8 Signs You Are Highly Energy Sensitive: You See What Others Don’t

People who are highly sensitive to the energy and emotions that come from the environment are referred to as empaths. Every day, an increasing number of people come to the realization that they belong to this category.

This is a person who has the ability to understand the mental and emotional states of others. They have high social intelligence and are experts at helping others in finding solutions to their problems.

What if, however, some of our thoughts, emotions, and feelings come from the people who are in the same room with us? Or from those who are close to us?



1. You know things without needing evidence

1. You know things without needing evidence

You simply “know” things despite the absence of any rational evidence to support your claims.

In other words, you have very strong intuition and the ability to interpret things, which gives you insight into things that other people are unable to see.

If you are energy sensitive, you can tell just by looking at someone whether they have a positive or negative vibe and whether you should stay away from them.

Perhaps you vented your frustrations about your significant other to your friends, only to find out later that he was having an affair with another woman.



2. You instinctively avoid energy vampires

2. You instinctively avoid energy vampires

You avoid engaging with people and relationships that drain your energy levels. You know how to spot an energy vampire due to the fact that you have dealt with similar situations in the past.

Your energy field develops a sort of defensive barrier, which will automatically prevent you from getting in contact with them.



3. You feel other people's emotions even when they are not around

3. You feel other people's emotions even when they are not around

You have the ability to pick up on other people's energy fields even when they are not physically present if you are energy sensitive.

Whether you are across the street or across the country, you are still able to capture the emotions they are experiencing.

It is important for an energy-sensitive person to often ask themselves questions like “Are these feelings mine?”

You can save yourself a lot of suffering if you are able to determine whether the negative feelings you are experiencing are related to your own energy field or to that of another person.



4. You are sensitive to light, sound, scents, and touch

4. You are sensitive to light, sound, scents and touch

You are sensitive to bright light and have a highly developed sense of smell, taste, and touch. If you are an empath, this means that your mind and body are connected.

Because of this connection, you are inherently more sensitive to all forms of energy, including electromagnetic energy and information received through the senses.



5. You feel overwhelmed in crowded places

5. You feel overwhelmed in crowded places

You feel more comfortable with a few people or by yourself as opposed to being in large groups, where you may pick up on pessimism, hostility, and many other negative feelings.



6. People tell you that you are too sensitive

6. People tell you that you are too sensitive

You are often told by those around you that you are overly sensitive. You feel more, think more, and experience feelings more deeply than most people.



7. You know when someone lies to you

7. You know when someone lies to you

You have a natural talent for interpreting people's body language. You are also capable of forming a mental picture of the feelings and mental states of others.

You can tell when people are lying to you by the change in their energy field as well as the change in their voice tone.

You know they are lying to you, and you have a good idea of exactly what is going on in their energy field. Your empathy makes you a good lie detector.



8. You can't watch violence on TV

8. You can't watch violence on TV

Because you are a compassionate person who always puts yourself in others' shoes, you can't help but feel bad when you witness scenes of violence while watching TV or in the movies.

Even though it's just a performance, it will give you the same mental and emotional distress that you would have experienced if it had actually happened.

It is not an easy thing to live as an empath, and it is even more difficult to live as an empath with a victim mentality because this means that you are putting the keys of your heart in the hands of other people.

Energy-sensitive people are more than just an energy sponge. You are in control, you have free will, and you have options.

It is important that you do not let fear prevent you from making use of this power and regaining control of your energy field.


8 Signs You Are Highly Energy Sensitive You See What Others Don’t Pin


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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