Choose a Zen Card and Find Out Which Chakra You Will Need to Work On

Chakras, derived from the Sanskrit word meaning “wheel of energy” or “wheel of light,” form an intricate map that guides the flow of life force within your body and mind.

Imagine your chakras as the electrical circuitry of a device, connecting different parts of your being with the Earth and the Universe. These ethereal junctions are vital for maintaining harmony and balance in your physical and emotional well-being.

By choosing one of the zen cards below you embark on a journey of self-discovery that will reveal the chakra most in need of your attention at this moment in your life.

By identifying and addressing any subconscious blockages residing within your energy system, you pave the way for transformative healing and personal growth.

Balanced chakras are the key to unlocking optimum mental health and enhancing your overall well-being. Through the practice of chakra balancing, you can uncover hidden obstacles, remove them, and allow your life force to flow freely once more.

Choose a zen card and find out which chakra you will need to work on.

Choose a Zen Card and Find Out Which Chakra You Will Need to Work On

If you chose:



Card Number 1

Card Number 1 holds valuable insights into the chakra that requires your attention: the radiant solar plexus, known as Manipura, the third energy center in our being.

There are moments when life feels overwhelming, leaving us disheartened, lacking in motivation, and burdened with emotional turmoil. During such times, I encourage you to find solace by closing your eyes and directing your focus towards this pivotal energy center.

Visualize it as a glowing sphere of vibrant golden light, expanding and enveloping your entire being. Allow yourself to feel the warmth and vitality emanating from this golden hue, as it permeates every cell and fiber of your existence.

Through daily practice, dedicating a few minutes to this visualization exercise, you will witness a remarkable transformation unfold.

Gradually, you will forge a deep connection with your life's purpose, feeling a renewed sense of belonging and purpose.

The weight of sadness and disconnectedness will gradually dissipate, allowing you to unravel the profound reasons behind the experiences that have shaped your journey thus far.

As you immerse yourself in the golden radiance of the solar plexus, you embark on a remarkable journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and personal growth.

Trust in the process, for the wisdom of this chakra holds profound insights into your true essence and the path that lies ahead.

Let the vibrant energy of Manipura infuse your being and illuminate your way forward. Embrace this sacred opportunity to align your inner strength with your life's mission, transforming challenges into catalysts for growth and self-realization. 



Card Number 2

Card Number 2 reveals that your focus should be on the foundational root chakra, also known as Muladhara, the very first energy center within our being.

This chakra holds immense significance because it serves as the bridge between our spiritual essence and the practical realities of our earthly existence.

It is crucial to cultivate a strong connection with this foundational energy, for it provides the stability and grounding necessary to navigate the complexities of our everyday lives.

As spiritual beings inhabiting a physical realm, it is natural to encounter challenges and witness injustices that may cause us great distress.

Sometimes, it becomes tempting to disconnect from the world around us, seeking solace in abstraction or spiritual realms. However, we must remember that our true purpose lies in engaging actively with the terrestrial plane.

By working on anchoring yourself to reality and embracing the experiences that unfold before you, you not only enrich your own journey but also become a beacon of support for others.

Discover the beauty and perfection in the simple moments of each day, acknowledging that this earthly existence holds profound opportunities for growth and connection.

As you dedicate time and mindfulness to nurturing your root chakra, you will find yourself building a firm foundation from which to radiate your spiritual essence into the world.

Embrace the innate strength that resides within you, allowing it to empower you as you navigate the ebb and flow of life's tapestry.



Card Number 3

Card Number 3 guides you towards the enlightening realm of the third eye chakra, known as Ajna, the sixth energy center within our being.

Your mind may be constantly racing, tirelessly turning thoughts over and over like a hamster on its wheel, yet finding no respite or clarity.

In this perpetual cycle, you inadvertently disconnect from your innate intuition and the ancient wisdom that resides within you. Even with guidance from oracles and wise friends, the answers you seek remain elusive, hidden from view.

To reclaim your inner knowing and unlock the profound insights that lie dormant within, it is vital to cultivate a simple and nurturing technique to manage your mind effectively.

Take a moment to pause, closing your eyes gently, and be present in the stillness. Breathe deeply, allowing the rhythmic flow of your breath to calm the restless waves of your thoughts.

As you shift your focus to Ajna, the third eye chakra, envision an indigo glow emanating from the center of your forehead. Embrace the silence and listen intently to the whispers of your inner wisdom.

Trust in the intuitive guidance that arises, for it is a reflection of your deepest truth and knowing.

With practice, you will learn to trust yourself implicitly, recognizing that the answers you seek are already within you.

As the third eye chakra becomes balanced and attuned, you will tap into a wellspring of clarity, insight, and foresight. This newfound connection to your intuition will guide you along your path, revealing the solutions and opportunities that were once obscured.

Embrace this transformative journey of self-discovery and embark on a voyage of trust and inner knowing. Allow the radiance of Ajna to illuminate your way forward, opening your eyes to the limitless possibilities that await.



Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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