11 Odd Behaviors that Indicate You Are Spiritually Awakened

Because spiritual matters are so vastly larger than anything we can see or directly experience here on Earth, they can be challenging for us to comprehend. We are like an empty vessel when we first begin our spiritual journey, eagerly seeking anything and everything to fill it.

We gain new knowledge and understanding of the world, original insights into who we are and why we are here, and a fresh sense of purpose with each step we take toward true spiritual awakening.

It is common to forget that we have reached new heights and milestones along the way because this path of spiritual awakening is a long one. Since these are spiritual matters, they are frequently hidden from view or not immediately apparent.

Instead, we must develop the ability to notice the quiet, unnoticed alterations and shifts in our lives. If you find yourself exhibiting any of the following behaviors, it may be a sign that you are spiritually awakened.



1. You Believe Everything Has Deeper Meaning

You Believe Everything Has Deeper Meaning

When you’re spiritually awakened, you realize that everything in life happens for a reason. There are no coincidences, and even the smallest details hold hidden messages. You start to see the world through new eyes and believe that there’s more to life than what meets the eye.

Nothing is as straightforward as it appears to be. You are constantly searching for the hidden meanings, symbols, and messages that are present all around you because you are familiar with the larger purpose of the universe.



2. You Aren’t Afraid to Go Against the Mainstream

You Aren’t Afraid to Go Against the Mainstream

You embrace who you are and what makes you special with a special understanding and confidence. You come to understand that everyone in this world is unique in some way, which is what makes it such an interesting place.

Because of this, you are proud of your differences and encourage them to shine through. You don't like to follow the crowd, preferring to forge your own path.

You’re not afraid to go against the grain, even if it means being unpopular or misunderstood. You know that true wisdom comes from within, not from outside sources like the media or government.

This doesn’t mean that you’re a rebel for rebel’s sake. You don’t go against the mainstream just to be different. Rather, you have your own set of values and principles that you live by, regardless of what others may think or say.



3. You Don’t Always Do Well with Authority

You Don’t Always Do Well with Authority

The fact that you actively question everything rather than just acting out of blind faith frequently gets you into trouble, even though you don't set out to actively challenge authority.

You're good at questioning and second-guessing people in authority because that's what they don't like. In general, you don't directly violate the laws, but if there is an issue with them or a loophole that can be found, you will find it.

Recommended: 22 Signs You Are Wired Differently from “Normal” People.



4. You Feel a Oneness with All of Humanity

You Feel a Oneness with All of Humanity

We are all one. This is a phrase that is repeated often by those who are spiritually awakened. And for good reason, because it is the truth. We are all connected, we are all made from the same energy.

When you feel oneness with humanity, you feel connected to everyone and everything. You understand that we are all in this together and that what hurts one, hurts us all.

You may find yourself feeling more compassion than ever before. You may start to see the beauty in everyone, even those who seem ugly on the outside. You may find yourself wanting to help others more, even if you don’t know them well.

Because you understand that we are all connected, and what affects one of us, affects us all. You may also start to feel a sense of responsibility for the world around you.

You may feel called to action when you see injustice or suffering. You may feel compelled to help make the world a better place, even if it’s just in your own small way. Because you know that we are all in this together and that what happens to one of us, happens to us all.



5. You Enjoy Your Alone Time

You Enjoy Your Alone Time

Although you enjoy socializing with other people, you are conscious of the importance of spending time alone with your own thoughts.

It doesn't matter if you're at home by yourself, curled up on the couch, or taking a long walk outside in the middle of nowhere, you learn to appreciate the silence that comes with everyone else leaving. Others fear being alone, but you enjoy it.



6. You Are the Advice Giver in Your Social Circle

You Are the Advice Giver in Your Social Circle

You are the one who your friends and family turn to for advice when they are unsure of what to do. Others rely on your judgment and counsel because you consistently have the right thing to say and a clear, objective understanding of the issue at hand.

People can come to you with even the most difficult situations because they know you are approachable, understanding, and free from judgment.

People see you as someone who is level-headed and wise beyond your years. You don’t mind being the sounding board for other people’s problems – in fact, you actually enjoy it.

It feels good to be able to help others out, and you take a lot of satisfaction in knowing that you made a difference in somebody’s life.



