8 Tell-Tale Signs A Capricorn Man Is Not Over You

When it comes to matters of the heart, understanding the signs a Capricorn man is still not over you can be tricky. The signs may not always be obvious, but if you know what clues to look out for, then things might become clearer.

While each individual’s situation varies and no two relationships are exactly alike, these signals can often point towards an unresolved attachment between the two people in question.

By taking note of these subtleties and being mindful of how he responds in different scenarios, it should help bring any underlying feelings to light.

Here are 8 signs a Capricorn man is not over you:



1. He Continues To Text You And Tries To Keep In Touch

If your ex-Capricorn man is still trying to keep in touch with you after the breakup, it's likely because he's not over you yet. He may not be ready to admit it, but he probably still has feelings for you.

He wants to stay in your life, at least as a friend. You should be flattered! He is missing you and trying to keep the lines of communication open so that he can be there for you if you need him.

This is a fantastic sign! If he still takes an interest in your life and takes the time to check up on you regularly, then it shows that he still care about you deeply and isn't ready to let go yet.



2. He Still Acts Jealous When He Hears About Other Men In Your Life

Even if he's the one who ended things, he can't stand the thought of you moving on and being with someone else. If you're trying to get over him, this jealousy can be a real obstacle.

The best way to deal with a jealous Capricorn ex is to take the high road and show him that you're not interested in getting back together.

The more you give into his attempts to control your life, the longer it will take for him to move on.

Let him know that you've moved on and are happy without him. Once he realizes that he can't have you, he'll eventually let go.



3. He Reaches Out For Seemingly No Reason At All

He Reaches Out For Seemingly No Reason At All

Oftentimes, when a Capricorn man is not over you, he will reach out to you for seemingly no reason at all.

He might text you out of the blue or show up at your door unannounced. While these actions might seem random, they are actually his way of trying to reconnect with you and rekindle the relationship.

If you find yourself in this situation, it is important to be receptive to his advances and open to reconciling.

However, if you are not interested in getting back together, make sure to make your feelings clear so as not to string him along.



4. He Seems Overly Eager Or Interested In What’s Going On Between You Two

If he seems overly eager or interested in what's going on between the two of you when you're together, it's a good sign that he's still into you.

He may also try to monopolize your time or conversation, which is another way of showing that he's still invested in your relationship.

If you're not sure whether or not a Capricorn man is over you, pay attention to his body language and see if he's making any of these tells signs.



5. During Conversations, He Brings Up Old Memories Of The Two Of You Together

He's probably thinking about what could have been and wondering if there's still a chance for the two of you to get back together.

If you're not interested in getting back together with him, then you need to let him know directly and politely end the conversation whenever he brings up old memories.

You can also try changing the subject or steering the conversation in a different direction whenever he brings up old memories.

Whatever you do, don't entertain his nostalgia or give him false hope that there could be a reconciliation between the two of you, if you don't want it.



6. You Receive Random Compliments From Him Through Social Media Or Text Messages

You Receive Random Compliments From Him Through Social Media Or Text Messages

Capricorns are notoriously guarded with their emotions, so if he's taking the time to compliment you, it means he still has feelings for you.

What's more, Capricorns are known for being level-headed and logical, so any compliments he gives will be genuine and well thought-out.

If you're unsure whether or not a Capricorn man is over you, pay attention to the type of compliments he's giving.

If they're not random and seem to have a purpose, it's a good sign that he's not over you.



7. When Something Good Happens To Him, He Makes A Point To Tell You Directly

He wants you to share in his happiness and celebrate his accomplishments with him. This is one of the most obvious signs that he's still interested in you and hasn't moved on.

If your relationship has ended, but you still see him regularly (perhaps you work together or have mutual friends), pay attention to how he behaves around you.

Does he go out of his way to talk to you? Is he always quick to let you know when something great happens in his life? If so, it's likely that he's not over you yet.



8. His Body Language Betrays His True Feelings When Around You

His Body Language Betrays His True Feelings When Around You

Body language can be a powerful tell-tale sign of how someone is feeling, and this is especially true when it comes to men.

One of the most obvious signs that he's not over you is if he can't help but stare at you when you're talking. He may also have difficulty hiding his emotions and may look away when he gets too overwhelmed.

Another sign that he's not over you is if he mirror's your body language. This means that if you lean in when you talk, he'll lean in too; if you cross your arms, he'll do the same.

If your Capricorn man starts to get fidgety or nervous around you, it's another clear sign that he still has strong feelings for you. He may also try to find ways to touch you, even if it's just a quick brush of the arm or leg.



What To Do If Your Capricorn Man is Not Over You

If your Capricorn man is not over you, here are some things you can do:


1. Talk to him about what he's feeling.

It's important to communicate with your Capricorn man and find out what's going on with him. He may be holding onto feelings of guilt or resentment, and it's important to address these issues.


2. Spend time with him.

Even if he's not ready to talk, spending time with your Capricorn man can help him feel better. Sometimes all he needs is some quality time with the person he cares about.


3. Be patient.

Your Capricorn man may not be ready to let go of his feelings just yet. It's important to give him space and be patient as he works through his emotions.


4. Encourage him to move on.

Once he's had time to process his feelings, it's important to encourage him to take the next step and move on with his life. This might mean taking a break from the relationship for a while, but it can be the best thing for both of you in the long run.



Last Words

While a Capricorn man is known to be hard to read, there are certain signs that can help you determine if he's not yet over you.

Knowing these signs and being mindful of his behavior can help make it easier for both of you to move forward in either direction.

If the situation warrants doing so, take action by talking things out or even seeking outside help from a professional. Understanding and respecting feelings on both sides remain key ingredients for success in any relationship!


8 Tell-Tale Signs A Capricorn Man Is Not Over You Pin


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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