4 Real Dangers and Side Effects of Opening the Third Eye

The Third Eye, also known as the Brow chakra, the Inner Eye, or the Ajna chakra, has an effect on the way people perceive things and their overall health.

The Ajna chakra is part of what is sometimes referred to as the “subtle body.” This term refers to the fact that the Ajna chakra is not visible to the naked eye; however, it is believed to be an important force that governs how prana (energy) moves within the body.

It is considered to be one of the seven chakras in the Hindu tradition. The third eye is located in the middle of the forehead, right between the eyebrows.

The Third Eye is a mystical and esoteric concept that refers to an imaginary eye or an energetic and ethereal vortex that allows perception beyond what can be perceived with ordinary sight.

Why is it so important to have an understanding of the abilities of the third eye?

This is because it signifies a gateway that can be used to access inner realms and more advanced states of consciousness. The Third Eye is a symbol for the illumination of mental images that carry deep personal psychological meaning.

It is associated with religious visions, such as clairvoyance or extrasensory perception, as well as the ability to observe the chakras and human aura, precognition, as well as out-of-body experiences.

Seers and Psychics are terms that are commonly used in the Western world to refer to individuals who are able to use their third eye.

According to the teachings of Theosophy, ancient people were believed to have a real third eye located at the very top of their head, which served both a physical and a spiritual purpose.

During the course of human evolution, this atrophied and sunken eye became today's pineal gland.



Symptoms of a Blocked Third Eye Chakra

If we don't have a healthy third eye chakra, our lives can be pretty miserable. Here's a short list of symptoms that you might experience that helps you determine whether or not your third eye chakra requires rebalancing.

Mental and emotional symptoms:

  • Having no goal
  • Unable to move forward
  • Fear of criticism
  • Unable to see your part in a problem
  • The feeling that you are fighting against the world
  • Fear of change
  • Sense of insignificance
  • Aimlessness
  • Indecision
  • Difficulty learning new things
  • Unable to use your intuition
  • The feeling of being separated from the source
  • Paranoia
  • Fear
  • Unable to see the big picture
  • Closed mind
  • Lack of spiritual practices
  • Indulging in fantasies

Physical symptoms:

  • Sinus problems
  • Imbalance of hormones
  • Burnout
  • Sleep disorders
  • Nightmares
  • Headache
  • Depression
  • Clumsiness
  • Problems with the eyes



Benefits of Opening the Third Eye

When the third eye is opened, it signals the beginning of the process of awakening the subconscious.

We gain access to a part of ourselves that we didn't even know existed, that we found hard to access, or that appeared to be completely out of reach for us.

The opening of the third eye brings with it enhanced intuitive capabilities, a higher level of perception, and an awareness that extends beyond the material world.


Reaching a higher level of consciousness

This is achieved when one has successfully established a direct connection with the universe or the Highest Power.

Names such as Christ, Buddha, or any one of the countless deities are given to this higher power according to the various religious beliefs.

You will have direct access to the entirety of the universe as your intuitive skills continue to develop.


Realization of life beyond our physical selves

It is clear that our lives are not bounded by the confines of our bodies, minds, or feelings when we tap into our intuitive or extrasensory abilities.

Beyond that, there is an entirely different level of consciousness. You have an out-of-body experience. This means being aware of these transcendent experiences and witnessing them at the same time.


Awareness of the presence of the energy field

Opening the third eye increases our psychic powers and helps us to perceive the existence of invisible energy fields around us.

These cannot be perceived in any way, shape, or form by any organs. The vibrations that emanate from our emotions, thoughts, feelings, and intentions are what create this energy field.


Revelation of happiness, peace, and love within ourselves

Most people devote their whole lives to the pursuit of these illusive states of mind. We are able to gain control over these emotions as a result of the opening of the third eye.

In fact, we know they can only be discovered within ourselves and not anywhere else. The opening of the third eye enlightens us about the origin of these emotions within us and demonstrates that there is an endless supply of them just waiting for us to tap into and use.

