These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have an Awesome Week Even Though Mercury is Retrograde

Due to the powerful energy of the Full Moon in Cancer, many people's lives have been turned upside down over the past week. However, 3 lucky zodiac signs will have the best week from January 9 to 15.

Mercury retrograde and Mars retrograde are likely the sources of blame for your failure to stick to your New Year's resolutions; however, the cosmos is gradually but surely turning it all back on.

You are most certainly not the only person who has encountered issues such as delays or misunderstandings; therefore, you should not worry as much.


The Week Begins on a Light Note

Venus will dance with Mars while moving through Aquarius. The planet of love, beauty, money, and relationships, places a high priority on freedom, independence, social collaboration, and foresight while it is transiting through this fixed air sign.

This Venusian transit tends to be more platonic than romantic; however, there is greater opportunity for camaraderie, goal setting, and experimentation in general.

Mars, on the other hand, is still retrograde through Gemini, but the trine that it has formed with Venus increases the likelihood of an unexpected and illuminating encounter with the past.

It could be getting back in touch with an old friend or maybe even an old coworker who now has potential new job opportunities for you.



The Moon will enter Virgo and then trine Uranus

On January 11, challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone, especially with regard to your daily routines and the ways in which you take care of your health.

This may bring about unexpected benefits and may assist in eliminating energies that have become stagnant.

The cherry on top is that Mars, the planet of activity and drive, will finally go direct in Gemini after spending nearly three months in retrograde motion. Hold tight until Mercury enters direct motion on the 18th of January to take action.

This week, you will have good fortune if your Sun and/or Ascendant sign falls under one of the following zodiac signs. Here's why:




Gemini 1

Gemini, this Mars retrograde transit may have felt like an eternity, but this week brings some welcome relief! Even though your ruling planet, Mercury, is still transiting your eighth house of transformation and money, Mars will finally go direct in your sign on January 12.

That alone should give you a lot to look forward to during this week, but that's not all that's in store for you.

You will have the upper hand despite the fact that the messenger planet will review and reevaluate things; this is because you will gain clarity, and your confidence will soar as a result.

Mercury retrograde slows things down so you can see them from a different perspective, whether it be in your personal life, in a business transaction, or in your professional life.

This week, Venus will be dancing with Mars in your sign, encouraging you to have sparkling hope for the future. Additionally, while Venus is moving through Aquarius, Mars will be in your sign.




Libra 1

Libra, it's not every day that your ruling planet, Venus, travels through your sister sign Aquarius, let alone your fifth house of love, passion, and creativity.

As a result, you'll be able to flaunt your sparkling charms. The most important detail to keep in mind? On January 9, your ruling planet will engage in a harmonious dance with fiery Mars, the planet that governs your house of relationships.

This will take place while Mars is retrograde in Gemini, through your ninth house, which is associated with adventuring, spiritual growth, and self-promotion.

You will become more outgoing and confident as a result. This uplifting energy could serve as a springboard for your personal image, romantic life, and/or your presence via social media.

You'll be more likely to engage in flirtatious banter with someone, even from a distance. You might even reconnect with your high school sweetheart.

On January 15 and 16, the Moon will move in Scorpio through your houses of money. This will highlight and amplify the potential for themes that are associated with your self-esteem and finances.




Aquarius, when was the last time you were able to take some time off for yourself? Doing what you love doesn't have to mean doing less.

With Venus crossing your sign, you'll not only be more inclined to be more persuasive, but also more benevolent and efficient in your interactions with others.

On January 9, Venus forms a harmonious aspect with Mars retrograde through your fifth house of love, passion projects, and self-expression.

This presents you with an excellent opportunity to revisit a hobby or undertake a past project, You'll also get to share wonderful moments of complicity with a loved one or a partner.

Mars will finish its retrograde in Gemini on January 12, which is good news because it means that if things have appeared to be more stalled than usual, the delays and confusion will soon come to an end.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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