Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! January 12, 2023

After being retrograde for more than two months, Mars finally goes direct today. As the fiery planet changes direction, there is a lot of Mars energy in the atmosphere today and in the days to come.

We will likely regain our enthusiasm over the course of the next few weeks, stalled projects will move forward, and we will begin to feel more confident and assertive in our actions.

As our priorities become more distinct, it is possible that we will change our minds about recent decisions or projects. We have a better understanding of our wants, and our levels of motivation would rise.

The Venus-Chiron sextile that is active today encourages forgiveness. We are more receptive to gaining the knowledge necessary to conquer our fears and insecurities.

We are more easily able to identify the needs and wants that we have repressed, and one way to find relief is to enter into a healthier relationship with these needs once we have a better understanding of them.

We are more open to intimacy and sharing, and we recognize the value in embracing our flaws as well as our strengths.

As we become more aware of what we truly value, we become better equipped to make decisions and choices pertaining to both our personal relationships and our financial situations.



Aries 6

Aries, after moving in a retrograde motion for more than two months, Mars, your ruling planet, goes direct today. Your confidence will increase.

It is a pivotal moment for both your energy and desires. It's also a good time to take on challenges related to self-expression, promoting your ideas, or loved ones and siblings.

In the weeks ahead, you will focus more intently on finding solutions to problems. As you pay less attention to what other people say and do, the pressures will begin to ease for you.

Issues concerning transportation, travel, communications, and education will become less complicated. You will still have a lot on your plate, but things will be handled much more efficiently.

You are able to make a lot of progress. Later, it will be much simpler to get rid of disruptive distractions. Your day-to-day activities become less chaotic and overwhelming, which enables you to devote more of your attention to more routine objectives.

You can try to make up for the lost time by getting in touch with old friends and loved ones and saying “no” to less important distractions that haven't served you very well in the past.




Taurus 6

Taurus, as of today, Mars retrograde has come to an end, which means that you, can look forward to gaining a deeper understanding of your skills and capabilities, as well as your current and future financial situation.

Your level of enthusiasm is increasing! In the coming weeks, there is the potential for a turnaround to occur in the financial and commercial spheres.

Despite the fact that you have most likely benefited from the recent downturn, you have become more forward-looking, direct, and spontaneous, particularly in matters pertaining to money, talents, and resources.

Things that have been puzzling you or leaving you waiting for an answer over the past few weeks will start to become clearer and resolve themselves.

Your wants become more distinct, which assists you in making decisions and boosts your confidence. The amount of motivation and energy you have right now and throughout this week is growing.

It makes sense to try to relax while keeping both feet firmly planted on the ground right now.




Gemini 6

Gemini, Mars, which is currently moving through your sign, will end its retrograde phase today.

Because Mars has been in retrograde motion since the end of October, this cycle has been an important one for getting in touch with your genuine needs and desires, which have been the subject of intense scrutiny.

You may have held yourself back because you were nervous or anxious about doing something. Your levels of energy and motivation will continue to rise now and in the future.

The recent difficulties and frustrations in your personal life will fade away, and you will be able to move forward with your projects with a greater sense of confidence.

You will be able to strengthen your resolve and make significant progress on your plans and projects over the next few weeks. You now have a much clearer idea of what you want, which makes many aspects of your life much easier.

You regain your dynamism, and the benefits of your efforts become clearer and more encouraging to look forward to. It is important to take your time when making decisions, especially since Mercury, the planet that rules your sign, will remain in retrograde until the 18th.




Cancer 6

Cancer, after moving in a retrograde motion since the end of October, today Mars goes direct.

Because of this change, you are less likely to hold onto resentments, and even though you still need to do inner work, it will become clearer to know exactly what it is now!

Mars will continue to be in the background of your solar chart, directing your attention behind the scenes for a while longer; therefore, it is sensible to refocus your attention.

Mars will enter your sign on March 25, a day during which it will be easier for you to move forward with your plans. From this point forward, you are less likely to want to heal your wounds, and it will be much simpler for you to give yourself sufficient time to rest and think.

Your desires become clearer. Take your time making decisions, but once you've done so, get right back into the game. All distractions aside, the present day can be very helpful for research, undestanding, and observation.




Leo 6

Leo, after moving in a retrograde motion since the end of October, today Mars will go direct. This retrograde may have caused some people to experience frustration because their ambitions or dreams did not materialize as quickly as they had hoped.

You go back to the old, but this time with a new perspective. Over the next few weeks, progress will be made with both studies and plans. Friendships will get better, and any emotional complications might go away.

You become more aware of who supports you, and this helps you to better understand your own desires and affections. You will eventually regain the energy and confidence necessary to pursue new experiences.

It is in your best interest not to expect results right away, but rather to have faith that you will eventually arrive at the destination you desire.




Virgo 6

Virgo, today is the day that Mars completes its retrograde cycle, and as a result, there may be a pleasant reversal of confidence with regard to your aims, career, obligations, support, and material affairs.

