The Zodiac Signs Most Likely to Cheat [Ranked]

It's a depressing reality, but every single day, no matter your zodiac sign, people are unfaithful to the person they say they love.

While some people like to focus on the most unfaithful women zodiac signs, the fact of the matter is that men of the zodiac are just as capable of cheating as women.

No one is immune to this. Everyone, of course, has their own idea of what constitutes cheating, and there are literally millions of different behaviors that can be grouped together as examples of it.

You might consider it adultery to flirt with anyone other than your partner, even if it's just a friend.

Regardless of the circumstances surrounding the affair, it is a horrible feeling to discover that your partner has been unfaithful to you, particularly after you have fallen in love.

This is because being cheated on causes trust issues, which makes you suspicious in future relationships, and it is more difficult to meet new people because you don't want to risk being hurt again.

The question of why people cheat in the first place is as old as humankind itself.

Is it because they want to find someone to spend the rest of their lives with, someone they believe will make them happy, and they want to see if the grass really is greener somewhere else?

If someone is unhappy enough in a relationship that they are willing to cheat on their partner, then why not just end the relationship instead of continuing to cheat on their partner?

Cheating is a direct violation of the emotional or erotic intimacy that exists between a couple. This harms the relationship and can lead to the breakup of the couple or a loss of trust.

But in the end, there is only ever one consequence: broken hearts, regardless of the reasons why it happened.


Where does cheating begin?

Most begin with emotions and lies. If you ask a cheater if they have been unfaithful to you, they will most likely lie to you and use a technique called gaslighting to hide the truth about their actions.

There are other factors that can lead to cheating in a relationship. Your partner may start cheating on you if your relationship is making them unhappy or if your love life isn't as vibrant as it used to be, all in order to find happiness or better chemistry with someone else.

Why do people break their commitments to their partners and have affairs?

Some people claim that they never imagined they would cheat, but when the opportunity presented itself, they felt they had no choice but to take advantage of it.

Some people say that they were unhappy in their relationship and thought that having an affair with someone else would make their love life at home more interesting because they were bored.

Then there are those who place the blame on alcohol and say that they became so intoxicated that they lost all sense of what they were doing; the other person caught them off guard, and they did not know how to stop it.

People cheat for a variety of reasons, including dissatisfaction with their current relationship, a desire for new experiences, feelings of insecurity, a thirst for revenge, or the realization that they no longer love one another.

No matter what the cause may be, it never fails to turn into a chaotic situation.



How can I tell if my partner is cheating on me?

You need to confront your partner if they give you any reason to suspect that they are cheating. Pay attention to not only what he says but also how he responds to what you say because that will reveal whether or not he is lying.

You can also check if your partner is cheating on you using online communication trackers, which you can download to your phone covertly or without them being aware that you are keeping tabs on them.

It is important to become familiar with the common warning signs that indicate a person is likely to be a cheater before they cheat, as this will allow us to better prepare for the possibility that something similar to this could actually occur to us.

A person's zodiac sign may be one of the telltale signs that they are likely to cheat not just once, but repeatedly over the course of their relationship.

Now, not everyone who belongs to an astrological group will cheat, nor will people born under these signs who are less likely to cheat end up doing so.

Nevertheless, there appear to be certain zodiac signs that are more prone to giving in to temptation, and taking a closer look at the constellations can assist us in gaining a better understanding of why this is the case.

Who among the zodiac signs is the biggest cheater?




Pisces is the sign of the zodiac that is most likely to cheat on others, which may come as a surprise to you.

She is normally sensitive and extremely emotional, so it is inevitable that she will respond to even the slightest shift in mood. You have no idea what might occur when she is upset with you and stays up all night because she can't sleep.

On the other hand, she is afraid of hurting whoever she is with, so it is highly unlikely that she will end a relationship even if it is making her miserable, simply because she does not want to hurt that person.