This discovery can lead us out of their constant pursuit, desire for more, and the suffering that results.



Side Effects and Dangers of Opening the Third Eye

When your third eye is fully opened, your perspective on the world around you will change dramatically. The five senses will be perceived more intensely.

In the beginning, colors will seem brighter, and you'll have a heightened sensitivity to both light and sound. Your physical self will need time to adjust to these changes.

When you've opened up to your full potential, you'll start to feel things that do not belong in this reality. Seeing things that are normally invisible to the naked eye, such as auras, can be very unsettling.



When you start feeling things that are out of the ordinary, it's natural to be concerned about what you'll experience next.

Will you be exposed to something that you would rather not hear or see? Will you perhaps see something that will scare you?

These are terrifying ideas, and while they obviously don't pop into our heads very frequently, we must nonetheless always be ready for fear to take the upper hand.


Nightmares or bizarre dreams

Maybe you're one of the lucky ones who won't have trouble falling asleep. Imagine, however, that the dreams you have become increasingly vivid, strange, and intense.

When your third eye is activated, you will be more receptive to receiving information from higher realms while you are asleep. This might make it difficult for you to get to sleep at night.


Detachment from reality

When your mind becomes aware of other levels, it is very easy to lose focus on reality. Opening your third eye will interfere with your ability to stay in the here and now and feel grounded.

When your mind becomes detached from the present moment, you will experience a sense of disconnection. You might have the unsettling sensation that “nothing is real anymore.”



When the third eye opens, your intuitive abilities will significantly improve, and you will continue to make strides on the path that leads to enlightenment. It's not common to feel like you know everything.

It might put you in uncomfortable situations, but it does have some positive aspects. Sometimes the truth hurts.

You also can't explain to your skeptical friends how you developed your intuitive abilities; instead, you have to act as if nothing happened.



How to Activate the Third Eye

  • Develop your imagination
  • Sharpen your intuition
  • Cultivate stillness
  • Establish a connection with your inner self

On the other hand, there are additional steps that can be taken that will assist in developing the full potential of this strange and mysterious organ.

Learning how to meditate, spending time in the moonlight, attempting to visualize or divine the future, focusing on the space between things, and enjoying contemplation are some examples of these practices.

The Hindu religion emphasizes the importance of the third eye in removing the veil. That is, seeing reality without the veil of ignorance when we haven't developed our intuition to its full potential.



Activate the Third Eye with Essential Oils

Aromatherapy is one approach that some people take to balance their chakras. Essential oils are used to rebalance the energy centers and ensure that everything is operating smoothly.

The Third Eye Chakra encompasses all the elements together. Utilize the following essential oils to open up the third eye:


Lemon (Citrus limon)

This oil has the capacity to flood the pineal gland with light, thereby assisting in awakening the gifts associated with the third eye.

It also helps:

  • To connect the mental body with the intuition
  • Improve mental versatility
  • Expand the thought process
  • The mind in organizing new information


Sandalwood (Santalum album)

Sandalwood oil does the following:

  • Wisdom
  • An inner consciousness
  • A feeling of lightness when one engages with a higher consciousness

It is beneficial in identifying blockages on the spiritual path, whether they are internal or external, and allows for gentle processing at the deepest levels.

It helps:

  • Dissolving illusions
  • To align with your authentic self
  • To enhance meditation, spiritual practice, and healing



Activate the Third Eye through Meditation

The technique of visualization can be helpful in opening up the third eye. Taking a relatively small object or thought and focusing one's attention on it for a period of time is what visualization means.

The next step is to close your eyes and make an effort to imagine or “see” the situation in your head. Your mind will eventually be trained to see with your inner vision as a result of this, and over time, you will be able to see details more clearly.

This not only helps you train your mind to focus, but it also helps you train your mind not to get distracted, which are both helpful when using your third eye.

