Monthly Horoscope November 2022 for Your Zodiac Sign

November 2022 is just around the corner and it's also the perfect time to check your horoscope. Jupiter is still in retrograde until November 23. This planet crosses the sign of Aries until October 28 and then Pisces until November 23.

This Jupiter retrograde will certainly have an impact on the signs of the zodiac. It should be noted from the outset that if two signs of the zodiac are likely to have a difficult phase, it is always wiser to remember that you alone decide the evolution of your life.

As the Scorpio season awaits us around the corner, it seems that several retrograde planets will hinder the dynamics of certain zodiac signs. But that doesn't matter, since these challenges can be both stimulating and enriching.



Aries 5

Jupiter is likely to impact Aries who thus seem to be among those who are about to be in bad shape and go through a difficult phase. But not all Aries people are necessarily affected, and in absolute terms, they all have a hold on the course of their daily lives.

The planet also encourages you to learn from your past experiences by studying the influence they have on your relationships and your state of mind.




Taurus 5

Jupiter encourages you to focus on one project at a time and at the same time offers you great opportunities despite everything. While Venus and Mercury seem hostile towards you, Jupiter allows you to find your happiness in various ways.

However, passion in love might be lacking as Venus confuses your mind. Taurus as a couple should also rely on humor and affection to alleviate any misunderstandings.

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Gemini 5

November should be the month of rest for the body and mind for Geminis in order to better start the coming months on the business side. It is important to know how to channel your energy to get off on the right foot in 2023.




Cancer 5

Although you are plagued by your insecurities, the Sun helps you realize your value, which you must assert as long as you give yourself the means.

This value will be reinforced between the 1st and the 17th by Mercury, which will reveal to you all the affection that people feel for you. You will be amazed to discover how much those around you respect you.




Leo 5

Mars in Gemini will relieve your worries about losing your bearings and your uncertainties. However, everything will gradually become clearer to you while your love life will finally be much more dynamic during the last two weeks of November thanks to the Mercury and Venus both in Sagittarius.

Recommended: Scorpio Season 2022 Will Be Best for These 3 Zodiac Signs.




Virgo 5

You will face more ambitious challenges than ever despite Jupiter in Pisces. Despite the confusion caused by certain planets, you will find the strength necessary to surpass yourself. You'll also see your motivation increased tenfold thanks to Mercury and Venus.




Libra 5

You will be able to run your affairs without anything standing in your way thanks to the support of Saturn in Aquarius. The prospects that are on the horizon will delight you.

Whether it's on a professional or romantic level, Mars in Gemini promises great things because between amazing encounters and future projects.




Scorpio 5

November will be a very good month for Scorpio. Mercury, Sun, and Venus work together to surprise you in the form of a pleasantly life-changing event.

It can result in a surprising encounter, a beneficial transformation, or a very profitable offer. Your great intuition will also help you fulfill your desires.




Sagittarius 5

The days of November could be challenging for Sagittarians, just like Aries. It can be difficult to find a nice dynamic as people born under this sign face the retrograde of Jupiter in Pisces and Mars in Gemini.

However, it is possible to overcome these “bad cards” by drawing on your optimism and thinking in particular about the alternatives that you had already considered.

Recommended: What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Change In 2023 To Progress.




Capricorn 5

The return of Jupiter in Pisces allows you to push yourself to your limits because you will be particularly stimulated by events. This happiness can take the form of exhilarating projects, income more in line with your merit, and an overall more harmonious life.




Aquarius 5

Aquarius are advised not to give in to impatience because Jupiter will not be there to support them. To avoid social and romantic damage, you will count on Mercury in Sagittarius, which will give you the opportunity to make things happen slowly but surely. Just be patient.




Pisces 5

Pisces will be complemented by the arrival of Jupiter by bringing interrupted projects back to life. At the same time, Jupiter could make you question how you will undertake your future. Do not give in to the influence of this planet's retrograde and recognize your merits and value.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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