You are aware of your goals. Recent events may have caused a decline in levels of motivation; however, you are feeling more inspired now.

There is a good chance that issues pertaining to your career, such as terms, clarity, or confidence in your work and larger goals, will improve. The roadblocks will be removed, and you'll discover that you can start working more on your own terms.

You'll have a better sense of where you're going and will be able to devote more of your time to getting things done rather than focusing on improving or adjusting them.

You are braver, and as a result, you are in an excellent position to manage and lead. It is best to take things slowly and ease into this transition for the time being rather than expecting results immediately. Mercury will continue to be retrograde until the 18th.




Libra 6

Libra, now that Mars has completed its retrograde cycle and moved into direct motion, you should feel a greater sense of confidence regarding your goals.

There can be a turning point in studies, projects, endeavors, legal matters, or partnerships. The time has come to regain your courage, confidence, and clarity!

Greater benefits can be gained from pursuing personal interests and projects. Nevertheless, you shouldn't try to take too much all at once.

Keep in mind that Mercury will remain retrograde until the 18th of this month. Pressure decreases as people respond more directly to one another.

In the coming weeks, the difficulties you have experienced in recent months with sharing, ideas, opinions, transportation, or daily commuting will begin to improve. It is also expected that relations with siblings, as well as neighbors and in-laws, will improve.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, after being retrograde from the end of October until today, Mars finally goes direct. During the past few months, you may have been digging up some long-forgotten frustrations and topics.

You have improved the tools you use to emotionally manage your life. The entire purpose of retrogrades is to encourage a reevaluation of our situation, which may be an opportunity or even a blessing in disguise.

You will have a better idea of what you want right now and in the coming weeks, and you will feel less tortured by your past. You are going to experience an increase in confidence and motivation, especially after Mercury goes direct on the 18th.

This week, the complexities of finances will begin to unravel, and after feeling stuck in relationships with a partner or with financial institutions, things will become easier for both of those areas.

You will have a more direct approach to resolving these issues, despite the fact that it is not yet the appropriate time for quick settlements or bold moves,

In the coming weeks, your energy and direction will improve. Make use of this time to bravely and directly confront the issues at hand.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, today marks the end of Mars's retrograde cycle. Mars's retrograde motion through your house of partnerships since October may have made it challenging for you to maintain healthy relationships with other people.

In addition, the level of support for your individual endeavors has not been good. However, now that Mars is in direct motion, the dynamics of your relationships are improving, and your confidence is growing along with them.

You have the impression that you can actually start moving forward now. Your romantic life also becomes more transparent, and the momentum in your relationships is restored.

You have a clearer understanding of what you want (and don't want) at this point. Mars will remain in opposition to your sign until March 25, and while this could cause some tension in your personal relationships, it could also bring about some opportunities for resolution.

You're experiencing a strong urge to make progress on a relationship problem, or you believe you now possess the necessary tools or sufficient information to do so.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, Mars has been in retrograde motion for more than two months, but it finally goes direct today, and you will start to see the fruits of your labor in both your professional and personal life.

Complications at work will go away as the day progresses. You'll be inspired to put in a little extra effort for the things you care about or to prioritize health and wellness activities with a greater sense of confidence and drive.

You'll see progress in your family business. While Mars was in retrograde, you were advised to proceed with caution when making significant decisions. Now things have changed.

Even if it is best to start from scratch, you will soon be ready to make the decisions and take the actions that you have been thinking about. Mercury will be in retrograde until the 18th.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, after Mars changes direction today, you may experience some forward movement with plans or news that you have been expecting to arrive.

Since late October, Mars has been in retrograde, but today's change will put an end to the delays and lack of clarity that have been affecting studies, romantic endeavors, creative endeavors, and communication.

Even though Mercury will be in retrograde until the 18th, you will experience an increase in motivation and clarity as a result of knowing exactly what it is you want.

You will start to feel openness and clarity in places where there may have been some tension or confusion. In the coming weeks, you will find that you have more spare time, increased personal magnetism, and increased confidence.

You have identified areas in which your strategy or methods can be improved, and you are now prepared to implement those improvements. Today is a good day to begin moving forward, but do so with caution.




Pisces 6

Pisces, after being retrograde since the end of October, today Mars is going direct. This change is beneficial to your finances, family, household matters, personal talents, and gifts and bonuses.

The setbacks that have occurred in these areas over the past few weeks have resulted in an awareness that has assisted you in better understanding both your current circumstances and your goals.

You now have more reason to take pleasure in the things that interest you and to pursue them. Although you still have a lot going on in your personal life, it's the kind of “busy” that you can easily manage.

It'll now be much simpler for you to find solutions to any problems that may arise. Recent difficulties associated with family, living arrangements, or family life ought to see an improvement.

Today, you have the privilege to get comfortable. There's no need to make any hasty decisions.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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