8 Positive Signs That Show You Have A Pure, Empathetic Soul

When talking about empathy, the first thing that comes to my mind is a protective shield made of love and purity that is invisible but extremely strong.

Compassion and tenderness also come to mind. I think of generous and humane people who are kind to one another.

I visualize a peaceful world with people whose one and only goal is to spread the love and peace that is so desperately needed throughout our universe.

Empaths are people who have special abilities that allow them to sense the mental and emotional state of another person.

I'm sure you've heard the term before, but for those who are unfamiliar with what these special beings possess, empaths are people who are able to sense the mental and emotional state of others.

They experience or burden us, and they understand our irrational minds better than anyone else in the world. They carry our burden. The most important thing about them is that they make the world a lovely place to live.

The following list of eight signs may help you determine whether or not you have empathic tendencies.



1. You have an open mind and a pure heart

1. You have an open mind and a pure heart

Empaths have a never-ending hunger for both knowledge and experience in life. They are fully aware of their place in the grand scheme of things here on earth, and they are convinced that everyone is here for a reason as well.

As a result, they often have an open mind. They want to pack as much information as they can before their time on earth is up. They are interested in learning more about this world, the universe, and the human nature.



2. You are often tired

2. You are often tired

The most valuable quality a person can have is compassion and kindness. However, there may be some unintended side effects as a result.

Empaths have a tendency to absorb energies that have a low-frequency vibration due to their highly intuitive and perceptive nature.

In many cases, being exposed to these harmful and negative vibes has the potential to completely drain them. The end result is excessive fatigue.

If you are an empath, you must take care of yourself by avoiding people who are often referred to as “energy vampires.”



3. You will never fit into the conformist, boring society

3. You will never fit into the conformist, boring society

You are a true empath if the one thing you want more than anything else in the world is to heal the planet and make it a better place for everyone.

Empaths have a difficult time finding their place in the mainstream, conformist society in which we live. Instead, they yearn to express their creativity and feelings in distinctive ways.

The typical and everyday life that most people lead is very destructive to our society and planet. It causes a lot of harm.



4. You prefer to keep your feelings inside yourself

4. You prefer to keep your feelings inside yourself

Have you ever had the experience of feeling like you have a lot of things bottled up inside of you that you want to let out, but it just seems easier to keep these things to yourself?

If your answer is “yes” and you would rather listen to other people's problems and find solutions to them than share your own, you might be an empath.

They have a natural tendency to want to help others with their problems, so when it comes to their own issues, they may have difficulty expressing how they feel.



5. You have a strong intuition

5. You have a strong intuition

Empathy is a trait that is commonly associated with people who have a robust and powerful connection to their intuitive abilities. Their entire existence is determined by the power of their inner voice.

Intuition is our best defense against anything in the world. This part of ourselves is the most accurate and has a real sense of right and wrong. This is the reason why empaths must listen to and follow their inner voice.



6. Random people are strangely attracted to you

6. Random people are strangely attracted to you

Believe me, you will know you are in the presence of an empathic soul, you'll simply feel it. These exceptional individuals radiate a bright light; in fact, they are the light itself.

Their enchanting spirit has the power to draw in total strangers who are looking for company and someone to talk to.  Consider yourself an empath if this sounds familiar and if you enjoy lending a helping hand to those around you.



7. You feel other people's emotions as if they were your own

7. You feel other people's emotions as if they were your own

Empaths have the ability to pick up on the thoughts, feelings, and energies of others even when those people don't express themselves. They are able to decipher our thoughts due to their highly intuitive nature.

Therefore, if you have also had a feeling of tiredness or strangeness, you could have the ability to pick up on other people's energies. You could be an empath but you're not even aware of it.



8. Your field of interest includes spirituality and physics

8. Your field of interest includes spirituality and physics

Empaths can see beyond our 3D conformist world. As a consequence, their areas of interest consistently center on spheres where the average person barely has any experience.

If you have the feeling that you are more spiritually aware than other people, if you enjoy meditating and learning about it, or if you enjoy discovering the many wonders that our universe has to offer, these are all signs you could be an empath.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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