Ironically, she might choose to get lost instead. Perhaps she is secretly rooting for her partner to catch her in the act of cheating.




Gemini 1

Geminis are very needy when it comes to their romantic partners, so if you are unable to give them attention around the clock, they will find someone else who can.

Gemini has a tendency to lack decisiveness, which is why he enjoys having a variety of options to choose from. If there is anything else that you can provide for him that she would like, he will remain loyal to you in order to obtain it.

In terms of the zodiac signs that aren't loyal, Gemini is the sign most likely to cheat when he wants everything and his partner isn't able to give them it. Who is to say that he won't try to find a third companion?




Libra 1

The fact that Libras are so good at flirting is one of the primary reasons why so many people are hesitant to date them. Maybe they're right.

You might think that once Libra is in a committed relationship, they would stop flirting, but that is not the case. And while it isn't harmful the majority of the time, it can go too far at times.




Leo 1

In addition to her dramatic nature, Leo has an insatiable need to be the focus of everyone's attention at all times.

If you don't treat her like the queen she thinks she is, and especially if she gets the impression that you're starting to ignore her, she will do anything in her power to make sure that you start treating her like a queen again and giving her the attention that she deserves.




Even though Aquarius may not be physically cheating on their partner, they may start texting an old flame in a sexually suggestive manner or seduce someone while out on the town to see how it turns out.

Even though there is never any physical contact, some people consider this to be an act of emotional infidelity; therefore, their partner probably wouldn't be too pleased to learn that this was going on.




As long as you show the same level of affection and commitment to your Scorpio partner, they will continue to be the most loving and dedicated partner you've ever had.

All bets are off as soon as she discovers that you have been unfaithful to her in any way, even in the most trivial way. If you betray Scorpio's trust, they will not hesitate to take revenge.




Capricorn 1

Capricorns are looking for something very specific in their relationships – he wants to benefit from them as much as possible. This indicates that he is seeking happiness, support, stability, and possibly even status in his life.

Once he has found all of this in a partner, he is not going to take any chances of losing it because it is so difficult to find.




Sagittarius 1

Sagittarius has fairly high moral standards and would never intentionally do anything to harm their reputation.

You shouldn't be surprised if, early on in a relationship, a Sagittarius makes it clear that she wants to meet other people and suggests that you have an open relationship with her.

It is not necessarily cheating if she is being open and honest about what she is doing and what she expects in your relationship.




Virgo 1

Virgo has never entertained the idea of cheating on her partner. She may be unable to even entertain the idea of sneaking around with anyone else due to the fact that her schedule is already so full.

Because Virgo is such an honest sign, you can put your faith in her and know that if she were unhappy in the relationship, she would tell you and choose to end it rather than cheat on you.

She does not enjoy drama, and for that reason, she will not be the one to create it in her own life.




Taurus 1

The most important thing for Taurus to remember is that being faithful to their partner is the best thing for them.

Having only one relationship means having to make an effort with only one person, and there's no extra energy to spend sneaking around and making excuses on the spot.

To tell you the truth, Taurus is far too lazy to even entertain the idea of cheating. But this is good, don't you think? Perhaps selfish, but in a positive way.




Cancer 1

Cancer is one of the most trustworthy zodiac signs. Her family is the most important thing in the world to her, and she is always looking for support, both emotionally and consistently.

Cheating would never make her feel secure or relaxed, but rather anxious and irritable all the time. She values comfort and safety in her life.

She doesn't come in dead last on the list because some of these reasons seem to benefit her individually as well, but you can count on the fact that she won't cheat on you at any point.




Aries 1

There is no question about the Aries person's devotion to their partner. However, he is not the best at expressing his love and commitment to his partner, and as a result, he can come across as rude and harsh at times.

However, this does not mean that he is having an affair with someone else. He is completely devoted to his friends and family.

In addition, he is fully aware of how horrible it would be for him if he were the one who was cheated on, and because of this, he could never, ever subject another person to an experience such as this.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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