Choose a Tarot Card and Find Out What to Expect for November 2022

Do you feel a little uneasy about the direction your life is taking right now and want to learn a little more about what you can anticipate happening this month? You may find assistance in the tarot.

Tarot is a method that is based on the use of a deck of cards, which is typically comprised of 78 cards. A person's life, both in the past and in the present, as well as certain events in the future, can be comprehended and analyzed with the help of tarot cards.

Nevertheless, the Tarot is capable of much more than just making predictions and reflecting on the past. This method can assist us in becoming more self-aware, expanding our knowledge of our energy field, and drawing closer to our true nature, or our soul.

Let's put what you've learned about Tarot to the test now that you have a better understanding of it.

The following are the top four cards from the tarot deck: Choose the card that speaks to you the most, then scroll down to find out what this upcoming month has in store for you.

Ready? Pick a card at random and read what it has to tell you about yourself!


Choose a Tarot Card and Find Out What to Expect for November 2022



Card 1: The Empress

The Empress

If you picked card 1, it indicates that you are feeling overpowered by a strong flow of emotions and that you require the assistance of another person in order to establish a healthy pattern for processing your feelings.

Additionally, this individual can assist you in resolving contentious relationships with other people in your life who play an important part in your life.

During this time, you need to keep an eye on yourself to ensure that you have an emotional equilibrium, but you shouldn't be overly strict with yourself. When we repress or exaggerate our feelings, we run the risk of creating incompatibilities or distortions within ourselves.

This month will also bring you wonderful opportunities to tend to your own needs and advance your development in areas that are important to you.

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Card 2: The Tower

The Tower

If you picked this card, it indicates that you are probably feeling very worn out and discouraged with your life and that this is having an impact on your overall health.

This month will be a turning point in your life, marking the beginning of a healing process. You will start to work wellness practices into your daily routine, such as going to the gym, eating healthier, meditating, and spending more time by yourself.

You will have the awareness that you need to simplify your life as much as possible in order to achieve optimal health on all levels (physical, mental, and psychological).

Keep in mind that while you are going through this period of significant internal change, it is important to be loving and kind to yourself.



Card 3: The Star

The Star

If you choose this card, the coming month will be focused on finding new ways to assist the people in your immediate environment.

As a consequence of this, you will experience an innate yearning to get involved in charitable activities or to actively pursue becoming less self-centered in your day-to-day life.

This work will benefit other people, but most importantly, it will benefit you because you will have the sense that you are a part of something larger and more meaningful.

This emotion will help you develop a healthy relationship with yourself and the world around you, as well as raise your self-esteem and boost your confidence.

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Card 4: The Fool

The Fool

People who are genuine, who are proud of who they are, and who are not afraid to show their true selves to the world are the types of people who choose this card. If you drew this card, the coming month will present you with an opportunity to focus on developing your own internal energies.

You will have the strong urge to make a fresh start in your life, and you may find that you are more receptive to suggestions for changes that will test your mettle and feed the great courage that you already possess.

If you put your imagination to good use and pay attention to your gut instincts, you'll find that your life is suddenly full of exciting new opportunities and accomplishments. Don't let the important people in your life pass up the opportunity to hear about your successes.


What card did you decide to go with? Have you received the responses you anticipated as a result? Leave a comment below telling us what you think about this topic.



Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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