The Dark Side Of Each Zodiac Sign And How To Overcome It

Each of us has many layers of personality. Although we are aware of many of these layers, some of them we are not really aware of.

We are unique and complex people capable of bringing both our wildest dreams and our worst nightmares into reality.

We can often be our worst enemy. Through our thoughts, words, and deeds, we end up hurting not only ourselves but also our loved ones.

Sometimes we regret it, sometimes not. When we hurt another person who, in our minds, is deserving of it, we often feel immense joy.

At other times, we might feel a sense of regret and wonder if things would have turned out differently if we hadn't let out all of the negativity inside of us.

We are all human, and as such, we all have both positive and negative traits. This is how our personalities are formed. A beautiful balance between yin and yang.

To have light, you must also have darkness. In order to have joy, one must also experience sadness. This duality of human nature is what makes us human at our core.

Our shadows are part of the yin and yang balance of the Moon and Sun, open and closed, slow and fast, and water and fire. They aren't necessarily bad or negative.

Read on to find out more about these shadows and how to overcome them, according to astology:




Aries 5

The dark side of Aries is quite red. Even though you don't want to rush anything, you still want to get things done as quickly as possible.

You also like it when things are done in a certain way. When things don't go the way they want or as quickly as they want, Aries get angry and can be mean.

However, one of the most admirable qualities about you is the fact that you have a very kind heart.

As soon as you become aware of the consequences of your actions, you'll strive to make amends.




Taurus 5

Taureans are stubborn and can be rigid at times. Imagine for a moment a bull: strong, firm, stubborn, unyielding, and immovable unless they want to be.

This is an extremely result-oriented and dependable sign, with the ability, vigor, and stamina to see their goals through to completion.

Taurus is ruled by Venus, the goddess of love, and while this earth sign may not appear to be as sexual as Scorpio for example, its sensuality comes in a raw, physical form and energy.

There is a certain degree of rigidity and a desire for things to go one's own way associated with all earth signs. Too much earth makes you stuck unless you incorporate water, air, and fire.

A Taurus would do well to continue to honor the traits that allow them to follow their own path, regardless of how challenging it may be.

At the same time, they should seek ways to be more flexible and let go of the things that don't matter in order to find balance.




Gemini 5

Geminis are symbolic of duality, as they represent two sides of the same coin. On the one hand, you can be very social and creative, but on the other, you tend to be very serious and restless.

Since they are known to have multiple personalities, they can be very unreliable, and it may not be a good idea to trust them. You have a very cocky and arrogant attitude, and you believe that you are an expert in every field.

Your confidence comes from the fact that you believe you have mastered a lot of skills, which is fueled by the fact that you have a diverse set of interests and hobbies.

You have a terrible habit of gossiping, despite the fact that you are an excellent communicator. As a result, you can go on talking for a very long time without saying anything meaningful.

You should try to relax and get in touch with your center whenever you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or distracted.

Meditating daily can help you bring your thoughts under control and refocus.




Cancer 5

The emotional realms of the underworld are home to all of the water signs in a way. Cancer is one of the water signs associated with strong feelings.

The Moon is its ruling planet. Imagine Cancer's emotions like the tides, which are constantly in flux.

This can be extremely exhausting, and it may even cause you to withdraw from the people in your life and fall into depression. As a Cancer, it is important to be aware of what causes a shift in emotions and perspective.

When things are out of balance, addressing the problems before they spiral out of control will help alleviate some of the heartaches associated with this sign.




Leo 5

It's not everyone's cup of tea to be worshiped, adored, and the center of attention, maybe that's just in your blood. A Leo is able to stand out from the rest of the crowd with very little effort.

On the other hand, if this sign doesn't get the attention it deserves in its younger years, its dark side may try to overcompensate.

Leo's worst traits are becoming vain and selfish. They'll sulk and be angry if they feel they haven't received enough attention.

Our egos can get te best of us. However, as a Leo, you need to be careful in this regard so your ego doesn't consume you.




Virgo 5

Virgos, known for their attention to detail and tendency toward perfection, however, they extremely productive.

They are grounded, sometimes rigid, organized, conservative, and hardworking. They may appear to be emotionless on the surface, but underneath, they have a strong connection to people.