Another exercise that'll help open the third eye: Find a peaceful moment, sit in the meditation posture, and think about the sacred truth of the chakra, which is “I only seek the truth.”

You have to repeat it like it's a mantra. This thought will assist you in seeing the world for what it truly is and accepting it, despite the fact that it may cause us pain.

Because the world does not care about our needs or preferences, we have a tendency to turn away from it, which makes it impossible for us to truly perceive the outer plane.

In order to make the process even less difficult for you, here are the steps that you need to take in order to open your third eye.


Learn to meditate

The Third Eye can be found in the space directly above the bridge of the nose. When you meditate, you should concentrate your thoughts on the area of the head known as the third eye.

It is responsible for providing you with a clearer vision of the world around you.


Choose the perfect environment

It is generally agreed that meditation is one of the most effective ways to activate the particular chakra you're focusing on.

You will have a better chance of achieving the mental clarity that is associated with this chakra if you increase your awareness of your thoughts.

The primary purpose of meditation is to train one's focus on a single idea or object. Because of this, it is essential to select an appropriate setting in which to meditate in order to ensure that you will experience a sense of ease.

Some people feel more at ease and free when outside in nature. You could try meditating outside if you're one of them. Meditation performed inside is not bad either.


Work on your posture

When meditating, it is essential to pay attention to how the mind and body are connected to one another. The level of physical comfort you experience correlates directly to how easily you're able to meditate.

Sitting cross-legged on the floor is typically recommended as the most effective posture for meditation. Take some time each day to get used to sitting on the floor if you are accustomed to sitting in a chair.


Choose a meditation thought

A meditation thought could be an object or a thought. The goal is to pick something that makes it simpler for the brain to focus on.

You should focus only on what you have chosen and captivate your thoughts only on it. Don't let your mind wander.


Choose a mantra

A word or phrase that you want to repeat to yourself in order to ingrain it into your mind or consciousness is known as a mantra.

You might, for instance, tell yourself over and over, “I choose happiness.” By doing so, you will be able to more firmly establish the idea that you will maintain a focus on joy throughout the day.


Make meditation a routine

Meditation is a practice. Things might not go as planned when you first try to meditate for the first time. Your mind will probably wander, or you might even fall asleep.

You should begin with five minutes, and then gradually increase the time to as much as you believe is needed.


Develop more awareness

You have to be more actively aware of your surroundings. It is about paying attention on purpose to the feelings and sensations that are occurring in the body.

Your ability to connect with yourself and the world around you will improve as you become more conscious.



Crystals that Help Open the Third Eye

When you are attempting to improve your psychic abilities, third eye chakra stones can be helpful. You can use many different crystals and stones to energize and activate this area.

Talents such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, psychic knowledge, and intuition are enhanced by the development of this area. You can stimulate the third eye chakra by using healing crystals.

Because this is the part of the body where your visionary abilities are most prominent, it is essential to work on developing this area.

Crystals for the third eye chakra :

  • Clear quartz
  • Lapis lazuli
  • Labradorite
  • Amethyst
  • Moonstone
  • Sodalite
  • Moldavite
  • Iolite
  • Herkimer diamond
  • Unakite
  • Indigo aura
  • Citrine
  • Lepidolite



Open the Third Eye with the Help of Food

Keeping the third eye chakra healthy with a combination of foods that are good for the third eye can literally make your intuition shine more brightly.

The sixth chakra thrives on brain food and purple fruits and vegetables (think indigo). Indigo is a color whose pigments represent ideas, dreams, values, and our inner connection to the universe.

The following is a list of the most nutritious foods that can assist in bringing the third eye chakra into balance and opening the doorway to a higher level of consciousness.

The best foods for the third eye

  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Plums
  • Eggplants
  • Red onions
  • Red cabbage
  • Nuts
  • Fish
  • Linseed
  • Dark chocolate


4 Real Dangers and Side Effects of Opening the Third Eye Pin



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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