What Kind Of Witch Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Renaissance Europeans used the term magic to refer to a set of beliefs and practices that had been known by that name since the 400s BC.

Theories of magic attempted to explain physical phenomena that were either unbelievable or unusual, magic tried to control such events.

The thinkers of the Renaissance recognized connections between magic and other practices, including astrology, alchemy, and witchcraft.

An expert in magical theory was referred to as a magus during the Renaissance period. A magus could predict the future, attract unearthly powers, summon angels, and cast out demons.

There were strong links between Renaissance magic and astrology, based on the idea that movements in the sky could influence events on Earth.

Astrology is both a source and mechanism for magic when it comes to those who practice it today. We can learn a lot about how our zodiac sign is connected to our innate magical powers.

What kind of witch we might be and what kind of magic we are likely to be drawn to can be determined by our zodiac sign.

Since the position of the Sun in a natal chart reflects the energy we had when we were born, it is possible to classify different types of witches according to their zodiac signs:



Aries – Blood Witch

Aries - Blood Witch

It is said that witches born under Aries can perform powerful candle magic. As a fire sign, it is only natural for those born under this sign to use their unfiltered passion and energy in order to manifest their intent with this type of spell.

Candle magic also represents all four elements, fire from the candle's flame, air that helps the candle burn better, melted wax for water, and solid wax for earth.

You can also incorporate any colors, herbs, oils, crystals, and shaped candles that best suit you. As long as your intention is there, you can perform candle magic with any kind of candle.

A fiery passion and energy flow through an Aries's blood from the moment they are born; this is the kind of energy that ignites the fire and compels them to take action, making them an ideal Fire witch.



Taurus – Elf witch

Taurean witches have a strong connection to the power of the earth and the natural world. They enjoy investigating and using the powers of herbs and the powers of their sexuality.

Herbs are living beings that have a vibration. The energy that herbs radiate can support our intentions, and different herbs vibrate around different themes.

Some herbs are beautiful, others are clear, some focus on matters of finances and wealth, others on matters of emotions, and so on.

In earlier times, when people lived much closer to land, they grew and harvested their own crops. If you can learn to identify wild plants or grow a plant from a seed, it opens your eyes to “who” the plant is and what it can offer you.

If you have a strong connection with the world of plants, you may be able to directly ask the plants about the ways in which they can help you with their magical powers.

As the first earth sign, Taurus hides the full potential of nature. They have this incredible ability to make anything fruitful.



Gemini – Energy Witch

Gemini - Energy Witch

Gemini witches have a natural ability to sense changes in the energy levels around them. You can easily send and receive energy to the past, the present, and the future. Your intuition is extremely sensitive.

Through Energy magic we explore a variety of methods for connecting to our Higher Selves and our Conscious Selves, in order to create the life we want to live.

Gathering energy and sending it off to manifest your goals is the usual way of working with energy to make magic. The soul, also known as “the wizard heart,” is the source of power for Energy magic.

That is the source of your power; it does not come from a demon, an angel, or any other strange force field that is floating around somewhere in the void.

Without a soul, there is no energy, so we should take good care of it. A Gemini can change negative energy into positive energy and positive energy into negative energy, depending on how they feel.



Cancer – Kitchen Witch

Cancer - Kitchen Witch

Cancer witches tend to practice their craft indoors, drawing their magical power from the energy of household goods such as food and medicine.

This is a classic example of a kitchen witch; she is constantly brewing potions to compensate for a lack of love and affection.

If you intend to use kitchen hexes as your primary hex, you should consider treating your kitchen as a holy place. Of course, this depends on your life situation and personal practice.

Think about your kitchen. Even though it's probably overlooked and underappreciated most of the time, this room is home to something magical.

The gifts of the earth are transformed and combined into creations that nourish and enhance your body.

Cancer's stomach is a very delicate organ because it is the part of the body that is responsible for the dilution and transformation of energy, much like a kitchen. They can bless anything that they come into contact with.



Leo – Wizard Witch

Leo - Wizard Witch

Leo witches have a natural talent for attracting the attention of others, which makes them extremely talented illusionists. You can easily charm and hypnotize people and animals.

Ruled by the Sun, people move around Leo just like the planets revolve around the Sun. They can attract whatever they want.

Leos are fantastic at using the Law of Attraction. In its most basic form, the Law of Attraction refers to our ability to bring into our lives whatever we focus on.

If you choose to focus on negative situations, you will wish them into existence. If you keep a positive attitude and have goals that you want to accomplish, you will figure out how to make progress toward achieving them.



Virgo – Hermit Witch

Virgo - Hermit Witch

As long as they stay focused, Virgo witches can be very powerful. They tend to reinvent their magical selves in the stillness of nature, whether in the Green Forest or the peaceful Emerald Sea.

Virgo needs time alone. They are the only witch who must find a way to explore the richness of their powers for themselves.

You can only uncover your full potential when you spend time alone. Practicing grounding can assist you in releasing negative emotions.

