8 Ways the Universe is Sending You Messages

There are many ways through which the universe communicates with us. We are not solitary beings that exist in complete isolation from the rest of the universe.

There are an infinite number of ways in which we are connected to the cosmos, and each of these ways is like a thread that is woven into our very being.

It is through these threads that the universe is able to send us messages. The more our intuition is developed, the more clearly we will be able to perceive and understand the messages that the universe sends us on a daily basis.



1. By people

By people

The universe uses humans as a vehicle to communicate certain messages. An unexpected encounter with someone who says or does something to you that triggers something strange in you or makes you think can be the message.

When you are actively seeking an answer to a question, and someone happens to tell you something that is related to your question, then you should consider this to be a sign from the universe. Of course, not everything you hear should be taken as a sign from the universe.

You will have an innate feeling that this is a sign from the universe due to the fact that this is just too great to be a coincidence. The important thing is to continue in the direction indicated by that sign.



2. Numbers


Do you frequently come across numbers on things like license plates, clocks, residential addresses, and telephone numbers that are in an unusual combination?
Each of these numbers may have some other significance.

For instance, if you keep seeing the same numbers over and over again, such as 1111, 333, 444, 555, or other similar numbers, this is a sign from the universe that you are headed in the right direction.

If you perform an analysis of what the numbers mean according to numerology, you can understand the message more specifically.

You can also see random numbers that have a significant significance to you, such as your birthday or your lucky number.

These are indications that you are connected to the universe, and you must make an effort to understand them in order to fully realize this connection.



3. Synchronicity


The word “synchronicity” refers to the seemingly unrelated occurrence of two or more events that turn out to be connected.

For instance, if you are driving to work and on the way you see a child with a red balloon, then when you arrive at work you find that someone has given red balloons to a coworker of yours as a birthday present. Coincidence? The answer is no.

When you first become aware of a synchronicity, it is likely that you will start to notice more and more of these kinds of events happening in your life. This is because synchronicity is one of the most powerful ways the universe can communicate with you.

In this way, you will have the ability to foresee some things that will be very important to you. Synchronicities are a direct connection with spirit and a sign that you are on the right path.



4. Songs


Have you ever remembered an old song, only to later that day hear that same song playing on the radio?

There is no such thing as chance in this world. That is undeniably the lesson that we are meant to learn from the universe. If the song you're listening to makes you feel as though you have a deep connection to it, you should probably look into it further.

Pay close attention to the specific verses that you are reading or hearing because they might contain a message for you.

If it is a well-known song, such as the song you played at your wedding, a song that brings back fond memories of a trip, or a song that you enjoyed listening to when you were in school, you should interpret the meaning of the characters from that perspective.

If it is a sad or depressing song, then in the near future you should be cautious and mentally ready for challenging events or news.



5. Random thoughts

Random thoughts

You must have experienced it at some point in the past when a few strange ideas came to you all of a sudden.

You are forced to think about people you care about or people you haven't seen in a very long time all of a sudden.

If you find yourself thinking, “I was wondering how my brother is doing right now,” then that is probably a sign that you should call your brother because he needs your love and support at this time.

There is no such thing as a coincidence. You shouldn't disregard what you're thinking. It doesn't cost you much to call your brother or an old friend and ask them how they are doing and if they need your help.



6. Dreams


Dreams frequently serve as vehicles for the delivery of messages. When we are asleep, we are able to tune into our subconscious for a sufficient amount of time to receive messages from the universe.

Have you ever had a dream so vivid that it felt as though it was taking place in the real world? Who did you see? In your dream, who was this person, and what did they say to you? What happened? How did you feel? What new understandings have you obtained?

Do you wake up from the same dreams over and over again? Do you maintain the same relationships with the same people, go back to the same places, and go through the same experiences?

Do you have nightmares? What goes on in that place? Perhaps there is a more fundamental worry that needs to be addressed and resolved.



7. Nature


The message of the universe can come to us from nature in a variety of different ways. There are symbolic associations that can be made with various colors, flowers, animals, feathers, rocks, and crystals.

Pay attention to the things that you observe, the people that you interact with, the things that keep popping up in your life, and the things that attract you. Every little thing is very significant, and each one can convey its own unique message.

For instance, hawks stand for increased spiritual awareness as well as a period of spiritual development. The color red is associated with protection, perseverance, and good fortune.

The feathers of the bird that you find are a greeting from the universe and an indication that angels are present in your life.



8. Problems in the body

Problems in the body

Pain, symptoms, aches, and illnesses are all ways in which the universe can communicate with you to let you know that there is a problem.

A problem can be caused by your lifestyle and habits, such as back pain from sitting for an extended period of time. This might be a sign that you need to make some changes to the way you live, such as getting more exercise.

However, there are also spiritual causes behind diseases, and these causes can manifest themselves as physical pains. For example, you might get a rash to get out of a situation or relationship you're in.

It is important to research both the lifestyle and the spiritual and emotional causes of a particular symptom so that you can get to the root cause.

When you fix what needs to be fixed or change what needs to be changed, the physical symptom will often disappear on its own.


8 Ways the Universe is Sending You Messages Pin


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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