These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Be Very Lucky Until The End Of 2022

If you haven't managed to keep all your resolutions for the year, it's not too late, because you still have three months to achieve them. Take the time you need to make the necessary changes.

Besides, Uranus retrograde is the best time to make important decisions and to dare something new. However, to accomplish your projects, Jupiter in Pisces will give you the green light. Indeed, some zodiac signs stand out this quarter.

Planetary influences offer satisfaction to certain signs of the zodiac at the end of the year 2022. If you are among them, your new year's resolutions will indeed be realized. We reveal the winning trio who will have the opportunity to realize their dreams.

The end of the year is a rather special moment. Our mind goes into thinking mode about the past, wonders about future events, and ideally, shows gratitude for the present. In addition, many are already wondering if they will end the year in style.

Well, if you are one of these zodiac signs, congratulations, it looks like the stars are on your side. The New Moon in Scorpio on October 25 is a sign of rebirth.

This event will allow you to make a fresh start and embark on a new challenge. But do not forget a very important condition to achieve this: “No one is lucky except those who believe in their luck”. So, don't just sit back; do whatever it takes to make yours happen.



Leo 4

A few surprises are coming at the end of the year: financial gains, new professional opportunities, and more. During this last quarter of the year, you will finally benefit from a bit of flair, you just have to make a few compromises.

And we know it, Leo, you are capable of moving mountains. Venus in Sagittarius from November 17 to 26 will be the time to put an end to old disappointments and move on, you can also take the opportunity to take a little solo escape or a romantic trip if you are in a relationship.

If you long for change, you might as well do it during the Uranus retrograde. This period will be full of optimism for you. Don't let this chance slip away.

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Libra 4

Venus will be present alongside you, so we can expect many surprises. October 22 is your lucky day. On this day, new horizons will open their doors for Libra, especially with regard to leisure, creativity, and love.

It will be easier for you to start new and stronger relationships and to approach your loved one with less apprehension. This end of the year 2022 will be the perfect time to embrace your feelings and not hesitate to please yourself. Accept the gifts from heaven, it is deserved.

The stars suggest that during this period, this air sign must make the choice to live in the present moment and not hesitate to take advantage of it, since they are often more worried about their future.




Sagittarius 4

As for you, Sagittarius, November 23 is your lucky day at the end of the year. This is the best time to take on new roles in both your personal and professional life. Jupiter in your sun sign until November will allow you to let go of your past regrets. You will therefore be more inclined to achieve your goals and achieve them on time.

Despite the fact that you are not very good at romantic relationships and that you do not really make an effort in this direction, during this last trimester, you should not hesitate to reveal everything to the person for whom you have romantic feelings. If the opportunity to make new investments shows up, go for it, and don't put it off until next year.

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Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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