Watch Out For Energy Vampires In The Coming Days If You Are One Of These 3 Zodiac Signs

Have you felt bad vibes lately? The past two weeks have been swirling with chaos, but things aren't going to settle down anytime soon because 3 planets are going to change signs this week.

These 3 zodiac signs are going to have a challenging time in the days ahead, but there is a chance to tune into a completely different vibration.

The first day of the week began with a paradox. For instance, the Moon has just entered Aries, and at the same time, the Aries' ruling planet, Mars, is in Cancer, where it's interacting with Neptune in Pisces.

To put it another way, it's easier to fantasize about getting things done than to actually get up and do it. You will also need to keep an eye out for people who drain your energy and engage in passive-aggressive feuds.

It could also be a “battle” that you are fighting without even realizing it, so make sure to use your best judgment.  Find the right outlet and recharge your energy instead.

On May 16, Jupiter made its official debut in Taurus, but shortly after, it will face retrograde Pluto in Aquarius.

In spite of the fact that Jupiter exerts an undeniably positive influence, the fact that it is connected to the Lord of the Underworld gives us reason to believe that this transit will not be the easiest or most comfortable.

In order to cultivate and embody the true value of our self-esteem, we need to take a good look around us, we must begin by looking outside of ourselves.

Pluto reveals to us what has been hidden from our conscious mind, allowing us to revitalize ourselves and reestablish our connection to our power.

On May 20, Mars will enter Leo and immediately oppose Pluto retrograde. If that weren't enough, the opposition will take place during a New Moon.

It is simple to let our ego get the better of us, but right now it is in everyone's best interest to let go of fixed mindsets and power dynamics right now.

If something in your world is falling apart, it is for a reason. In the coming days, the following 3 zodiac signs need to look out for energy vampires:




Aries 4

You feel irritable for a number of reasons, the first of which is the Moon's entry into your sign. Your planetary ruler, Mars, will form a passive-aggressive trine with Neptune, which will make you prone to sullen behavior and defensiveness.

Since it influences both your fourth house and your twelfth house of the unconscious, you will probably feel the need to step back and decompress. You should avoid power dynamics and watch out for gaslighting.

On May 17, Jupiter will confront Pluto retrograde as it travels through your 11th house of associations, community affairs, and individual freedom. Jupiter will have just entered Taurus and your second house.

Don't get me wrong, Jupiter will also bring blessings, but its alignment with Pluto may bring awareness to energies that can be uncomfortable to confront.

Your ruling planet, Mars will take a break on May 20 when it moves into Leo and your fifth house of self-expression.

Nevertheless, at the same time, Pluto and the red planet will be in opposition. Ego battles and power plays are bound to become toxic.




Leo 4

Your mind may be plagued by the unpredictability of the future, but there is no reason to be so critical of yourself.

Mars, for instance, will run into evasive Neptune at the same time that the Moon is making its debut in Aries.

Keep in mind that these two energies are activating two of the most private areas of your horoscope: the eighth house of intimate exchanges and the twelfth house of unconscious patterns.

Pay attention to how these two houses affect you. Be kind to yourself because this could trigger a whole host of things, from mood swings to subtle power dynamics, so it's important to practice self-compassion.

On a more positive note, Jupiter will move into your house of public appearance, and this will make the coming year incredibly auspicious for career projects and fame.

The catch, however, is that shortly afterward Jupiter may square Pluto retrograde your house of relationships. A new job offer that doesn't match your current commitments?

If your personal and professional lives do not interfere with one another, the problem may lie in the fact that you might just be craving more space that your superiors aren't willing to give you.

On May 20, Mars will enter your sign, which will heat things up. On the same day, Mars will also directly oppose Pluto. Take some time for yourself and try to relax if you find yourself in an unpleasant mood or suddenly filled with rage.




Aquarius 4

You are not the “bad guy,” despite the fact that it will be difficult to believe that over the course of the next few days.

Pluto been moving through your sign since March, but it is also currently retrograde in your sign and will present challenging aspects with other planets throughout the week.

For instance, when Jupiter moves into your fourth house of personal affairs, it will square off against Pluto in your sign, which is a dynamic that can be both powerful and destructive.

The influence of Jupiter, the planet of blessings, will be overshadowed by Pluto, as will your desire to dominate and/or transform something in your personal life.

Because of this, you will have the opportunity to plant new seeds of intention on the 19th of May, which naturally coincides with the New Moon.  Do you feel confident and secure where you are?

Mars, the planet of war and conflict, will enter Leo on May 20, bringing fiery momentum and passion to your house of relationships.

This event is not to be overlooked. On the other hand, Mars will face Pluto in your sign, where relationship dynamics can become toxic and volatile.

At this time, you should be aware of your desires because they might come from a dark  place.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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