7. You Will Find Yourself Face to Face with Past Hurts

You Will Find Yourself Face to Face with Past Hurts

One of the most difficult aspects of spiritual awakening is coming to terms with your past. You will be forced to confront all of the hurt, pain, and trauma that you have experienced in your life. This can be a very difficult and emotional process. However, it is essential for your healing and growth.

One way that you may find yourself facing your past is through your dreams. Dreams are often symbolic and can help us to process our emotions on a deep level. If you find yourself dreaming about past hurts, it is important to take the time to reflect on what these dreams might mean.

You may also find yourself drawn to certain people or situations that remind you of your past hurt. This can be a sign that you need to deal with this pain in order to move on from it. It is important to be gentle with yourself during this process and allow yourself the time and space to heal.

Recommended: 9 Steps to Find Yourself When You’re Lost in Life.



8. You Have an Unquenchable Thirst for Knowledge

You Have an Unquenchable Thirst for Knowledge

There is always more to learn, and you know it. Your insatiable curiosity has led you down many rabbit holes in your quest for knowledge, and there is no sign of stopping anytime soon. Whether it’s picking up a new hobby or reading about topics that interest you, you are constantly looking to expand your horizons.

Your thirst for knowledge isn’t limited to just acquiring new information – you also like to dig deeper, to understand the how and why behind things. You are fascinated by the complexities of the world and how everything fits together.

This desire to understand the inner workings of things can sometimes lead you down dark paths, but it is also what makes you such a unique thinker.

Your inquisitive nature isn’t just limited to your personal interests – you also like to ask difficult questions and challenge societal norms. Why does this system exist? What would happen if we did things differently? You are always looking for ways to improve upon existing systems and make the world a better place.

While some people might see your questioning as disruptive or rebellious, you know that it is only through challenging the status quo that progress can be made. So keep asking those tough questions – the world needs more people like you who are unafraid to think outside the box.



9. You Possess an Open Mind

You Possess an Open Mind

You have your own beliefs, ideas, and opinions, but you don't let them engulf you to the point where you stop being open to other points of view or ways of thinking.

Instead, you keep an open mind and allow conflicting viewpoints to help you learn and develop. You understand that you might not always have the appropriate responses, but that's alright as long as you're willing to look for the appropriate response.

You are willing to consider new and different ideas and are not afraid to change your opinions or actions based on what you learn.



10. You Have Incredibly Vivid Dreams

You Have Incredibly Vivid Dreams

You will discover that you are more tuned into the energies of the universe and the various entities that move among us as you progress in your spiritual awakening.

One of the main ways that these entities will try to get our attention is by sending us vivid dreams that are packed with signs and symbols.  Your dreams are so vividly detailed that you occasionally wonder if you were actually asleep when you woke up.

Some people believe that our dreams are actually glimpses into other realms or parallel universes. Whatever the case may be, there is no doubt that our dreams can be powerful and enlightening experiences.

Recommended: 11 Weird Things That Affect Spiritually Gifted People.



11. You Genuinely Want to Save the World

You Genuinely Want to Save the World

We live in a world that is filled with so much pain and suffering. It can be easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless when we see all the problems that exist. But for those who are spiritually awakened, they understand that they have the power to make a difference.

They are driven by a deep desire to help others and make the world a better place.

When you see someone who is struggling, you don’t just turn away. You feel called to action. You want to do whatever you can to ease their pain. You have a deep compassion for others and a strong desire to help them heal.

Whether it’s volunteering your time, donating money, or simply lending a listening ear, you are always looking for ways to make a positive impact in the lives of others.

You understand that we are all interconnected and that what happens to one of us affects us all. This awareness drives you to take care of our planet and all its inhabitants.

Your desire to save the world doesn’t come from ego or self-righteousness. It’s simply an expression of your love for humanity and all life on this planet. We all have the potential to make a difference in this world, but it starts with each one of us doing our part.

As spiritual beings having a human experience, we are here to learn, grow, and evolve. But we are also here to help others along the way.



Last Words

If you find yourself exhibiting any of the above behaviors, it's possible that you are spiritually awakened. This can be a rewarding but also challenging experience.

It's important to stay grounded and connected to your community as you explore your spirituality.



Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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