Virgo needs to keep a close eye on their mental well-being. All of this thinking and planning can very quickly lead to overthinking, which in turn can lead to worry and fear.

Since they tend to be overly cautious, this problem may become even more difficult to solve because they are constantly expecting the worst-case scenario and planning around it.

When Virgo strikes a healthy balance between their traits, rather than leaning too far in any one direction, they'll flourish and make wonderful friends.




Libra 5

Libra is too democratic and indecisive. Before arriving at a conclusion, you invest a lot of time in carefully weighing the benefits and drawbacks of everything.

However, thinking about every possible outcome only leads to wasting a lot of time, even if it's for the most important decision.

This sign also spends enough time in the preparation of each task. When you love aesthetics, you might find yourself spending a lot of time trying to look your best.

You find it hard to make commitments, and keeping your word is not one of your strong suits. Although Libra is not evil, you are not loyal either.

You favor order over anarchy, you enjoy brightening other people's days, and you would gladly sacrifice your own values in favor of peace and happiness.

Your lack of decisiveness causes you to miss many opportunities; therefore, you should make it a priority to seize every opportunity that comes your way in life and make the most of it, whether it has to do with your family, relationships, career, or goals.




Scorpio 5

Scorpios are very enigmatic individuals who are often misunderstood. This sign seems to thrive in darkness and shadow in constant, metaphorical death and rebirth.

For this reason, people have the wrong impression of him, thinking that he is cruel and manipulative.

They have a knack for achieving their goals through covert manipulation, but most of the time, they do so in a way that does not cause harm to other people.

It has to do with strategy, charisma, and intellect, which are not bad things. Give them the benefit of the doubt and some leeway.




Sagittarius 5

It will come as a surprise to learn that the dark side of Sagittarius is the darkest of them all. This is due, in part, to the fact that their bright side is also one of the best in the zodiac.

You are well-liked for your outgoing personality, your positive outlook, and being adventurous.

But when a Sagittarius feels so humiliated that he is beyond repair or that he is to be forgotten, or when he encounters someone so powerful that he feels that his arrows cannot reach him, then he becomes brooding, angry, and seething with rage.

Their playfulness disappears and is replaced by a determination to destroy those who angered them. For a fire sign, you are quick to light your fuse and then put it out.

You don't get angry very often, which is a positive trait. When you find a way to “destroy” that need, then you will have control over your dark side. If you can't, you should at least be willing to ask for forgiveness.




Capricorn 5

Capricorn, an earth sign, tends to exert dominance and control over others. You like to take control of situations and refuse to just accept a situation as it is.

You find strength in negativity and will not think twice about using another person for your own benefit. In addition, you have a habit of gossiping and magnifying other people's shortcomings.

You can justify your actions in order to accomplish your objectives because you are very ambitious. Sometimes the dark side of your personality can be quite dark.

Start practicing gratitude. Create a journal where you can write about things you are grateful for. You can also make positive affirmations, which will assist you in developing a more positive mindset.




Aquarius 5

Aquarius has strengths that could easily be their weaknesses. He is a quirky and spirited air sign who is truly free-spirited.

As someone who values independence, he can easily become quirky because he insists on going at his own speed.

This inconsistency is sometimes understandable but can cause tension in relationships if the inconsistency is consistent.

Aquarius is known for being one of the more creative zodiac signs. People born under this sign are talented artists and activists.

They are very sensitive people who take some time to warm up, but once they do, they make incredible friends who love having their minds and spirits challenged.




Pisces 5

Pisces tend to be detached, unmotivated, and aimless in life. You seem to live with the motto “going with the flow.”

They tend to be highly sensitive, gullible, and easily swayed by others, despite the fact that it is considered to be the wisest zodiac sign.

You live in your own little world, and as a result, you don't often realize when your loved ones need you. You have an intense desire to escape, which can result in anxiety, depression, addiction, and substance abuse.

Just like Aquarius, Pisces must find a balance between logic and emotion. Finding this healthy equilibrium will give you the power to find direction and move forward with the pursuit of your desires and ambitions.

It's also a good idea to build a strong support system with family and trusted friends to help you live an emotionally healthy life.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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