7 Things that Bring Negative Energy Into Your Home: Avoid Them!

Home is where the heart is, as the proverb goes, but there are times when even within our own four walls we are unable to find some tranquility and peace.

The issue may not be you, but rather your home unless you're plagued by any worries that could be blamed for making you uncomfortable.

Remember that the Chinese have been practicing Feng Shui for thousands of years; this age-old philosophy is based on the flow of positive energy through the home.

Remember that everything that happens in the room that you live in is somehow absorbed into the walls, objects, and furniture.

Ancient peoples understood the energy that was all around them and lived in harmony with the natural world around them. Even during that time period, a lot of different methods for cleansing negativity were developed.

According to the ancient rules of Feng Shui, the room must also be periodically cleaned of accumulated energies. Order and cleanliness are the 2 critical components for good vibrations.

Over the course of time, energy will accumulate in the house, and at some point, it will need to be cleared out and released.

The first thing that should be done when cleaning the house is to get rid of anything that isn't necessary and clear out the clutter.

The second step is about energetic cleansing, which involves getting rid of the accumulated energy of negative thoughts, feelings, experiences, and life stresses.

After the energetic cleaning, the energy is fresh again, it rises, becomes brighter, and can circulate freely in the room.

There are times when you can physically sense the negative energy in your environment, and this energy is the root cause of your life being out of balance.

Here are some of the signs that it's time to clean the space that you live in. They will be helpful if you're feeling exhausted and have trouble finding things around the house.



1. You store items that have no intended use

1. You store items that have no intended use

Old newspapers, magazines, books scattered all over the place, dirty laundry, or piles of toys can be a real obstacle to your progress, both physically and psychologically.

If you want to feel liberated, healthy, and full of energy, clean your house at least once a week. Get rid of unwanted gifts by giving them to someone else and free yourself from the shackles of the past so that you can move on with your life.

There are some things that should just stay in the past, and if they are no longer useful to you, they will not help you in the future.

Also, consider donating these items, as the things from your past could become the foundation for someone else's future.



2. Your closet is overflowing

2. Your closet is overflowing

It's a sure sign that you're going to have a stressful morning when your closets are a mess and you have no idea where anything is.

You immediately have a negative attitude due to the fact that you do not know what to wear or where certain things are located.

Don't focus too much on any one thing, because you may move away from people who could help you and who are close to your heart.

If there is an item in your closet that you haven't put on in several years, it's time to get rid of it or donate it.

To make room for something new in your life, you should get rid of at least a third of the items in your closet.



3. Your main door is not used as an entrance

3. Your main door is not used as an entrance

Your career and the way you choose to live your life are both represented by your front door.

If you often enter your house through the garage or the back door, you run the risk of quickly losing track of the things you want to accomplish in your life.

You will limit the opportunities available to you for promotion and employment if you do so. They also prevent you from expressing your creativity and preventing you from seizing opportunities that might make your life better.

Even if you have to go out of your way, enter and exit the building through the front door on a daily basis.



4. Broken clocks and old calendars

4. Broken clocks and old calendars

Broken objects, particularly broken clocks, should be removed from the home in accordance with the principles of Feng Shui. It is believed that they indicate unfortunate events in the future.

Additionally, old calendars are a magnet for unfavorable energy and bad luck. According to old beliefs, if you haven't turned the page to the current month or the calendar is out of date, this is not good.

The calendar is a representation of the passage of time, and some people believe that if used inappropriately, it can also have an impact on someone's life.



5. A mirror facing the bed

5. A mirror facing the bed

Having a mirror facing the bed can create difficulties in the love sphere. Keeping it close to your bed is a poor decision as it directs negative influences to a healthy and quality relationship.

If you have been arguing with your significant other as of late and you have a mirror pointed at the bed, then this may be the reason.

Remove it from the wall and see what happens; mirrors have no business being there in the first place. Your difficulties will probably vanish all by themselves.



6. Artificial plants and cacti

6. Artificial plants and cacti

According to Feng Shui, artificial plants are considered to be a source of bad luck, and as a result, they should also be removed from the home.

Due to the fact that plants are a symbol of growth and success, it is unacceptable to keep artificial plants or dried plants.

It is important to know that sharp objects, such as plants with thorns, often invite unwanted negative energy into your home. We strongly recommend that you do not buy any cacti or furniture that has sharp edges.

If you already have them, you should take them out of the house for a while and observe whether or not anything changes.



7. Shoes in front of the door entrance

7. Shoes in front of the door entrance

Shoes are real “negative energy magnets,” and it doesn't matter which apartment door they're in front of. Shoes, especially dirty shoes, are an even greater magnet for negative energy than those that are clean.

Due to the fact that they are also an item that is often exposed to black magic spells while walking, treat them with special care. Your house is like a temple, and you wouldn't want anyone to enter it while wearing dirty shoes.

Never leave them outside the door, doing so can have a significant impact on both your happiness and well-being. Keep them closed in the shoe closet instead.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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