Find a place where you won't be bothered by anyone and where you can be alone. Breathe them a few minutes and feel their magical powers.



Libra – Music Witch

Libra - Music Witch

Libra witches have the gift of inspiration and are usually exceptionally talented in arts and crafts. They are good at composing spells and even chanting them to strengthen their magical mood.

A long time ago, people believed that music was one of the most powerful forms of magic. It was common practice for people to sing or play an instrument in order to either pay homage to the gods or tell a mythological story.

In Ireland and England during the middle ages, a poet who wove fantastical tales through his music was known as a bard. Often a bard would play an instrument such as a harp while singing stories from earlier times.

The stories and songs of their people were passed down through the generations by them. Even in this day and age, there is magic to be found in music.

We may not see it in the music industry as a whole, but if we look a little deeper, we will find it. Consider first how different types of music affect your mood. A simple song can evoke feelings of joy, sadness, laughter, and essentially every emotion under the sun.

Even the most basic of songs have the power to take us back in time. The body, the mind, and the spirit can all be healed through the use of music as a form of mental and physical therapy.

We can use the feelings that are evoked by music as well as its unique, fluid energy in our magic and make music witchcraft.

The ability to create art and your inspiration is what differentiates you the most from other types of witches.



Scorpio – Night Witch

Scorpio - Night Witch

Midnight is a time when silence and darkness are most dominant, and Scorpio witches feel inspired and “enlightened” during those hours. Darkness doesn't equal evil. Scorpios are just great at perceiving what is hidden.

What is hidden and secret arouses their curiosity and awakens their powerful instincts. They have this incredible ability to look beneath the surface.

They are the most knowledgeable of all witches. They may feel fear, but they try to put it behind them.

Try this. At midnight, you should go somewhere outside that is quiet and safe. Look at the sky and talk to the night about your desire.



Sagittarius – Thunder Witch

Sagittarius - Thunder Witch

Sagittarius witches are children of Zeus/Jupiter/Thor. They have a remarkable ability to channel a very “thick” and focused stream of energy to do whatever they want.

The Thunder Witch is the only type of witch that can break the chains and push further through her wisdom and optimism. Everything is possible when there is lightning and thunder.

Try this. Focus on your hands and keep thinking about your wish. When you feel ready, express your desire like thunder striking from your hands toward your target.

It's okay if you don't feel a lot of energy. Some people are more sensitive to energy than others, and some people are naturally more energetic than others. Some people are both sensitive and naturally energetic.

Even when you are going through a big change in your life, there are times when all of your personal energy is being used up to make sure that you're just breathing.

After your energy levels have increased, send them out to do their task. You can also direct this energy toward any object or target.



Capricorn – Green Witch

Capricorn - Green Witch

Capricorn witches are easily able to assert their magical dominance both in nature and in the cities. You can harness the power of nature and guide it in your career and everyday life.

This sign is ruled by Saturn, also known as the “Planet of Witches,” which gives them the power to master the elements through love and self-discipline.

Try this. Take a long walk and look for a “special tree” that you can relate to emotionally and spiritually. Embrace the tree and become one with it.

When you feel ready, send your energy into your future career, goals, and aspirations.



Aquarius – Star Witch

Aquarius - Star Witch

Aquarius witches have a very strong connection to the energies of planets and stars. As soon as they look up at the night sky, all they know is that they are part of something bigger.

Despite the fact that they don't know much about it, they can successfully direct the star energy into that world.

Star Witches are a type of starry psychonaut who gain their power through the process of attuning themselves to and researching cosmic rhythms. They are able to correctly predict zodiac signs before anyone has even spoken.

These witches draw energy from tuning into and studying cosmic rhythms. We're attuned to cosmic rhythms cause we know that we are microcosmic agents of the Divine.

Although it may not be possible for us to travel to other galaxies in the physical sense, we are making an effort, both in our dreams and in our magical work.

Star Witchcraft is more commonly referred to as Cosmic Witchcraft. Our solar system's planets often serve as metaphors for certain areas of life.



Pisces – Fairy Witch

Pisces - Fairy Witch

Pisces witches can easily interfere with the fairy world and transcend the physical plane. These adorable witches have no trouble welcoming fairies into their lives and forming a strong connection with the spirit of nature.

Fairy magic is a practice where we learn to benefit from other beings and live with them (usually, these are beings like fairies).

This is done with the understanding that these beings can be dangerous or helpful, that they can bless or curse, and that they deserve our respect.

Despite the fact that Celtic fairies are the primary focus of Fairy magic (it draws heavily on Celtic fairy beliefs), Fairy magic isn't specific to any one culture.

There are many different fairy tale beliefs in other cultures. Of all the different kinds of witches, a Fairy witch is the only type of witch that lives in our world but comes from another.

Not a single Pisces feels okay in the material world. They know, somewhere deep down, that something magical is missing. Therefore, from a very young age, they try to visualize and locate the world they belong to.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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