The 2023 “Ring Of Fire” Solar Eclipse Will Affect These 4 Zodiacs the Most

How has your experience been during the cuffing season thus far? It's possible that the favorable energy of the sun in Libra has made you more open-minded and eager to find common ground with others.

This harmonious and partnership-oriented energy will reach its peak during the upcoming annular solar eclipse, known as the “ring of fire” solar eclipse, especially impacting certain zodiac signs in 2023.

But what exactly is an annular solar eclipse? Well, it occurs when the sun, moon, and Earth perfectly or partially align.

In the case of an annular eclipse, the moon passes over the sun but doesn't completely cover its surface, resulting in a mesmerizing “ring of fire” effect due to the moon appearing smaller than the sun.

This year, on October 14 at 9:20 a.m. PST, the sun and moon will align in Libra, which is ruled by Venus. However, please note that this annular solar eclipse will only be visible in West Coast states.

Nevertheless, it will bring remarkable new beginnings for every zodiac sign's birth chart. As the first eclipse in Libra for this year, there will be a strong urge to enhance the balance in your relationship dynamics, especially if you belong to a cardinal sign such as Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn.

Additionally, since this eclipse occurs near the South Node, expect some connections to end while new, more supportive, and balanced relationships begin to blossom.

As mentioned earlier, the cardinal signs will be most affected by the “ring of fire” solar eclipse. So, let's take a closer look at what they can anticipate.




Aries 1

Get ready for some major changes in your romantic life, Aries. On October 14, the Sun and Moon will align in your seventh house of relationships, bringing a powerful influence.

As an independent sign, you usually thrive on solo adventures. However, this solar eclipse will spark a new desire for balanced and reciprocal relationships.

It's a pivotal moment that can mark the beginning of a meaningful relationship or the end of a dynamic with another person.

Prepare yourself for greater social interactions – you'll find yourself engaging with others more than usual. So remember to keep your social battery charged and embrace the opportunities that come your way.




Cancer 1

The Libra solar eclipse will have a profound effect on your domestic and family matters, Cancer.

You are someone who greatly values a full and harmonious life behind closed doors, and this eclipse will create monumental new beginnings that support just that.

Prepare for positive changes in your living situation or a change in your relationship with a roommate or family member. While you may not feel particularly inclined to leave during this time, your home will become an ideal safe haven, offering comfort and shelter.

Embrace the transformative energy of this eclipse and create a nurturing environment that brings you joy and peace.




Libra 1

This eclipse has special significance for you, Libra. As the social butterfly of the zodiac, your connections and relationships will take center stage along with personal transformations.

With the Sun and Moon aligned in your first house, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery, presenting a new and improved version of yourself to the world.

Pay attention to how others perceive this change and consider the impact it has on your interactions. While it's important to prioritize yourself during this time, setting healthy boundaries is essential.




Capricorn 1

The Libra solar eclipse on October 14 brings powerful new beginnings in your career and professional life, Capricorn. This is an opportune moment to seek balance in your field of work.

Consider sharing responsibilities with a support associate, as their help can be invaluable.

While you're no stranger to individual success, being the goal-oriented sign that you are, this eclipse invites you to embrace the idea of collaborating with others to realize your professional ventures.

Use the transformative energy of this eclipse and open yourself up to the support and expertise of those around you.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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