy in your house and things are unusual, you need to look out for the 6 signs that a ghost may be lurking in your home:



1. Sounds come out of nowhere

1. Sounds come out of nowhere

A ghost could be responsible for any type of unexplainable noise during the night. This could be anything from footsteps to door knocks to objects falling to the ground.

It is most common for these things to be moved with the power of a spirit. A poltergeist is the type of ghost with this ability.

A ghost can even gather enough energy to move furniture, rearrange paintings, and even summon flames.

These fascinating beings make their presence known to the world around them by emitting loud noises and announcing themselves in a manner that is very dramatic.

In the event that you observe this phenomenon, you may want to take matters into your own hands by sprinkling crystals all over the interior and exterior of your home in order to protect and cleanse it.

Instead of burning sage, which could potentially anger the poltergeist, this sends a message that is less aggressive.



2. Doors and windows open by themselves

2. Doors and windows open by themselves

You could have ghost company if you find that a door or window you were certain you had closed has been opened.

It is common practice for spirits to perform these same actions with their energy, but this shouldn't be considered a form of announcement.

Ghosts have a tendency of mistaking doors and windows for gateways to another world; consequently, they have the misguided belief that if they open the doors and windows, they will be able to leave this world.

They also continue to travel the same routes they did when they were alive.



3. Things disappear

3. Things disappear

This is a fairly common occurrence that may indicate that you have a ghost living in your house.

In most cases, a poltergeist is to blame when one discovers that things have disappeared from secure locations where you put them, or when one notices that things are moving around the house for no reason.

Ghosts believe they can use these objects even after death, which is why they move so quickly. The items that change hands the most frequently are also things that belonged to the person who has passed away, such as jewelry, watches, pens, and other personal effects.

If you are trying to find such things after the spirit has moved them to a new location and you do not know where they are now, it is best to look in the locations where the deceased person kept them.



4. Electronic devices behave strangely

A spirit will make its presence known to the living via electronic devices that it uses to communicate with them.

Since the ghost lives in another world, these are going to be its go-to weapons whenever it wants to scare or bother the living.

In fact, the energy of any and all spirits can have an effect on electromagnetic fields. The more powerful the ghost is in the house, the more mayhem it is able to cause.

If you have ever picked up the phone only to hear a long silence on the other line, or seen the lights turn on and off without explanation, you can be sure that this is how the spirit wanted to communicate with you.

You can also communicate with the spirit by recording an audio or video message and letting it play throughout the night.



5. Strange animal behavior

5. Strange animal behavior

Animals can detect sounds and odors that are not recognizable to humans. It is common knowledge that dogs can predict the arrival of natural disasters such as tsunamis, tornadoes, and others. It is therefore not surprising that your pet can sense the presence of a spirit.

There is a possibility that your pet is perceiving a supernatural being or entity if they are drawn to a specific location in your home, or if they react to things that cannot be seen by human eyes.

As long as a spirit is present, the behavior of animals, regardless of whether or not they are physically present with you or nearby, will change significantly.

Bringing a friend's pet into your home to search for ghosts is another option for determining whether or not your place is haunted.



6. Unusual scents

6. Unusual scents

For centuries, encounters with spirits have been accompanied by their earthly scents: like an old-fashioned masculine cologne, a popular brand of cigarette, or something romantic like rose or orange perfume.

It turns out that our sense of smell is one of our most powerful senses when it comes to confronting things that happened in the past. After all, the odors that we used to live with can live on without us.

The difficult part is determining whether or not the smell is paranormal.

However, you can be certain that something from your past is trying to get in touch with you if it gives you the impression of something unrelated to the situation at hand or if it causes you to think of a loved one who has been gone for a very long time.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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